47 research outputs found

    The Impact of Union Dissolution and Divorce on Adolescents’ and Adults’ Relationships with their Parents

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    Using data of the German Family Panel pairfam, this article examines whether relationship-related transitions among adolescents and adults – separations with or without subsequent new relationships and transitions from being single to a relationship – impact different aspects of their relationship with their parents (contact frequency, intimacy, and conflict). Several competing hypotheses are tested. The resource hypothesis, following a supply-side argumentation, posits that relationships generate resources (i.e. social capital) that facilitate exchange with parents; relationship breakup implies resource deprivation and produces strain, which adversely affects the parent-child relationship (spillover hypothesis). According to the demand-based compensation hypothesis, horizontal relationships and vertical intergenerational relations are substitutively associated with each other; hence, exchanges between generations should be strongest when children are not involved in romantic relationships. The analyses yield evidence in line with both the compensation hypothesis (particularly among adolescents) and the spillover hypothesis (among adults). The effects are largely gender neutral.Using data of the German Family Panel pairfam, this article examines whether relationship-related transitions among adolescents and adults – separations with or without subsequent new relationships and transitions from being single to a relationship – impact different aspects of their relationship with their parents (contact frequency, intimacy, and conflict). Several competing hypotheses are tested. The resource hypothesis, following a supply-side argumentation, posits that relationships generate resources (i.e. social capital) that facilitate exchange with parents; relationship breakup implies resource deprivation and produces strain, which adversely affects the parent-child relationship (spillover hypothesis). According to the demand-based compensation hypothesis, horizontal relationships and vertical intergenerational relations are substitutively associated with each other; hence, exchanges between generations should be strongest when children are not involved in romantic relationships. The analyses yield evidence in line with both the compensation hypothesis (particularly among adolescents) and the spillover hypothesis (among adults). The effects are largely gender neutral

    Social Diffusion of Religious Values within Families: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations

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    Familienmitglieder reprĂ€sentieren fĂŒreinander jeweils gegenseitig den sozialen Kontext, innerhalb dessen sich familiales Handeln und individuelle Persönlichkeitsentwicklung abspielen. Soziale EinflĂŒsse in Familien Ă€ußern sich empirisch in einer ĂŒberzufĂ€lligen Ähnlichkeit der Familienmitglieder hinsichtlich einer großen Bandbreite von Merkmalen. Der vorliegende Beitrag fokussiert auf die intrafamiliale Homogenisierung hinsichtlich ReligiositĂ€t, wobei in einem empirischen Datenbeispiel horizontale Paar-Angleichungsprozesse sowie vertikale intergenerationale Transmissionsprozesse untersucht werden. Neben dem Befund, dass Sozialisationserfahrungen im Elternhaus bedeutsamer sind als spĂ€tere PartnereinflĂŒsse, zeigen die Analysen, dass soziale Kontexteffekte umso stĂ€rker ausfallen, je grĂ¶ĂŸer die KohĂ€sion in der jeweiligen Interaktionsdyade ist; hier operationalisiert ĂŒber die BeziehungsqualitĂ€t.Family members create for each other the social context in which family behavior and personality development take place. The importance of social influence in families is evidenced empirically by family members' great similarity on a wide variety of characteristics. Focusing on intrafamily convergence on religiosity, the study discuses empirical methods of dyadic analysis and illustrates their use with an analysis of horizontal intracouple alignment and vertical intergenerational transmission. In addition to the finding that experiences during religious socialization in the parental home have a stronger impact than partner influences in adulthood, the analyses show that social context effects are stronger when the interaction dyad is more cohesive, as measured by, for example, relationship quality

    Introduction to the Special Issue "Families, health, and well-being"

