56 research outputs found

    Školska zdravstvena skrb i preporuke za školske zdravstvene službe u Finskoj

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    Povijesni pregled Povijesni dio ovog članka uglavnom se temelji na knjizi “Školske zdravstvene službe u Finskoj(1) autora dr. Pirja Terha, počasnog predsjednika odbora FASAM-a. Školske zdravstvene službe aktivne su u Finskoj više od 100 godina. Sustav i preporuke tijekom tih 100 godina mijenjane su mnogo puta. Prvi školski liječnik u Finskoj svoj je rad započeo u školi već 1885. godine. Veći broj školskih liječnika došao je raditi u škole većih gradova na početku 20. stoljeća. Medicinske sestre u škole su došle već 1920. godine. Individualni fizikalni pregledi uvedeni su 1930-ih. U to je vrijeme bila učestala tuberkuloza. Mantoux test i radioskopija uvedeni su u škole.U ratno vrijeme (1939-1945) najvažniji je zadatak bilo liječenje zaraznih bolesti. Djeci i obiteljima savjetovano je kako postići da djeca nedovoljne težine dobiju na težini. U mnogim su gradovima siromašna djeca u školi dobivala hranu za sebe i cijelu obitelj.1950-ih je godina donesen Zakon o školskim liječnicima. Otvoreno je radno mjesto za liječničkog upravitelja pri nacionalnom zdravstvenom odboru. Uvedeno je cijepljenje - npr. cijepljenje protiv dječje paralize ili PDT (cijepljenje protiv hripavca, difterije i tetanusa)

    The School Health Care and the Recommendations for School Health Care Services in Finland

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    HistoryThe following historical part of the present article is mostly based on the article in the book   of School Health   Care Service in Finland.(1)written by   dr. Pirjo Terho, the honorary chairman of the board of FASAMSchool health care services have been active for over 100 years in Finland. The system and the recommendations have been changed many times during these years. The very first school doctor in Finland began his work in school already in 1885. More school doctors came in to schools in big cities at the beginning of the 20th century. School nurses came into schools as early as in 1920. Individual physical examinations came in the 1930’s. Tuberculosis was common at the time. Tuberculin tests and radioscopies were done to children in schools

    Tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastavien lasten ja nuorten hoitotuloksiin merkittävä parannus diabetesohjausta kehittämällä

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    JOHDANTO :Turun kaupungin lasten ja nuorten poliklinikan diabetestiimi osallistui vuosina 2014-2016 Ruotsin kansalliseen diabetesrekisteriin perustuvaan laatukoulutukseen. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten laatukoulutus ja diabeteksen hoidon muuttaminen kehittämistyön pohjalta vaikuttivat poliklinikan diabetespotilaiden HbA1c-arvoihin.MENETELMÄT :Poliklinikan diabetestiimi laati laatukoulutuksen pohjalta strukturoidun hoitomallin, johon tiimi ja potilaat perheineen sitoutuivat. Sadankolmenkymmenen tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastavan 0-19-vuotiaan lapsen ja nuoren HbA1c-arvot analysoitiin takautuvasti ajalta 1.10.2014-30.6.2016. Tilastollinen analyysi HbA1c-muutoksen osalta suoritettiin toistomittausanalyysillä.TULOKSET : Potilaiden HbA1c-arvo pieneni seurannan aikana keskimäärin 3,1 mmol/mol (p PÄÄTELMÄT : Strukturoidulla hoidonohjauksella ja säännöllisellä hoitotulosten seurannalla voidaan saavuttaa parempia lasten ja nuorten tyypin 1 diabeteksen hoitotuloksia.</div

    Parental Psychosocial Well-Being as a Predictor of the Social Competence of a Child

