32 research outputs found

    Pulmonary-renal crosstalk in the critically ill patient

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    Indexaci贸n: Web of Science; Scielo.A pesar de los avances en el desarrollo de las terapias de reemplazo renal, la mortalidad de la falla renal aguda permanece elevada, especialmente, cuando se manifiesta simult谩neamente con fallas org谩nicas distantes, como es en el caso del s铆ndrome de distr茅s respiratorio agudo. Se revisa la relaci贸n bidireccional delet茅rea entre pulm贸n y ri帽贸n, en el escenario de disfunci贸n org谩nica, la cual presenta aspectos cl铆nicos relevantes de conocer. Se discuten los efectos renales del s铆ndrome de distr茅s respiratorio agudo y del uso de la ventilaci贸n mec谩nica a presi贸n positiva, siendo el da帽o inducido por este (ventilator induced lung injury) uno de los modelos utilizado frecuentemente para el estudio de la interacci贸n pulm贸n-ri帽贸n. Se enfatiza el rol de la falla renal inducida por la ventilaci贸n mec谩nica (ventilator-induced kidney injury) en la patogenia de la falla renal aguda. Asimismo se analizan las repercusiones pulmonares de la falla renal aguda, reconoci茅ndose que esta condici贸n patol贸gica induce un incremento en la permeabilidad vascular pulmonar, inflamaci贸n y alteraci贸n de los canales de sodio y agua del epitelio alveolar, entre otros efectos. Este modelo conceptual puede ser la base para el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias terap茅uticas a utilizar en el paciente con s铆ndrome de disfunci贸n org谩nica m煤ltiple.Despite advances in the development of renal replacement therapy, mortality of acute renal failure remains high, especially when occurring simultaneously with distant organic failure as it is in the case of the acute respiratory distress syndrome. In this update, birideccional deleterious relationship between lung and kidney on the setting of organ dysfunction is reviewed, which presents important clinical aspects of knowing. Specifically, the renal effects of acute respiratory distress syndrome and the use of positive-pressure mechanical ventilation are discussed, being ventilator induced lung injury one of the most common models for studying the lung-kidney crosstalk. The role of renal failure induced by mechanical ventilation (ventilator-induced kidney injury) in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure is emphasized. We also analyze the impact of the acute renal failure in the lung, recognizing an increase in pulmonary vascular permeability, inflammation, and alteration of sodium and water channels in the alveolar epithelial. This conceptual model can be the basis for the development of new therapeutic strategies to use in patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.http://ref.scielo.org/nxgzw

    Septic shock in pediatrics I. Current approach in diagnosis and therapeutics

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    Indexaci贸n: Web of Science; Scielo.El shock s茅ptico es una de las principales causas de mortalidad infantil a nivel mundial y representa una compleja y progresiva v铆a inflamatoria secundaria a una enfermedad infecciosa, la cual origina disfunci贸n cardiovascular aguda, no necesariamente hipotensi贸n arterial, condicionando disoxia tisular y eventualmente falla celular y org谩nica. Los paquetes de medidas de resucitaci贸n propuestos enfatizan el reconocimiento cl铆nico y un tratamiento precoz. Estas intervenciones se basan en la pronta y agresiva resucitaci贸n con fluidos intravenosos para una adecuada perfusi贸n tisular, administraci贸n de antibi贸ticos, remoci贸n del foco infeccioso y el uso de drogas vasoactivas en caso de ser necesario. La terapia debe evaluarse permanentemente seg煤n la normalizaci贸n de metas cl铆nicas y de laboratorio. En la presente publicaci贸n se actualiza el conocimiento de las caracter铆sticas epidemiol贸gicas y fisiopatol贸gicas de la sepsis, una puesta al d铆a en definiciones operacionales, campa帽as internacionales y referentes a las iniciativas propuestas para disminuir su morbimortalidad. Se aborda el enfoque terap茅utico inicial en el servicio de urgencia. El objetivo de este art铆culo es dar a conocer el estado actual del conocimiento en el diagn贸stico y tratamiento del paciente con shock s茅ptico especialmente en su fase inicial previo al ingreso a UCI.Septic shock is a major cause of infant mortality worldwide and represents the progressive underlying inflammatory pathway secondary to an infectious disease, which causes acute cardiovascular dysfunction, not necessarily hypotension, tissue dysoxia and eventually cellular and organ failure. Standard resuscitative measures emphasize clinical recognition and early treatment. These interventions are based on early and aggressive resuscitation with intravenous fluids to optimize tissue perfusion, antibiotics, removal of the source of infection and the use of vasoactive drugs if necessary. Therapy should be permanently evaluated according to the standardized laboratory and clinical targets. This publication is an update on the epidemiology and pathophysiology of sepsis, operational definitions, current international campaigns and initiatives concerning proposals to decrease the morbidity and mortality of this condition. It also addresses initial therapeutic approaches in the emergency room. The aim of this study is to present the current state of knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with septic shock especially in the initial phase before admissions to intensive care units.http://ref.scielo.org/sbjrb

