129 research outputs found


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    Banche locali e private equity: quali sfide culturali e organizzative alla luce della crisi finanziaria internazionale

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    Questo contributo intende descrivere gli eventuali mutamenti portati dalla crisi finanziaria globale sul mercato italiano del private equity osservando contestualmente il lato della domanda e dell’offerta caratterizzante tale comparto finanziario. Dal lato della domanda, questo ampliamento temporale intende rispondere al tentativo di descrivere le principali le eventuali ricadute della crisi finanziaria in termini di trend di tale comparto e delle caratteristiche settoriali, dimensionali e reddituali delle imprese target. Dal lato dell’offerta questo lavoro intende verificare se, a seguito della crisi finanziaria globale, la categoria di intermediario bancario rappresentata dalle banche locali (ossia banche di credito cooperativo e banche popolari) ha modificato il proprio modus operandi per poter assumere maggiormente la fisionomia di intermediario diversificato nelle aree di business del corporate e investment banking ed in particolare nel segmento del merchant banking. Con riferimento a quest’ultimo aspetto si ù cercato di tracciare brevemente l’evoluzione del ruolo del soggetto bancario e, in particolare, della banca locale, nell’attività di private equity a sostegno delle imprese a livello nazionale realizzando due analisi: dapprima una di natura descrittiva e successivamente un’empirica

    Innovation Policies in Germany: An Analysis of Tools and Impacts

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    This work proposes an analysis of the main financial and political instruments adopted in 2012–2019 in Germany to support the various forms of innovation (startups, clusters, technology transfer, university-industry partnerships, etc.). In this way, we will try to understand whether these examples of industrial innovation policy have managed to play a crucial role in reducing the development gaps between West Germany and East Germany, thus facilitating acceleration of convergence between these two territorial area

    The Challenge of a Place-and Network-based Approach to Development in Italian Regions☆

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    Abstract This paper investigates the role of research networks inside local development processes to increase the competitiveness of underdeveloped territories. This paper, within the scope of local development theory, aims to describe the state of the art on the regional research systems resulting largely from programs co-financed between 2000 and 2013, with which the various regions are preparing to engage in programming for the period 2014-2020. The extent of consistency between the objectives of sectorial specialization set by policies previously or currently implemented and those in the planning phase (S3) is assessed, as is their connection with existing territorial specializations at a regional level


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    This paper provides a framework on regional research systems, through which, different regions are preparing to engage in program- ming period 2014 – 2020. It will also cover the regions’ investments in the co-financed programs between 2000 and 2013. Particular attention is dedicated to those projects that, in the specific objectives or specific actions have referred to high-tech districts, techno- logical platforms, clusters, innovation centers, science or technology parks and networks. It then carries out two verifications: firstly, of the degree of consistency between policies and implementation and ongoing design (S3) and secondly of their connection with the existing territorial specializations at regional level. This analysis shows that in some regions (in the case of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna) such research systems have been able to generate innovation thanks to the presence of very active economic - social en- vironments and local institutions able to properly analyze the context and promote tools, which have brought substantial positive outcomes (for example: Emilia Romagna and Puglia). In all other cases, the overall picture still does not deny the issue of the gap bet- ween the regions of Northern and Southern Italy. For these other regions it is considered necessary to further develop a new role for the regional and local institutions, such as “applicants’ innovation and technology", and improve attention to the question of the other users. DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.11.0


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    The well-known connection between investment, growth and development requires that a political strategy that aims to overcome territorial gaps must be based on a redistribution of public resources for investments that favor the least favored regions in an adequately effective and compensatory manner. The aim of this work is to evaluate the consequentiality of political choices in Italy over the twenty years with respect to the objective of territorial rebalancing. After introducing the topic and recalling the hypotheses of territorial convergence / divergence (sections 1 and 2), this article presents the recent empirical evidence on the territorial distribution of public expenditure in Italy (sec. 3), emphasizing in particular public investment expenditure (sec. 4), and highlights the distortion to which the “additional” resources for the South have been subjected, assuming the character of substitutes for ordinary resources (sec. 5). The effects of the investment on territorial development in the Regions are referred to in sec. 6, while sec. 7 summarizes the results of the work, concluding about the need for a serious scrutiny of the quality of public investment, especially as far as the use of the European resources available in response to the pandemic is concerned

