30 research outputs found

    Pseudobaeospora cyanea, a new agaric species from Catalonia

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    Pseudobaeofflora cyanea, una nueva especie agaticoide de Cataluña. La primera cita de Pseudobaeospora en España parece pertenecer a una nueva especie. Se describe Pseudobaeospora cyanea acompañada por fotografias en color y dibujos de los caracteres microscópicos, y se compara con algunas especies europeas próximas (P. diehroa, P. palhdAha P. Pyrifera).The first record of Pseudobaenspora in Spain appeared to belong to a new species. Pseudobaeospora eyanea is described, accompanied by a colour photograph and une drawings of microscopic characters. A comparison is made with related European species of Pseudobaeospora (P. diehroa,P. pailidifolia, P. pyrifera).Pseudobaeospora eanea, una nova espècie agaricoide de Catalunya. La primera cita de Pseudobaeospora a Espanya ha resultat pertànyer a una nova espècie. Es descriu Pseudobaeospora cyanea acompanyada per fotografies en color i dibuixos dels caràcters microscòpics i es compara amb algunes espècies europeas properes (P. dichroa, P. pallichibbá P. Pyrifera)

    Notulae ad Floram agaricinam neerlandicam — XXXIX. Bolbitius

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    A key is provided to the European taxa of Bolbitius, mainly based on a revision of material from the Netherlands and adjacent regions. The nomenclature and morphological variation of B. titubans and B. reticulatus are discussed. The new combination B. titubans var. olivaceus is proposed. Full descriptions are given of the critical species B. demangei and B. lacteus. Bolbitius ferrugineus is described as a new species, based on material from southern Italy

    Dermoloma magicum spec. nov., a grassland gungus mimicking Porpoloma metapodium

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    Dermoloma magicum is proposed as a new species, characterised by reddening, then blackening basidiocarps, a unique feature within the genus Dermoloma. The species has been collected in grasslands in the Netherlands and Scotland. The collections were initially identified as Porpoloma metapodium. The differences with that fungus and with related Dermoloma species are discussed

    De oecologische groepen in de Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse flora 1975

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    The first standard-list for the Dutch flora for the year 1970, including indications for distribution frequency and socio-ecological group for all recognized native vascular plant species (VAN DER MAAREL, 1971) was followed by a second edition for 1975, which resulted from discussions amongst Dutch flora and vegetation experts (ARNOLDS & VAN DER MEIJDEN, 1976). It was planned to elucidate the revisions for the standard-list itself and the various indication figures in an accompanying booklet. This has now been postponed to the third edition (1980), but because of the general interest in the application of environmental indicators in flora statistics the new system of ecological groups should be outlined without further delay. The first system of 19 socio-ecological groups mainly reflected the major groups of higher phytosociological units (as described by WESTHOFF & DEN HELD, 1969). The present system consists of 37 groups and it is claimed to be more effective as to the indication of environmental qualities. It is based on four criteria: 1. The main natural landscape types with their semi-natural and agricultural replacement types are reflected. 2. The main environmental factor complexes: hydrology, pH, amount of organic material, and status of macronutrients can be indicated. 3. The size of the groups allows sufficient discrimination for floristic inventories of areas in the order of one sq. km (MENNEMA, 1973). 4. The groups are as homogeneous as possible with respect to the criteria 1 and 2. The term ecological group is considered the most appropriate one for such indicator groups. The main differences between old and new system are elucidated. (See table I, which presents a syntaxonomical characterization of the groups, as well as the coherence between the two systems). The assignment of species to one particular ecological group was acceptable to the experts involved in most of the cases. Difficulties were met with in the following cases: 1. Species which have become extinct or nearly so; 2. Species which indicate an intermediate position between two environmental types; 3. Species with a wide ecological amplitude; 4. Species with a narrow ecological amplitude, but indicating a gradient situation in which other factors are involved then those chosen as factors to be indicated (see above); 5. Species with different environmental preferences in various parts of the Netherlands. For case 3 some remainder groups were considered but again rejected because of their too small size. Some examples of the practical use of the ecological groups in landscape characterization and evaluation are mentioned and the principal distinction between the floristical and phytosociological approach is made clear

    Notes on Hygrophorus—I

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    Hygrophorus (Hygrocybe) helobius Arnolds, a new species from bogs is described, and a number of new combinations are given

    Notulae ad Floram agaricinam neerlandicam — XXXIX. Bolbitius

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    A key is provided to the European taxa of Bolbitius, mainly based on a revision of material from the Netherlands and adjacent regions. The nomenclature and morphological variation of B. titubans and B. reticulatus are discussed. The new combination B. titubans var. olivaceus is proposed. Full descriptions are given of the critical species B. demangei and B. lacteus. Bolbitius ferrugineus is described as a new species, based on material from southern Italy

    Notulae ad Floram agaricinam neerlandicam — XL. New combinations in Conocybe and Pholiotina

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    Some new combinations in Conocybe are made and justified. The name Conocybe apala is proposed to replace the names C. albipes and C. lactea. Conocybe albipes var. pseudocrispa and C. moseri var. bisporigera are distinguished on the rank of species. On the other hand, Conocybe subalpina is reduced to a variety of C. pallida and C. rickenii to a forma of C. siliginea. In addition, three new combinations are made in Pholiotina on the rank of subsections

    Notes on hygrophoraceae—X. Three new combinations in Hygrophoraceae

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    In the scope of the preparation of the volume on Hygrophoraceae of Flora agaricina neerlandica (Bas, 1983) three additional new combinations have to be made: Camarophyllopsis micacea (B. & Br.) Arnolds, comb. nov. — Basionym: Hygrophorus micaceus B. & Br., in Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. V, 3: 207. 1879 (Notic. Brit. Fung. 31). It was intended to include this taxon in the Flora as Camarophyllopsis phaeoxantha (Romagn.) Arnolds (1986: 643). However, I agree with Printz & LaessØe (1986: 90) that Hygrophorus phaeoxanthus Romagn. (1971: 874) is a synonym of the older name H. micaceus B. & Br. Printz & LaessØe did not propose the necessary combination in Camarophyllopsis. Hygrocybe cinerella (Kühner) Arnolds, comb. nov. — Basionym: Camarophyllus cinerellus Kühner in Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 93: 144. 1977. Hygrocybe hygrocyboides (Kûhner) Arnolds, comb. nov. — Basionym: Camarophyllus hygrocyboides Kuhner in Bull, trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 93: 144.1977

    Notes on Hygrophorus—II

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    Hygrophorus (Hygrocybe) marchii Bres. and four closely related species are described, and a key to this group of species is given. One species is described as new, viz. Hygrophorus phaeococcineus

    Notes on Hygrophoraceae — VI. Observations on some new taxa in Hygrocybe

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    In a preceding paper (Notes on Hygrophoraceae IV, Arnolds, 1985) Latin diagnoses have been provided of six new taxa of Hygrocybe from the Netherlands and Belgium, viz. H. calciphila, H. luteolaeta, H subglobispora forma aurantiorubra, H. viola, H. constrictospora and H. griseopallida. In this paper full descriptions are given of the first four of these taxa. In addition the nomenclature and taxonomic position of H. constrictospora are discussed. H. griseopallida is reduced to the synonymy of Hemimycena mairei (E. J. Gilb.) Sing