    Septic shock in pediatrics II. Current concepts in diagnosis and treatment

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    Indexaci贸n: Web of Science; Scielo.Aunque los principios b谩sicos para el diagn贸stico y los pilares terap茅uticos del ni帽o con shock s茅ptico se mantienen en el tiempo, es innegable que en las 煤ltimas d茅cadas se han incorporado nuevos y trascendentes conceptos, siendo importante que el m茅dico tratante en el Servicio de Urgencia tenga conocimiento a cabalidad de ellos. En la segunda parte de esta actualizaci贸n se discuten las similitudes y diferencias entre la poblaci贸n infantil y adulta, la utilidad de las metas de reanimaci贸n metab贸licas, como tambi茅n el enfoque terap茅utico inicial en el paciente s茅ptico. Los conceptos m谩s importantes revisados se refieren a las diferencias entre el ni帽o y adulto con shock s茅ptico, especialmente en la fisiopatolog铆a, cl铆nica y tratamiento. Se recalca la importancia de expansi贸n de la volemia y el uso de drogas vasoactivas si no hay respuesta a fluidos de reanimaci贸n. El manejo terap茅utico debe estar orientado a la b煤squeda de la normalizaci贸n de metas macrohemodin谩micas y de perfusi贸n sist茅mica. Se deben evitar los errores m谩s frecuentes de observar en el tratamiento inicial del paciente s茅ptico. Esta entidad presenta una elevada incidencia y mortalidad, por lo cual el manejo precoz y agresivo es de m谩xima importancia en pediatr铆a.Although the basic concepts of diagnosis and therapy of the child with septic shock have remained similar over time, it is undeniable that in recent decades, new and important concepts have been added, and any treating physician either at the Emergency Department or Intensive Care Unit should be fully aware of them. This second part discusses the similarities and differences between pediatric and adult populations, the utility of metabolic resuscitation goals, as well as the initial therapeutic approach in septic patients. The most important concepts of this work make reference to the differences between children and adults with septic shock, specifically regarding to pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment. Volume expansion and vasoactive drugs are crucial if there is no response to fluid resuscitation. The therapeutic management should focus on finding the normalization of macrohemodynamic and systemic perfusion targets. Common observation mistakes in the initial treatment of septic patients should be avoided. This condition has a high incidence and mortality rate; therefore an early and aggressive treatment is essential.http://ref.scielo.org/cc6t3

    Septic shock in ICU: Advanced therapeutics, immunoparalysis and genomics. State of the art

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    Indexaci贸n: Web of Science; Scielo.En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, se han incorporado nuevos y trascendentes conceptos para el tratamiento avanzado del paciente en shock s茅ptico. Se debe considerar el uso de terapia inmune en grupos seleccionados de pacientes. Las terapias de sustituci贸n renal de car谩cter continuo sonbien toleradas y su empleo precoz evita sobrecargas de fluidos. El uso de hemofiltraci贸n de alto volumen puede jugar un papel en el paciente s茅ptico hiperdin谩mico. La plasmaf茅resis es 煤til en el paciente con disfunci贸n multiorg谩nica. El empleo de soporte extracorp贸reo se debe considerar en quienes presentan shock s茅ptico refractario. La inmunopar谩lisis se ha asociado con infecciones nosocomiales y mortalidad tard铆a. La informaci贸n obtenida de los marcadores gen茅ticos puede permitir la b煤squeda de una medicina basada en la gen贸mica.New and important concepts have emerged for the advanced management of the child with septic shock in the recent decades. Attending physicians in the Pediatric intensive care unit must be fully aware of them to improve patient care in the critical care unit. It should be considered the use of immune therapy only in selected groups of patients. Continuous renal replacement therapies are well tolerated and their early use prevents deleterious fluid overload. Removal of inflammatory mediators by using high volume hemofiltration may play a role in hyperdynamic septic patients. The use of plasmapheresis is recommended in patients with thrombocytopenia-associated multiple organ failure. Extracorporeal support use should be considered in those with refractory septic shock despite goals directed therapy. The immunoparalysis has been associated with nosocomial infections and late mortality. The information from genetic markers may allow early intervention and preventive genomics-based medicine.http://ref.scielo.org/g8m9m