    Gli squilibri territoriali e la distribuzione territoriale degli investimenti pubblici

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    The well-known connection between investment, growth and development requires that a political strategy that aims to overcome ter- ritorial gaps must be based on a redistribution of public resources for investments that favor the least favored regions in an adequately effective and compensatory manner. The aim of this work is to evaluate the consequentiality of political choices in Italy over the twenty years with respect to the objective of territorial rebalancing. After introducing the topic and recalling the hypotheses of territorial convergence / divergence (sections 1 and 2), this article presents the recent empirical evidence on the territorial distribution of public expenditure in Italy (sec. 3), emphasizing in particular public investment expenditure (sec. 4), and highlights the distortion to which the “additional” resources for the South have been subjected, assuming the character of substitutes for ordinary resources (sec. 5). The effects of the investment on territorial development in the Regions are referred to in sec. 6, while sec. 7 summarizes the results of the work, concluding about the need for a serious scrutiny of the quality of public investment, especially as far as the use of the European resources available in response to the pandemic is concerned


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    This work has three objectives. The first is the creation of an extensive mapping of technological districts, innovation poles, excellence research centers, laboratories and science parks in the Italian regions. The second is about monitoring, employing data from Open Cohesion, the state of the art of regional and national programs that aim at building local research networks and innovation networks.The third objective is to compare the sectorial priorities chosen by Regions according to their Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) with the existing sectors in their research networks. Finally, the study explores to what extent the presence of the industrial districts in the regions has facilitated the formation of technological districts and innovation poles.DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.14.0

    Paternity analyses for the planning of SIT projects against the red palm weevil

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    The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus is an invasive pest from southeastern Asia and Melanesia that has spread widely across the Middle East and the Mediterranean Basin over the last 30 years. Its endophagous larvae cause huge amounts of damage to several palm tree species from the Arecaceae family. Many of these palms are economically important for agricultural and ornamental purposes. Therefore, a lot of attention has recently been focused on studying this species with the aim of identifying sustainable and effective eradication strategies. Sterile insect techniques are biological control strategies that are currently being investigated for their potential to eradicate this pest in selected invasion areas. Mating system features (e.g., polyandry and related features) can affect the success and suitability of these approaches. The main goal of this research was to assess the performance of a previously developed microsatellite panel in terms of the paternity assignment of progeny from laboratory mating experiments. Using a simulation approach, we evaluated the reliability of the microsatellite markers in the paternity tests both in complex laboratory experiment scenarios and on the progeny of wild-caught gravid females to help future studies on the RPW mating system. As a case study of the simulation results, we performed two double-mating experiments, genotyped the progeny and estimated the P2 values to compare to the expected progeny genotypes according to the crossing scheme of each experiment. The results of our simulations on laboratory experiments showed that it was possible to carry out paternity assignments for all progeny with reliable statistical confidence using our 13 microsatellites set. On the contrary the low genetic variability measured in red palm weevil populations in invaded areas made the resolution power of our loci too low to carry out paternity analyses on natural populations. Results of laboratory crossing were completely congruent with the expectations from the Mendelian laws


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    In this paper we analyze some specific conditions for local and regional development. Our interest is oriented towards a multidimensional aspect of peripheral and rural areas. The rural areas considered as a productive eco-system reflects a strong relationship between the agriculture and other economic activities. In addition eco-systems must be protected and enhanced to develop innovation models such as the Quadruple and Quintuple Helix, that propose  roles and responsibilities for a new  regional development trajectory. According to the Quintuple Helix Model and the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy, this paper underlines the importance of connecting the innovation process within rural territories.  DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.15.0