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    A century of scientific research on the family-health nexus notwithstanding, the last dec-ade has witnessed a renewed interest in elucidating the complex interplay of family, well-being and health. Several recent overview articles on the topic have appeared over the last decade, reflecting an attempt to sum up the main results from ‘first-generation’ research (Arránz Becker et al. 2017; Carr/Springer 2010; Carr et al. 2014; Hank/Steinbach 2018; Rapp/Klein 2015; Dolan et al. 2008; Hansen 2012) and to point to persistent gaps in the literature and directions for future research. We take this as an indication that we are witnessing the emergence of a ‘second-generation’ era of research that more closely follows the well-known tenets of life course theory (Mayer 2009), according to which individuals actively take age-graded, path-dependent life course decisions based on their available material and intangible resources within specific sociohistorical contexts. Consequently, recent studies are beginning to take a longitudinal perspective in a more rigorous manner (Arránz Becker et al. 2017) and are addressing issues of causality and social context ef-fects more carefully than before (Hank/Steinbach 2018)

    Parental status homogeneity in social networks: The role of homophilous tie selection in Germany

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    Background: Previous studies find that members of social networks tend to influence each other regarding the likelihood and timing of births. However, less evidence exists as to whether and how individuals actively select their network ties according to parental status. Hence, we explicitly study both the discontinuation of existing ties and formation of new ties. Objective: We study network selection regarding parenthood status based on large-scale panel data on social networks in Germany. Methods: Our analyses are based on data from waves 2 and 4 of the German Family Panel (Pairfam, up to N = 36,352 ego-alter relationships). We use a record linkage procedure to match network persons longitudinally and estimate multilevel random and fixed-effect multinomial regression models. Results: We find weak evidence that young children increase the likelihood that existing social network relationships are discontinued and strong evidence that young children decrease the likelihood that new network relationships are initiated. Further, we find homophily effects regarding parental status in that both childless respondents and parents who recently had a child are less likely to dissolve ties to alters with the same parental status, respectively. Among women, homophily in parenthood status also increases the likelihood of establishing a new social network relationship. Contribution: By considering tie selection on the relationship level in ego-centered networks, our findings shed more light on the phenomenon of social alignment in networks regarding fertility behavior

    Paneldaten: Potenziale und Herausforderungen fĂŒr die sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung

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    Relations between Grandparents and Grandchildren in the Context of the Family System

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    Der demografische Wandel hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten, insbesondere durch die stark gestiegene Lebenserwartung, zu einer deutlichen Ausdehnung der Zeitspanne von intergenerationalen Beziehungen gefĂŒhrt. Trotz des Anstiegs des mittleren Geburtenalters begleiten sich die Mitglieder verschiedener Generationen heute fĂŒr einen in der Geschichte der Menschheit beispiellos langen Zeitraum. Insbesondere hat der medizinisch-technische Fortschritt dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass Großeltern auch im hohen Alter zunehmend gesundheitlich und kognitiv in der Lage sind, ihre Kinder und Enkelkinder aktiv und auf vielfĂ€ltige Weise zu unterstĂŒtzen. Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, in welchem Ausmaß die so geschaffenen Beziehungspotentiale – nicht zuletzt vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher Modernisierungsprozesse (z.B. steigende MobilitĂ€tsanforderungen, Vereinbarkeitsprobleme von Familie und Beruf) – in tatsĂ€chliche UnterstĂŒtzungsleistungen der Großeltern- fĂŒr die Enkelgeneration transformiert werden. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtungen stehen die Eltern der Ankerpersonen des Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (pairfam, 2. Welle 2009/2010, Elternbefragung) mit einem Enkelkind im Alter zwischen 8 und 15 Jahren. Dabei wird die Bedeutung verschiedener Einflussfaktoren auf die StĂ€rke der Beziehungen zwischen Großeltern und ihren Enkelkindern empirisch ĂŒberprĂŒft. Dazu werden erstens sozialstrukturelle Merkmale und familienbezogene Einstellungen der Angehörigen der verschiedenen Generationen in den Blick genommen. Zweitens werden die personalen und sozialen Ressourcen der verschiedenen Akteure berĂŒcksichtigt. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass Großeltern-Enkel-Beziehungen in geringerem Maße von personalen Ressourcen wie Erwerbsstatus, sondern vielmehr von sozialen Ressourcen, also von der Beziehungsgestaltung der Großeltern- und Elterngeneration sowie vom Partnerschaftsstatus, abhĂ€ngig sind. Schließlich zeigen sich deutliche regionale Unterschiede (stĂ€rkere Großeltern-Enkel-Beziehungen in Ostdeutschland) sowie ein positiver Effekt des Familialismus.The demographic change which has taken place in recent decades, and in particular the considerable increase in life expectancy, has resulted in intergenerational relationships that are lasting much longer. Despite the increase in people’s median age at first child birth, members of different generations now have the opportunity to live together for periods that are unparalleled in human history. Especially the medical and technical progress has led to grandparents being increasingly capable in both health and cognitive terms at an advanced age that they provide active support for their children and grandchildren in many ways. This article addresses the question to what extent the relationship potentials - also against the background of modernisation processes within society (e.g. increasing demands as to mobility, problems in reconciling family and work) - are transformed into actual support by grandparents for the grandchildren’s generation. The analyses are based on data from the parents of the primary respondents (“anchor persons”) in the German Family Panel (Beziehungs- und Familienpanel - pairfam, 2nd wave 2009/2010, parents’ questionnaire) with a grandchild aged between 8 and 15. The significance of various factors influencing the strength of relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren is empirically examined. Firstly, social-structural characteristics and family-related attitudes on the part of the members of the various generations are considered, and secondly, various family members’ personal and social resources. All in all, it is revealed that grandparent-grandchild relationships are largely independent from personal resources such as employment status, but that they are associated with social resources, that is the relationships between grandparents and parents, as well as with grandparents’ partnership status. Moreover, there are pronounced regional differences (i.e., stronger grandparent-grandchild relations in Eastern Germany) and a positive impact of familialism

