4 research outputs found

    Teoria e pråxis e o antagonismo entre a formação politécnica e as relaçÔes sociais capitalistas Theory and practice and antagonism between polytecnic training and capitalist social relations

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    O presente texto busca explicitar a concepção de educação e de projeto de sociedade que estĂĄ na origem e desenvolvimento da Escola PolitĂ©cnica de SaĂșde Joaquim VenĂąncio, tarefa teĂłrica e Ă©tico-polĂ­tica que se impĂ”e com o inĂ­cio do Programa de PĂłs-graduação strictu sensu de Educação Profissional em SaĂșde. Enfatiza-se, nesta anĂĄlise, que o tempo histĂłrico que vivemos Ă© de regressĂŁo no campo social, polĂ­tico e educacional e que, portanto, os desafios do curso de mestrado que se inicia sĂŁo mais complexos. Trata-se de produzir, mediados pela teoria, a compreensĂŁo da urgĂȘncia de se construir, desde agora, na disputa contra-hegemĂŽnica, processos educativos que conduzam as novas geraçÔes a entender o carĂĄter cada vez mais inviĂĄvel da sociedade capitalista centrada na competição, desperdĂ­cio, consumo e violĂȘncia. Com base nesta compreensĂŁo, produzir a subjetividade coletiva da necessidade polĂ­tica da prĂĄxis revolucionĂĄria para a superação da sociedade capitalista.<br>This text seeks to explain the conception of education and of society's project which is in the origin and development of the Polytechnic School of Health Joaquim Venancio, a theoretical task and a ethically based policy that imposes itself with the beginning of the Post-graduate program strictu sensu in Professional Education in Health. It is emphasized in this analysis that the historical time we live in is of regression in the social, political and educational fields and, therefore, the challenges of the master's program that is starting are more complex. It is intended to develop, based on theory, the understanding of the urgency to build educational processes that bring the new generations to understand capitalist's society's character which becomes more and more not viable and focused on competition, waste, consumption and violence, and, based on this understanding, to produce a collective understanding of the political imperative of a revolutionary approach to overcome the capitalist society