314 research outputs found

    The wages of CIN

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    Aneuploidy and chromosome instability (CIN) are hallmarks of the majority of solid tumors, but the relationship between them is not well understood. In this issue, Thompson and Compton (Thompson, S.L., and D.A. Compton. 2008. Examining the link between chromosomal instability and aneuploidy in human cells. J. Cell. Biol. 180:665–672) investigate the mechanism of CIN in cancer cells and find that CIN arises primarily from defective kinetochore–spindle attachments that evade detection by the spindle checkpoint and persist into anaphase. They also explore the consequences of artificially elevating chromosome missegregation in otherwise karyotypically normal cells. Their finding that induced aneuploidy is rapidly selected against suggests that the persistence of aneuploid cells in tumors requires not only chromosome missegregation but also additional, as yet poorly defined events

    Structural Memory in the Contractile Ring Makes the Duration of Cytokinesis Independent of Cell Size

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    SummaryCytokinesis is accomplished by constriction of a cortical contractile ring. We show that during the early embryonic divisions in C. elegans, ring constriction occurs in two phases—an initial phase at a constant rate followed by a second phase during which the constriction rate decreases in proportion to ring perimeter. Cytokinesis completes in the same amount of time, despite the reduction in cell size during successive divisions, due to a strict proportionality between initial ring size and the constant constriction rate. During closure, the myosin motor in the ring decreases in proportion to perimeter without turning over. We propose a “contractile unit” model to explain how the ring retains a structural memory of its initial size as it disassembles. The scalability of constriction may facilitate coordination of mitotic events and cytokinesis when cell size, and hence the distance traversed by the ring, varies during embryogenesis and in other contexts

    Microtubule capture by CENP-E silences BubR1-dependent mitotic checkpoint signaling

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    The mitotic checkpoint is the major cell cycle control mechanism for maintaining chromosome content in multicellular organisms. Prevention of premature onset of anaphase requires activation at unattached kinetochores of the BubR1 kinase, which acts with other components to generate a diffusible “stop anaphase” inhibitor. Not only does direct binding of BubR1 to the centromere-associated kinesin family member CENP-E activate its essential kinase, binding of a motorless fragment of CENP-E is shown here to constitutively activate BubR1 bound at kinetochores, producing checkpoint signaling that is not silenced either by spindle microtubule capture or the tension developed at those kinetochores by other components. Using purified BubR1, microtubules, and CENP-E, microtubule capture by the CENP-E motor domain is shown to silence BubR1 kinase activity in a ternary complex of BubR1–CENP-E–microtubule. Together, this reveals that CENP-E is the signal transducing linker responsible for silencing BubR1-dependent mitotic checkpoint signaling through its capture at kinetochores of spindle microtubules

    A role for Rab5 in structuring the endoplasmic reticulum

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a contiguous network of interconnected membrane sheets and tubules. The ER is differentiated into distinct domains, including the peripheral ER and nuclear envelope. Inhibition of two ER proteins, Rtn4a and DP1/NogoA, was previously shown to inhibit the formation of ER tubules in vitro. We show that the formation of ER tubules in vitro also requires a Rab family GTPase. Characterization of the 29 Caenorhabditis elegans Rab GTPases reveals that depletion of RAB-5 phenocopies the defects in peripheral ER structure that result from depletion of RET-1 and YOP-1, the C. elegans homologues of Rtn4a and DP1/NogoA. Perturbation of endocytosis by other means did not affect ER structure; the role of RAB-5 in ER morphology is thus independent of its well-studied requirement for endocytosis. RAB-5 and YOP-1/RET-1 also control the kinetics of nuclear envelope disassembly, which suggests an important role for the morphology of the peripheral ER in this process

    SAS-4 is recruited to a dynamic structure in newly forming centrioles that is stabilized by the γ-tubulin–mediated addition of centriolar microtubules

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    Centrioles are surrounded by pericentriolar material (PCM), which is proposed to promote new centriole assembly by concentrating γ-tubulin. Here, we quantitatively monitor new centriole assembly in living Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, focusing on the conserved components SAS-4 and SAS-6. We show that SAS-4 and SAS-6 are coordinately recruited to the site of new centriole assembly and reach their maximum levels during S phase. Centriolar SAS-6 is subsequently reduced by a mechanism intrinsic to the early assembly pathway that does not require progression into mitosis. Centriolar SAS-4 remains in dynamic equilibrium with the cytoplasmic pool until late prophase, when it is stably incorporated in a step that requires γ-tubulin and microtubule assembly. These results indicate that γ-tubulin in the PCM stabilizes the nascent daughter centriole by promoting microtubule addition to its outer wall. Such a mechanism may help restrict new centriole assembly to the vicinity of preexisting parent centrioles that recruit PCM

    Mlh2 is an accessory factor for DNA mismatch repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the essential mismatch repair (MMR) endonuclease Mlh1-Pms1 forms foci promoted by Msh2-Msh6 or Msh2-Msh3 in response to mispaired bases. Here we analyzed the Mlh1-Mlh2 complex, whose role in MMR has been unclear. Mlh1-Mlh2 formed foci that often colocalized with and had a longer lifetime than Mlh1-Pms1 foci. Mlh1-Mlh2 foci were similar to Mlh1-Pms1 foci: they required mispair recognition by Msh2-Msh6, increased in response to increased mispairs or downstream defects in MMR, and formed after induction of DNA damage by phleomycin but not double-stranded breaks by I-SceI. Mlh1-Mlh2 could be recruited to mispair-containing DNA in vitro by either Msh2-Msh6 or Msh2-Msh3. Deletion of MLH2 caused a synergistic increase in mutation rate in combination with deletion of MSH6 or reduced expression of Pms1. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the S. cerevisiae Mlh2 protein and the mammalian PMS1 protein are homologs. These results support a hypothesis that Mlh1-Mlh2 is a non-essential accessory factor that acts to enhance the activity of Mlh1-Pms1

    Kin I Kinesins Are Microtubule-Destabilizing Enzymes

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    AbstractUsing in vitro assays with purified proteins, we show that XKCM1 and XKIF2, two distinct members of the internal catalytic domain (Kin I) kinesin subfamily, catalytically destabilize microtubules using a novel mechanism. Both XKCM1 and XKIF2 influence microtubule stability by targeting directly to microtubule ends where they induce a destabilizing conformational change. ATP hydrolysis recycles XKCM1/XKIF2 for multiple rounds of action by dissociating a XKCM1/XKIF2–tubulin dimer complex released upon microtubule depolymerization. These results establish Kin I kinesins as microtubule-destabilizing enzymes, distinguish them mechanistically from kinesin superfamily members that use ATP hydrolysis to translocate along microtubules, and have important implications for the regulation of microtubule dynamics and for the intracellular functions and evolution of the kinesin superfamily