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    Our study examined the interrelations between the psychosocial well-being of parents at the time of pregnancy and the social competence of their three-year-old child. Whereas most previous studies have linked the psychosocial well-being of one parent to the social development of their child, newer research has highlighted the importance of examining the psychosocial well-being of both parents and its’ effects to the development of the child. This study used data from the Steps to the Healthy Development and Well-being of Children follow-up study (The STEPS Study, n = 1075) to examine the interrelations between the psychosocial well-being of both the mother and the father during the period of pregnancy and the social competence of their three-year-old child. The interrelations between the psychosocial well-being of one parent and the social competence of their child were studied with regression analyses, and family-level interrelations were modeled with a latent profile analysis of family-level psychosocial well-being. At the dyadic level, the poorer psychosocial well-being of one parent during the pregnancy period mostly predicted poorer social competence in their child. However, at the family level, these links were not statistically significant. The higher level of psychosocial well-being experienced by one parent seemed to protect the development of the social competence of their child. This study emphasizes the need to consider the psychosocial well-being of both parents as a factor that influences the social development of their child.</p

    Corruption on the Finnish-Russian Border: Experiences and observations of Finnish and Russian civil servants and businesspersons on corruption on the border between Finland and Russia

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    This research project was carried out on the initiative of the Finnish Ministry of Justice. Its objective has been to provide the relevant authorities with new and better knowledge regarding corruption on the Finnish-Russian border. The results can also be used as working material at joint seminars and training events. This is expected to facilitate constructive debate between the authorities of both countries, based on more concrete observations than what has been available previously

    Sense of coherence predicts adolescent mental health

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    Background: Strong sense of coherence (SOC) has been shown to predict good mental health among adults whereas its predictive value in adolescence is unclear. This life-course oriented prospective study explores whether SOC predicts mental health in a three-year follow-up.Methods: The data is part of the ongoing 'Finnish Family Competence Study' launched in 1986 in southwestern Finland (baseline n = 1287). The outcome variable was adolescents mental health at 18 years of age, measured on the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) scale. The main predictor was Antonovsky's SOC score (1987) measured at the age of 15. A total of 498 adolescents were included in the present analyses. Poisson regression was used by univariate and multivariable models using the parents' age and socioeconomic status and adolescents' gender as covariates.Results: Multivariable analysis showed that a one-unit increase in SOC decreased the relative risk of a DAWBAbased diagnosis by 4 % (RR [95% CI] 0.96 [0.94-0.98], p Limitations: Typical of very long follow-up, as in our study of nearly two decades, a substantial proportion of the original population-based cohort was lost to follow-up weakening the representability of our cohort.Conclusions: Sense of coherence is a useful and clinically sensitive tool to predict mental health in adolescence. The easily administered, coping-oriented SOC questionnaire is an appropriate instrument in screening for adolescents who would benefit from supportive measures to strengthen their mental well-being.</div

    The Effectiveness of Individual Mental Health Interventions for Depressive, Anxiety and Conduct Disorder Symptoms in School Environment for Adolescents Aged 12-18-A Systematic Review

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    Background: Mental health problems are a major health issue for children and adolescents around the world. The school environment allows adolescents to be reached comprehensively and on a low threshold, making it a potential environment for mental health interventions. The aim of this review was to describe interventions delivered by health-care workers in school environment for individual adolescents aged 12-18 with mental health problems and to assess the effectiveness of these interventions.Methods: This systematic review was conducted in adherence with the PRISMA guidelines. Altogether 349 studies were screened and 24 of them were included in full text assessment. Eight studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. Only in three studies the intervention was compared to another intervention or the study setting included a control group. Five of the interventions were based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and three on other approaches. In seven studies, one of the main response variables was based on assessment of depressive symptoms and/or a depressive disorder. The quality of the studies was limited with notable risk for bias for some studies.Results: Based on reported symptom reductions, for most of the interventions, the results were good. Symptom reductions were also typically achieved in a rather low number of sessions (12 or less) supporting the feasibility of these type of interventions in school environment. However, the lack of use of control groups and actual comparisons between the interventions, limit the possibility to draw firm conclusions regarding their effectiveness and thus, the results should be interpreted with caution. Confirming the effectiveness of the studied interventions requires more robust evidence and thus, improving the quality of studies in the school environment is encouraged
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