    Differences in Fertility Patterns between East and West German Women. Disentangling the roles of cultural background and of the transformation process

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    Diese Studie vergleicht die paritätsspezifischen Fertilitätsmuster west- und ostdeutscher Frauen (Geburtskohorten 1970 und jünger) nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung auf der Grundlage von Paneldaten des deutschen SOEP (Wellen 1990 bis 2006). Während die Übergangsrate zur Geburt des ersten Kindes bei der ostdeutschen Teilstichprobe tendenziell höher liegt als bei der westdeutschen, bleibt die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Zweitgeburt bei den westdeutschen Frauen im Zeitverlauf deutlich höher. Die dargestellten Analysen umfassen eine detaillierte vergleichende Untersuchung verschiedener intervenierender Mechanismen, dargestellt durch soziokulturelle Orientierungen und soziale Ungleichheiten, die aus dem gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozess resultieren. Auch wenn die Übergangsrate zur Erstgeburt bei ostdeutschen Frauen durch ihre stärkeren beruflichen Ambitionen gesenkt wird, erhöht sich ihre Neigung zur Familienbildung durch ihre stärkere Familienorientierung. Überraschenderweise begünstigt der höhere Anteil der Konfessionslosen in Ostdeutschland den Übergang zur Elternschaft, da partnerschaftliche Beziehungen hierdurch sowohl schneller eingegangen als auch gefestigt werden. Die niedrigere Übergangsrate zur Zweitgeburt unter ostdeutschen Frauen ist zum Teil auf die höheren beruflichen Ziele, die niedrigere Religiosität und die niedrigere allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit in dieser Teilgruppe zurückzuführen.The present study compares parity-specific fertility patterns of West and East German women (from birth cohorts 1970 and younger) after German re-unification using panel data from the GSOEP (waves 1990 through 2006). Whereas the transition rate for the birth of the first child tends to be higher in the East German than in the West German sub-sample, the likelihood of second births remains considerably higher among West German women across time. The analyses presented comprise a detailed comparative test of different intervening mechanisms, represented by sociocultural orientations and social inequalities resulting from the societal transformation process. Although the transition rate to first births among East German women is lowered by their higher education and work aspirations, their higher degree of family orientation promotes their propensity to start a family. Surprisingly, the higher proportion of persons without a denomination in East Germany promotes the transition to parenthood because it accelerates both the engagement in and the consolidation of intimate relationships. The lower transition rate to second births among East German women is partly accounted for by the higher work aspirations, by the lower religiosity and by the lower general life satisfaction in this subgroup

