183 research outputs found

    Quantitative Analysis of the Voltage-dependent Gating of Mouse Parotid ClC-2 Chloride Channel

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    Various ClC-type voltage-gated chloride channel isoforms display a double barrel topology, and their gating mechanisms are thought to be similar. However, we demonstrate in this work that the nearly ubiquitous ClC-2 shows significant differences in gating when compared with ClC-0 and ClC-1. To delineate the gating of ClC-2 in quantitative terms, we have determined the voltage (Vm) and time dependence of the protopore (Pf) and common (Ps) gates that control the opening and closing of the double barrel. mClC-2 was cloned from mouse salivary glands, expressed in HEK 293 cells, and the resulting chloride currents (ICl) were measured using whole cell patch clamp. WT channels had ICl that showed inward rectification and biexponential time course. Time constants of fast and slow components were ∼10-fold different at negative Vm and corresponded to Pf and Ps, respectively. Pf and Ps were ∼1 at −200 mV, while at Vm ≥ 0 mV, Pf ∼ 0 and Ps ∼ 0.6. Hence, Pf dominated open kinetics at moderately negative Vm, while at very negative Vm both gates contributed to gating. At Vm ≥ 0 mV, mClC-2 closes by shutting off Pf. Three- and two-state models described the open-to-closed transitions of Pf and Ps, respectively. To test these models, we mutated conserved residues that had been previously shown to eliminate or alter Pf or Ps in other ClC channels. Based on the time and Vm dependence of the two gates in WT and mutant channels, we constructed a model to explain the gating of mClC-2. In this model the E213 residue contributes to Pf, the dominant regulator of gating, while the C258 residue alters the Vm dependence of Pf, probably by interacting with residue E213. These data provide a new perspective on ClC-2 gating, suggesting that the protopore gate contributes to both fast and slow gating and that gating relies strongly on the E213 residue

    La mujer: Explotación, lucha, liberación

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    La mujer: Explotación, lucha, liberación es el resultado de un esfuerzo colectivo. Conviene así con el enfoque que, desde diversos planos analíticos, se ha buscado darle: un escudriñador de la esencia oculta bajo el relumbrón de lo aparencial. En otras palabras: no se conforma con examinar las leyes, costumbres, prejuicios y convenciones que atan a la mujer del fogón o la estufa de gas, sin por ello dejarla de explotar en la fábrica, los servicios y en los prostíbulos, sino que desciende a la raíz y escarba en la estructura productora de aquel follaje superestructural y deteminante de la explotación de la mujer en varios frentes: el doméstico, el de su trabajo aportador de capital; el ideológico... todo erigido sobre el hecho natural de que la carga de la reproducción biológica se echa sobre su vientre. Un libro para mujeres y hombres que lo sean conscientes de que como diría Marx: "La relación directa, natural y necesaria entre dos seres humanos es la relación entre el hombre y la mujer". Y sabedores de que la lucha emancipadora se da en el seno de una clase, la del proletariado, bisexual y en el fragor de la lucha de clases. No en el aislamiento en una de utopía maliciosamente sostenida para aislar y explotar a la mujer

    Nuevos registros de distribución del gorrión de Worthen Spizella wortheni en San Luis Potosí, México

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    El rango de distribución restringido y el pequeño tamaño poblacional del gorrión de Worthen han ocasionado que esta ave sea considerada una especie amenazada en México y a nivel internacional. Aquí reportamos nuevos registros de esta ave los cuales expanden su rango de distribución conocido en los últimos cuarenta años y abren la posibilidad del uso de hábitats adicionales que no habían sido documentados anteriormente. Por lo tanto es importante realizar esfuerzos para documentar posible actividad reproductiva en estos hábitats

    Pobreza Y Cultura De Paz Una Reflexión Teórica

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    La estructura económica actual ha profundizado la concentración del ingreso, agudizando la exclusión, marginación y pobreza. Las personas en estas condiciones pueden ser más vulnerables a cometer o sufrir actos de violencia, por lo que el supuesto central de la presente investigación es que; aquellos países con más altos índices de pobreza son los que tienen mayores niveles de violencia e inseguridad. De esta forma, el objetivo de este artículo es hacer una reflexión de la incidencia que la pobreza podría tener sobre la ausencia de paz, para lo cual, primero, se realiza una breve descripción de la cultura de paz y la pobreza, inmediatamente se presenta algunas estadísticas generales de esta y el índice global de paz, lo que surge, inferencialmente, la relación entre estas dos variables

    Particle swarm optimization of nanoantennabased infrared detectors

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    The multi-resonant response of three-steps tapered dipole nano-antennas, coupled to a resistive and fast micro-bolometer, is investigated for the efficient sensing in the infrared band. The proposed devices are designed to operate at 10.6 µm, regime where the complex refractive index of metals becomes important, in contrast to the visible counterpart, and where a full parametric analysis is performed. By using a particle swarm algorithm (PSO) the geometry was adjusted to match the impedance between the nanoantenna and the microbolometer, reducing the return losses by a factor of 650 percent. This technique is compared to standards matching techniques based on transmission lines, showing better accuracy. Tapered dipoles, therefore, open the route towards an efficient energy transfer between load elements and resonant nanoantennas

    Association between the histopathologic findings of a zero-time biopsy and the donor kidney function 24 hours and a year after nephrectomy

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    Background: The living-donor transplantation (LDT) is essential to provide patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) a superior quality of life and improve their lifespan. Recent investigations prove that the living donors (LD) have a risk of developing CKD, without there being a way to anticipate it. The zero-time biopsies provide valuable information that may contribute to this objective since they report histopathologic findings of subclinical chronic damage. Methods: Retrospective, observational and analytical study. The information from the medical files and pathology department of LD attended at “Dr. Miguel Silva” general hospital from January 2006 to January 2018 was analyzed. The glomerular filtrate rate was obtained 24 hours and a year after nephrectomy and was estimated based on CDK-EPI. The comparison among groups was made through Mann-Whitney testing for continuous numeric. A value of p36 years, the dropping of the GFR >43%, the GFR and the creatinine levels after 24 hours of nephrectomy were associated with a reduction of the GFR the year after nephrectomy