7 research outputs found

    Depicting the metabolism of Paracoccidioides

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    Seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C virus markers among blood donors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1998-2005

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    The prevalence of infection by hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) viruses varies among geographical regions. In order to determine the prevalence of HBV and HCV infection in voluntary blood donors we evaluated the prevalence of HBsAg, anti-HBc, and anti-HCV markers of 128,497 blood donor samples collected from 1998 to 2005 in the state of Rio de Janeiro. These markers were analyzed by immunoenzymatic tests, as determined by the Ministry of Health. Data were obtained from the Sorology Laboratory of the Hemoterapy Service of the Instituto Nacional de Câncer, Rio de Janeiro. Overall prevalence estimates were: 0.27% for HBsAg, 3.68% for anti-HBc, and 0.90% for anti-HCV. There was a significant decrease in the overall prevalence of HBsAg (from 0.36 to 0.14%) and anti-HBc (from 6.12 to 2.05%) in the period encompassed between 1998-2005. Similarly, there was a decline in anti-HCV prevalence rates in Brazilian blood donors, from 1.04% in 1998 to 0.79% in 2004, with an increase of HCV prevalence to 1.09% in 2005. These prevalence estimates were higher than those found in other countries, indicating high rates of infection by HBV and HCV and a persistent risk of HBV and HCV transmission by transfusion

    Farmacoepidemiologia no Brasil: evolução e perspectivas Pharmacoepidemiology in Brazil: evolution and prospects

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    O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento da farmacoepidemiologia no Brasil. Enfatiza o papel dos programas de educação continuada em farmacologia coordenados pelo professor Carlos Lacaz, autor do primeiro livro brasileiro sobre doenças iatrogênicas. Ressalta o papel do programa de formação em farmácia clínica da Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde, onde vários profissionais brasileiros tiveram o primeiro contato com o Programa de farmacovigilância por Monitorização Intensiva Hospitalar. Refere também às primeiras teses de doutorado sobre medicamentos defendidas na Universidade de São Paulo. Relata a tentativa da Divisão de Medicamentos do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil de se direcionar para a farmacovigilância. Tece considerações sobre a I Oficina de Trabalho sobre medicamentos organizada pelas Secretarias Municipal e Estadual de Saúde de São Paulo. Enfatiza a criação da Sociedade Brasileira de Vigilância de Medicamentos, e sua importância como estimuladora da farmacoepidemiologia. Analisa o impulso do setor dinamizado pela implantação dos Centros de Informações de Medicamentos, no país. Conclui que já existem condições para se incrementar a pesquisa farmacoepidemiológica no Brasil.<br>This work recovers the historical development of pharmacoepidemiology in Brazil. The role played by the following events is particularly dealt with the influence of the pharmacological education programs coordinated by professor Carlos Lacaz, author of the first Brazilian textbook on iatrogenic diseases; the clinical pharmacy program offered by the Pan-American Health Organization, which provided a number of Brazilian professionals their first contact with the Program of Drug Surveillance by Intensive Hospital Monitoring; the first doctoral on drugs presented at São Paulo University; the attempt of the Division of Medicine of the Brazilian Health Ministry to include Pharmacovigilance among its more important aims. Also the founding of the Brazilian Association for Drug Surveillance are reported. Emphasis is also placed on the implementation of several Drug Information Centers in Brazil, and the new thrust thus provided to Drug Epidemiology. Finally, conclusions are drawn on the conditions for gathering efforts already available in universities and health service agencies nationwide in order to implement pharmacoepidemiological research in Brazil