    Fördernde und hemmende EinflĂŒsse der nichtehelichen Kohabitation auf die Heiratsabsicht: eine nutzen- und kostentheoretische Analyse

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    "Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die These, dass die nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaft (NEL) sowohl als Vorstufe als auch als Alternative zur Ehe zu interpretieren ist, da sie gleichzeitig die Heiratskosten und den Heiratsnutzen senkt. Es wird empirisch analysiert, wie nichtehelich mit ihrem Partner kohabitierende Personen - gegenĂŒber einer Vergleichsgruppe von Paaren ohne gemeinsamen Haushalt - verschiedene Nutzen- und Kostenaspekte einer Eheschließung wahrnehmen und wie sich diese unterschiedlichen 'Entscheidungsparameter' auf die relative Heiratsintention auswirken. Die Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigen primĂ€r die Vorstufenfunktion der NEL: Bereits kohabitierende Personen nehmen die Kostenseiten einer Eheschließung - speziell den Verzicht auf eine Fortsetzung der Partnersuche, eine erwartete Ablehnung der ehelichen Partnerschaft im sozialen Netzwerk sowie den Verzicht auf sexuelle Freiheiten durch die lĂ€ngerfristige Festlegung auf den Partner - als weniger gravierend wahr. Heiratsanreize entstehen bei kohabitierenden Paaren nach unseren Befunden also primĂ€r ĂŒber die geringen Kosten. DarĂŒber hinaus weisen die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass eine ökonomische Absicherung der Partner oder ihrer Kinder weiterhin ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Ehe ist." (Autorenreferat)"The present study deals with the hypothesis that non-marital cohabitation can be considered both a precursor and an alternative to marriage because it lowers both benefits and costs of marriage. It is analysed empirically how unmarried cohabiting couples rate various aspects of marital benefits and costs, compared to couples living 'apart together'. Furthermore, the effects of these 'decision parameters' on the relative individual intention to marry are analysed. Results primarily support the notion of non-marital unions as a precursor to marriage: Unmarried cohabitors perceive lower costs of marriage - especially from stopping the search for a partner, rejection of the current partner by the social network, and loss of sexual freedom implied by the long-term commitment to one's spouse - than non-cohabiting couples. According to our findings, the primary incentives to marry thus stem from the reduced costs of marriage. Moreover, our results show that safeguarding partners and offspring against economic hardship continues to be an exclusive feature of marriage." (author's abstract

    Wahrnehmung und BewÀltigung von Konflikten und die StabilitÀt von Partnerschaften

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    "Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Auswirkungen von Konflikten auf die wahrgenommene StabilitĂ€t von Partnerschaften. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die vermittelnde Rolle von Paarinteraktion und Partnerschaftszufriedenheit gelegt. Weiterhin werden Wechselwirkungen zwischen Konflikten und Paarinteraktionen und deren Folgen fĂŒr den Partnerschaftserfolg betrachtet. Die Kernthese lautet dabei, dass Konflikte Partnerschaften weniger stark beeintrĂ€chtigen, wenn ausreichend 'positive' bzw. funktionale Paarinteraktion vorhanden ist. Insgesamt zeigen die Befunde in sĂ€mtlichen Analysen eine nachteilige direkte Wirkung von Konflikten auf QualitĂ€t und StabilitĂ€t von Paarbeziehungen, die jedoch zum Teil durch positive Paarkommunikation abgemildert werden kann." (Autorenreferat)"The present study analyses consequences of couple conflict on perceptions of relationship stability. The main focus lies on the mediating role of couple interaction and relationship satisfaction. Additionally, interaction effects between degree of conflict and different couple interaction styles on the success of the relationship are considered. The core hypothesis is that couple conflict will have a less detrimental effect on the relationship if there is sufficient positive or functional couple interaction. Generally, in all of the analyses degree of conflict does affect the quality and stability of intimate relationships adversely, but this effect is partially attenuated by positive couple interaction." (author's abstract