8 research outputs found

    Ex-vivo magnetic susceptibility as a function of in-vivo magnetic susceptibility.

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    <p>Plot of regional gray matter magnetic susceptibility values measured ex-vivo as a function of the corresponding susceptibility values measured in-vivo in the same hemispheres, for all hemispheres of Dataset 2. Each point in the scatter plot represents a single gray matter brain region of a single hemisphere. Ex-vivo magnetic susceptibility values shown in the plot have been corrected for the effects of lower temperature during ex-vivo imaging [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0188395#pone.0188395.ref004" target="_blank">4</a>].</p

    Magnetic susceptibility over time postmortem for gray and white matter regions.

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    <p>Plots of ex-vivo magnetic susceptibility in selected gray and white matter regions as a function of time postmortem, for all hemispheres of Dataset 1. Error bars around individual data points represent the 95% confidence interval of the susceptibility values within the region at that specific time point.</p

    Correspondence of in-vivo and ex-vivo data within the same participants.

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    <p>In-vivo and ex-vivo magnetic susceptibility and gradient-echo magnitude maps for a section of the basal ganglia of three hemispheres from Dataset 2 imaged both in-vivo and ex-vivo.</p

    Voxel-wise differences in magnetic susceptibility maps of consecutive time-points.

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    <p>Ex-vivo magnetic susceptibility difference maps between consecutive time-points, for all hemispheres of Dataset 1. The corresponding susceptibility map and spin-echo image of the last time-point are displayed on the rightmost two columns. Note: For hemisphere D, the difference map marked with an asterisk represents the difference between the third and fifth time-points.</p

    Measurements from 3T as a function of measurements from 1.5T.

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    <p>Plot of magnetic susceptibility in selected gray and white matter regions of the same hemisphere imaged postmortem using both in-vivo (1.5T) and ex-vivo (3T) QSM methods (Dataset 3).</p