50 research outputs found

    An Approach to Designing the Interface of the Automated Documentary System

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    n the paper the procedure for calculation, designing and estimation of the ergonomics of the interface of systems of document circulation is considered. The original computation procedure and the data received during the designing of the interface of documentary system are given

    Creation of a Free Person and Citizen: Evolution of a Paideic Ideals

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    Among the values announced in the 20th century, the need for education is comparable to the need for life, health. This fact is the remote echo of paideia. Being a supertemporal phenomenon, this ideal cannot exist without constant self-reflection. Paideia is also the subject of objective philosophical interpretation. There is an illusion that it is understandable. However, knowledge of the philosophical framework of paideia does not give us occasion to optimism. The study considers the traditional aspects of paideia in the modern interpretation of virtues in general to ideas of the conditions of the current establishment of a free person and citizen. Our analysis includes the historical aspect as well as seeks meanings supplementing the modern understanding of paideia

    Kintamo laiko žingsnio taikymas neišreikštinėse schemose modeliuojant biojutiklių veikimą

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    The operation of biosensors is described by mathematical models with reaction-diffusion equations. Due to non-linear reaction members, these models are solved using numerical methods, which often are a very time-consuming. The goal is to propose variable time step size algorithm which would reduce required calculations while preserving the accuracy of results. The proposed algorithm was applied to two biosensor models: with different diffusion and reaction. The applications of this algorithm are wide, because it is based on a few basic requirements, which are true for most biosensors models. The recommendations were made for choosing optimal algorithm parameters in general case. Algorithms efficiency was found to be dependent on mathematical models reaction part. Although the algorithm does reduce step count for all analyzed model parameters, the step count decrease ranges from 30% to tens of millions times.Biojutiklių veikimas aprašomas matematiniais modeliais su reakcijos difuzijos lygtimis. Dėl netiesiškumo reakcijos nariuose, tikslus matematinių modelių sprendimas įmanomas tik skaitinių metodų pagalba, tačiau tai imlus laikui procesas. Darbo tikslas – pasiūlyti laiko žingsnio keitimo algoritmą, kuris nepažeistų skaičiavimų tikslumo, bet sumažintų reikalingų atlikti skaičiavimų kiekį neišreikštinėse baigtinių skirtumų schemose. Sukurtas algoritmas buvo pritaikytas dviems biojutiklių modeliams: su skirtinga difuzija ir su skirtinga reakcija. Šio algoritmo pritaikymo galimybės yra plačios, nes jis remiasi daugeliui biojutiklių būdingomis savybėmis. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip parinkti optimalius algoritmo parametrus bendru atveju. Nustatyta, kad algoritmo efektyvumas labiausiai priklauso nuo matematinio modelio reakcijos narių, tačiau algoritmas spartina skaičiavimus su visais nagrinėjamais modelių parametrais. Skaičiavimo laiko sumažinimas svyruoja nuo 30% iki dešimčių milijonų kartų

    Eine Gleichung mit zwei Unbekannten: Johannes Widekindis Exzerpte aus Petrus Petrejus

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    The scale and character of the Swedish historian Petrus Petrejus’ influence on Historia Belli Sveco-Moscovitici Decennalis by his countryman Johannes Widekindi have not been subject to systematical research; only a few of the loaned passages have been identified as such by Helge Almquist and the editors of the Russian translation of Widekindi. The general evaluation of Petrejus’ importance for Widekindi as formulated by the latter ones is nevertheless somewhat exaggerated. This article contains a list of the loans and a discussion of the problems that emerge when distinguishing the loans from Petrejus from the loans from the other sources (Stanisław Kobierzycki, Axel Oxenstierna, geographical and documentary sources). The analysis points out that Widekindi has not used the manuscript of Conrad Bussow’s chronicle. Finally, the mechanism of Widekindi’s work with Petrejus is specified. Despite being acquainted with the German version, he usually resorted to the Swedish one. Some details of Widekindi’s rendering of the information given by Petrejus demonstrate that when paraphrasing (and not quoting word for word, as on three occasions) Petrejus, the Latin text of Widekindi is the source text for his Swedish. So two steps of the work may be discerned: first Widekindi paraphrased Petrejus in his Latin draft, and then he added to the Swedish translation some fragments of the Swedish text by Petrejus

    Some Notes on the Literary Sources of Historia Belli Sveco- Moscovitici Decennalis by Johannes Widekindi

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    The article aims at giving a more systematic and complete notion of Johannes Widekindi’s literary (as opposed to documentary) sources in his historiographical work on the Ingrian war — apart from the wellknown usage of Stanislaw Kobierzycki and Petrus Petrejus — than has been done in previous research. First, all the references in the Novgorod appendix are deciphered. Furthermore, sources are listed for two large digressions in the main text, namely on Pskov and on Cossacks. Some notes are made on the usage of Axel Oxenstierna’s sketch on Swedish-Polish relations in the first book of Widekindi’s work. All in all, more than a dozen works are listed, and some of them are discovered to be Widekindi’s sources for the first time, among others Theatrum humanae vitae by Theodor Zwinger, Commentariorum Chotinensis belli libri tres by Jakub Sobieski, the anonymous Tragoedia Moscovitica, the poems by Johannes Narssius and others. In general, the list of sources attest to Widekindi’s interest in Polish affairs rather than any concern for Russian history

    Impact of granules from crushed expanded polystyrene package on properties of thermo-insulating plaster

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    The paper deals with the use of lightweight porous aggregate, i.e. crushed expanded polystyrene package crumbs (EPSC) in the composition of thermo-insulating plaster. Its effectiveness is compared to that of spherical granules of expanded polystyrene – white coloured (EPS) and grey coloured (NEOPOR). The content of lightweight aggregate changed from 1.25 to 1.75 l/kg of dry mix. The investigation focused on properties of modified plaster, such as density, compressive strength, thermal conductivity and water vapour permeability. It was established that EPSC reduce density of plaster from 1350 to 530 kg/m3, improving such properties as thermal conductivity and water vapour permeability but decreasing compressive strength. In addition, the paper established the adhesion force of plaster (content of lightweight aggregate was 1.25 l/kg of dry mix) to ceramics, silicate and autoclaved aerated concrete masonry elements. The character of macrostructure of plaster was considered, as well as bonding with a coat of decorative paint. It was found that plaster with EPSC has similar properties to plasters with EPS and NEOPOR aggregates; however, in case of EPSC, the relative vapour resistance is better. The provided regression equations can be used for prediction of differently modified plasters

    Arsenij Roginskij : la vérité et le droit

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    J’ai cinq ans. Je cours dans la rue, derrière moi un groupe de gosses du même âge qui crient « Ton père est au camp, ton père est au camp ! ». En plus, je suis juif. Mon père était né dans une bourgade de Biélorussie. Il avait fini l’école polytechnique de Leningrad et travaillait comme chef d’atelier dans l’une des usines locales. En 1938, il fut arrêté et envoyé en camp. Maman survécut avec les enfants, Kira et Micha, au premier hiver du blocus de Leningrad. Par la suite, ils furent évacués..