    Septic shock in intensive care units. Current focus on treatment

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    Indexaci贸n: Web of Science; Scielo.Los pilares terap茅uticos del ni帽o con shock s茅ptico se mantienen en el tiempo, sin embargo, se han incorporado nuevos conceptos, siendo importante que el pediatra y el intensivista tengan conocimiento a cabalidad de ellos. La reanimaci贸n con fluidos es una intervenci贸n fundamental, no obstante, a煤n no se ha establecido un tipo de fluido ideal, presentando cada uno limitaciones espec铆ficas, no existiendo evidencia sobre la superioridad de un tipo de fluido. Si a pesar de una adecuada resucitaci贸n con fluidos persiste el shock, el inicio de in贸tropos y/o vasopresores est谩 indicado. En caso de refractariedad al uso de vasopresores, nuevos f谩rmacos vasoactivos pueden ser empleados y el uso de hidrocortisona debe considerarse en ni帽os con sospecha de insuficiencia suprarrenal. Existe controversia respecto a la transfusi贸n de gl贸bulos rojos o el nivel 贸ptimo de glucemia, no existiendo consenso en el valor umbral para el uso de estos hemocomponentes o el inicio de insulina, respectivamente. Asimismo, la utilizaci贸n de la hemofiltraci贸n de alto volumen (HFAV)a煤n permanece controversial, requiriendo mayores estudios para su recomendaci贸n en forma rutinaria en el curso de un shock s茅ptico refractario. El soporte nutricional es primordial, ya que la desnutrici贸n es una grave complicaci贸n que debe ser prevenida y tratada adecuadamente. El objetivo de la presente revisi贸n es entregar una actualizaci贸n en los m谩s recientes avances en tratamiento del shock s茅ptico en la poblaci贸n pedi谩trica.Essential therapeutic principles in children with septic shock persist over time, although some new concepts have been recently incorporated, and fully awareness of pediatricians and intensivists is essential. Fluid resuscitation is a fundamental intervention, but the kind of ideal fluid has not been established yet, as each of these interventions has specific limitations and there is no evidence supportive of the superiority of one type of fluid. Should septic shock persists despite adequate fluid resuscitation, the use of inotropic medication and/or vasopressors is indicated. New vasoactive drugs can be used in refractory septic shock caused by vasopressors, and the use of hydrocortisone should be considered in children with suspected adrenal insufficiency, as it reduces the need for vasopressors. The indications for red blood cells transfusion or the optimal level of glycemia are still controversial, with no consensus on the threshold value for the use of these blood products or the initiation of insulin administration, respectively. Likewise, the use of high-volume hemofiltration is a controversial issue and further study is needed on the routine recommendation in the course of septic shock. Nutritional support is crucial, as malnutrition is a serious complication that should be properly prevented and treated. The aim of this paper is to provide update on the most recent advances as concerns the treatment of septic shock in the pediatric population.http://ref.scielo.org/79wr6

    Origen de ep贸nimos com煤nmente empleados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos

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    Nephrobronchial f铆stula in pediatric patient. Case report

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    Indexaci贸n: Web of Science; Scielo.La f铆stula nefrobronquial es una complicaci贸n infrecuente de las infecciones renales, que ocurre habitualmente en pacientes adultos con pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa. Comunicamos el caso de una paciente de 12 a帽os con antecedentes de myelomeningocele operado e infecci贸n urinaria recurrente, quien consult贸 con historia de cuatro semanas de fiebre, tos y disnea. Ingres贸 en shock s茅ptico y present贸 inundaci贸n de la v铆a a茅rea por pus, que le ocasion贸 episodio de asistolia. Mediante tomograf铆a computarizada de abdomen, se diagnostic贸 extensa colecci贸n perirrenal izquierda. Se efectu贸 un drenaje percut谩neo, que dio salida a pus y aire. TAC de t贸rax y abdomen mostr贸 f铆stula transdiafragm谩tica entre la base pulmonar izquierda y colecci贸n intraabdominal. Se realiz贸 nefrectom铆a total. La paciente mostr贸 mejor铆a progresiva poscirug铆a y regresi贸n total de la sintomatolog铆a. Este infrecuente caso cl铆nico en ni帽os ilustra la importancia del diagn贸stico precoz de infecci贸n urinaria en pacientes con patolog铆as asociadas y de presentar un elevado 铆ndice de sospecha ante una complicaci贸n potencialmente letal.Nephrobronchial fistula is a rare complication of kidney infections, usually occurring in adult patients with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and very occasionally in children. We reported a 12-year-old girl, with a history of myelomeningocele and recurrent urinary tract infection, who presented with a four-week fever, cough and dyspnea, developing septic shock and presenting flood of airway by pus which caused cardiac arrest. A diagnosis of left perirenal extensive collection was established by abdominal computed tomography (CT). The patient first had antibiotic therapy and percutaneous drainage was performed draining pus and air. Thoracic and abdominal CT scan was performed corroborating transdiaphragmatic fistula. Total nephrectomy was performed. The patient showed gradual improvement after surgery and total regression of symptoms. Pathologic examination concluded chronic pyelonephritis. This case report illustrates a rare complication in children, the importance of early diagnosis of urinary tract infection in patients with comorbidities and of exhibiting a high index of suspicion to a potentially lethal complication.http://ref.scielo.org/3psms

    El ni帽o con S铆ndrome de Down en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos

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