1 research outputs found

    Administrazio publikoa eta parte hartzea: Altzako Garapen Komunitario Plana (Donostia)

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    Jarraian aurkezten den idatzi hau, parte-hartzeak duen gaurkotasunaz eta bereziki Administrazioak duen erronkaz hausnartzeko ahalegin txiki bat besterik ez da. Ardatz nagusia Udako Euskal Unibertsitateak Miarritzen 2004ko uztailean antolatutako saio batean agertutakoa izango da. Lehenik, derrigorrezkoak diren zenbait azalpen teoriko egitea komeni dela iruditzen zaigu, eta jarraian, gaur egun abian jarri den esperientzia baten berri emango dugu. Beraz, bi atal bereiziko ditugu: batetik, teoriatik berresku-ratuko ditugun kontzeptu batzuk, eta bestetik, azterketa praktiko bat, Donostiako Udalak 2002ko azaroan martxan jarri zuen Altzako Garapen Komunitario Plana.The document presented below is only a small effort made in reflecting on the contemporary nature that political participation implies and especially the challenge facing Goverment. What has been stated and which appeared in a session organized by the Summer Basque University in Biarritz in July 2004 will serve as the central point of discussion. First of all, it is our opinion that it is best to present several necessary theoretical explanations but, as we go on, what we would like to stress the most is that we are reporting on an experience that is presently under way. Thus, we shall divide it up into two sections: 1. Some concepts which we shall derive from theory 2. A practical analysis of the Community Plan for Developing Altza which was launched by the Donostia-San Sebastian City Council in the Summer of 2002