6,610 research outputs found

    Comparison of beam generation techniques using a phase only spatial light modulator

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    Whether in art or for QR codes, images have proven to be both powerful and efficient carriers of information. Spatial light modulators allow an unprecedented level of control over the generation of optical fields by using digital holograms. There is no unique way of obtaining a desired light pattern however, leaving many competing methods for hologram generation. In this paper, we test six hologram generation techniques in the creation of a variety of modes as well as a photographic image: rating the methods according to obtained mode quality and power. All techniques compensate for a non-uniform mode profile of the input laser and incorporate amplitude scaling. We find that all methods perform well and stress the importance of appropriate spatial filtering. We expect these results to be of interest to those working in the contexts of microscopy, optical trapping or quantum image creation

    Spatially dependent electromagnetically induced transparency

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    Recent years have seen vast progress in the generation and detection of structured light, with potential applications in high capacity optical data storage and continuous variable quantum technologies. Here we measure the transmission of structured light through cold rubidium atoms and observe regions of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We use q-plates to generate a probe beam with azimuthally varying phase and polarisation structure, and its right and left circular polarisation components provide the probe and control of an EIT transition. We observe an azimuthal modulation of the absorption profile that is dictated by the phase and polarisation structure of the probe laser. Conventional EIT systems do not exhibit phase sensitivity. We show, however, that a weak transverse magnetic field closes the EIT transitions, thereby generating phase dependent dark states which in turn lead to phase dependent transparency, in agreement with our measurements.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figure

    Physical, chemical and biological structure of a coastal eddy near Cape Mendocino

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    We sampled mesoscale physical, chemical and biological structure in the coastal region of northern California in May, 1987. The circulation was dominated by an equatorward-flowing coastal jet and by a set of mesoscale eddies. High-velocity flow in the core of the coastal jet was composed of low-salinity, low-nutrient water, Cyclonic coastal eddies were observed near Cape Mendocino and Pt. Arena. The Cape Mendocino eddy is examined in detail. This eddy is a common feature which was present both before and after the spring transition, suggesting a relatively weak coupling between the eddy and the local wind field.The coastal circulation strongly affected the chemical and biological structure of the region. The coastal jet and cyclonic eddy increased primary production and phytoplankton biomass by increasing the nutrient supply to the euphotic zone. The change in slope of density surfaces in association with high-velocity flow in the jet and eddy raised isopycnals carrying nutrients to the surface layer. The inshore edge of the coastal jet marked the boundary between rich coastal water and oligotrophic offshore water. Since the jet was not carrying nutrients in the surface layer, advection by this feature was not an important nutrient source for the coastal ocean. The cyclonic flow and secondary circulation associated with the eddy appeared to act as a nutrient pump which provided a continuing input of high nutrient, low chlorophyll water to the center of the eddy. This resulted in low chlorophyll in the eddy center, and high chlorophyll and a large excess in dissolved oxygen at its outer edge. The coupling between physical and biological structure in the study region differs from that described for systems dominated by wind-driven coastal upwelling

    Comparison of beam generation techniques using a phase only spatial light modulator

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    Whether in art or for QR codes, images have proven to be both powerful and efficient carriers of information. Spatial light modulators allow an unprecedented level of control over the generation of optical fields by using digital holograms. There is no unique way of obtaining a desired light pattern however, leaving many competing methods for hologram generation. In this paper, we test six hologram generation techniques in the creation of a variety of modes as well as a photographic image: rating the methods according to obtained mode quality and power. All techniques compensate for a non-uniform mode profile of the input laser and incorporate amplitude scaling. We find that all methods perform well and stress the importance of appropriate spatial filtering. We expect these results to be of interest to those working in the contexts of microscopy, optical trapping or quantum image creation

    Holographically controlled three-dimensional atomic population patterns

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    The interaction of spatially structured light fields with atomic media can generate spatial structures inscribed in the atomic populations and coherences, allowing for example the storage of optical images in atomic vapours. Typically, this involves coherent optical processes based on Raman or EIT transitions. Here we study the simpler situation of shaping atomic populations via spatially dependent optical depletion. Using a near resonant laser beam with a holographically controlled 3D intensity profile, we imprint 3D population structures into a thermal rubidium vapour. This 3D population structure is simultaneously read out by recording the spatially resolved fluorescence of an unshaped probe laser. We find that the reconstructed atomic population structure is largely complementary to the intensity structure of the control beam, however appears blurred due to global repopulation processes. We identify and model these mechanisms which limit the achievable resolution of the 3D atomic population. We expect this work to set design criteria for future 2D and 3D atomic memories

    Adaptable-radius, time-orbiting magnetic ring trap for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We theoretically investigate an adjustable-radius magnetic storage ring for laser-cooled and Bose-condensed atoms. Additionally, we discuss a novel time-dependent variant of this and other ring traps. Time-orbiting ring traps provide a high optical access method for spin-flip loss prevention near a storage ring's circular magnetic field zero. Our scalable storage ring will allow one to probe the fundamental limits of condensate Sagnac interferometry.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. accepted in J Phys

    On finitely ambiguous B\"uchi automata

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    Unambiguous B\"uchi automata, i.e. B\"uchi automata allowing only one accepting run per word, are a useful restriction of B\"uchi automata that is well-suited for probabilistic model-checking. In this paper we propose a more permissive variant, namely finitely ambiguous B\"uchi automata, a generalisation where each word has at most kk accepting runs, for some fixed kk. We adapt existing notions and results concerning finite and bounded ambiguity of finite automata to the setting of ω\omega-languages and present a translation from arbitrary nondeterministic B\"uchi automata with nn states to finitely ambiguous automata with at most 3n3^n states and at most nn accepting runs per word

    Detection of Citrus Greening Using Microscopic Imaging

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    Citrus greening reduces fruit production and quality and will likely result in rapid tree decline and death. Because citrus greening symptoms are usually observed on the leaf surface, detection of citrus greening leaf symptoms can significantly aid in scouting for infected trees and managing the disease, thus reducing its spread and minimizing losses for citrus growers. This article presents the microscopic image analysis using color co-occurrence method to differentiate citrus leaves with eight conditions: greening blotchy mottle, green islands, iron deficiency, manganese deficiency, zinc deficiency, young flush leaves and normal mature leaves. Thirty-nine statistical features were extracted from transformed hue (H), saturation (S), and intensity (I) images using the color co-occurrence method for each leaf sample. The number of extracted texture features was reduced by a stepwise discriminant analysis. A discriminant function based on a measure of the generalized squared distance was used for classification. Three classification models were performed using (1) all leaf conditions, (2) all conditions except young flush leaves and (3) all conditions except young flush leaves and blotchy mottle. The three classification models obtained accuracies of 86.67 %, 95.60 % and 97.33 %, respectively. The overall performance was demonstrated in a confusion matrix. The model HSI_14, which used all conditions except young flush and blotchy mottle, resulted in the best accuracy for positive (96.67 %) and negative (97.5 %) symptoms
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