4,856 research outputs found

    Problems Faced by Secondary Technology Education Novice and Veteran Teachers

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges faced by secondary technology education (TE) teachers in Illinois. Specifically, the study sought to identify and categorize a list of challenges encountered during their first years in the TE profession as well as challenges that veteran TE teachers are facing in their current teaching assignment. Seventy-three TE teachers completed an online questionnaire. Twenty-six challenges were identified and of the top five challenges, only three, equipment, funding, and understanding what TE is were identified as a continuous challenge at each career stage. Knowing the challenges identified by TE teachers at different career stages can assist school administration and TE professionals in providing specific support to address these problematic areas in efforts to improve retention rates among TE teachers

    Poverty Simulation Participation: Transformative Learning Outcomes Among Family and Consumer Sciences Students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent participating in a poverty simulation effectively increase a student’s understanding of life in poverty among human development and family sciences (HDFS) and teacher education students in family and consumer sciences (FCS). Using a mixed-method design, a convenience sample of junior and senior undergraduate students (N=57) in FCS from a Midwestern state university participated in a modified version of a poverty simulation. Using a pre-post questionnaire, the quantitative results indicated overall scores moved in a favorable direction in attitude improvement toward the poor and the qualitative responses provided support for the poverty simulation as an effective instructional tool. The results concluded encouragement of more positive attitudes among the HDFS and teacher education students, providing future child care specialists, social service agents and educators with an empathic and interaction basis for working with clients and students who are experiencing poverty

    Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of Pre-Core Collapse: Oxygen Shell Burning

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    By direct hydrodynamic simulation, using the Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) code PROMETHEUS, we study the properties of a convective oxygen burning shell in a SN 1987A progenitor star prior to collapse. The convection is too heterogeneous and dynamic to be well approximated by one-dimensional diffusion-like algorithms which have previously been used for this epoch. Qualitatively new phenomena are seen. The simulations are two-dimensional, with good resolution in radius and angle, and use a large (90-degree) slice centered at the equator. The microphysics and the initial model were carefully treated. Many of the qualitative features of previous multi-dimensional simulations of convection are seen, including large kinetic and acoustic energy fluxes, which are not accounted for by mixing length theory. Small but significant amounts of carbon-12 are mixed non-uniformly into the oxygen burning convection zone, resulting in hot spots of nuclear energy production which are more than an order of magnitude more energetic than the oxygen flame itself. Density perturbations (up to 8%) occur at the `edges' of the convective zone and are the result of gravity waves generated by interaction of penetrating flows into the stable region. Perturbations of temperature and electron fraction at the base of the convective zone are of sufficient magnitude to create angular inhomogeneities in explosive nucleosynthesis products, and need to be included in quantitative estimates of yields. Combined with the plume-like velocity structure arising from convection, the perturbations will contribute to the mixing of nickel-56 throughout supernovae envelopes. Runs of different resolution, and angular extent, were performed to test the robustness of theseComment: For mpeg movies of these simulations, see http://www.astrophysics.arizona.edu/movies.html Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    The Stroop Color Word test and learning disabilities

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    This Thesis study critically explored the feasibility of utilizing the Stroop Color Word test as a psychological instrument to aid in the determination of learning disabilities (LD) in children aged nine to sixteen years old. Children with a previous diagnosis of LD were sought out for the experimental group by participating graduate students and, when confirmed by personal administration of intelligence and achievement tests, were administered a battery of nine neuropsychological instruments. A comparison was made with a control group of children with the same age and geographical background on the four different Stroop variables: the Word, Color, Color-Word, and Interference variables. Two of the four variables proved to be statistically significant between the experimental and control groups: the Word variable and the Color variable. Of the experimental group, the mean scores of three out of four different Stroop variables were lower than those concurrent scores of the control group. This test can be utilized to discriminate between LD and Non-LD groups when comparing the Word and Color Variables

    Self-Career Promotion Behaviors of Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers

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    Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine secondary family and consumer sciences (FCS) teachers self-career promotion behaviors to their students. Background: Research has confirmed that secondary FCS teachers are the best source of recruitment for the profession however there is a lack of knowledge of their self-career promotion behaviors to students. In other words, do they know they are marketers for the profession? Method: A qualitative research design with an online survey method was used for this study. Of the 152 Illinois Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Association members, 94 (62%) completed the questionnaire. The data was transcribed, categorized, and analyzed. Results: Majority of respondents indicated that secondary FCS teachers (50%) are responsible and promotion actions are refined for discussion during career lessons or not communicated at all to students. Conclusion: While respondents believe they are responsible, the lack in knowledge of implicitly advertising FCS teaching as a career may cause possible interested students to not consider this as a career and infers promotion education is needed for FCS teachers. Application: Self-career promotion strategies need to be communicated otherwise this career option will continue to be the best kept secret


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    Nationally the number of students who major in family and consumer sciences (FCS) teacher education has declined in recent years (Lee, 2011). Specifically, in Illinois the FCS teacher education programs collectively have experienced a 40% decline in enrollment in the past three years of students majoring in FCS teacher education (Arnett-Hartwick, 2012). Low enrollment threatens to reduce higher education programs available and the supply of newly licensed FCS teachers to fill vacancies. As a result, potential students and their parents may have the perception that FCS teacher education is not a thriving job market

    Dams and People: Geographic Impact Area Analysis

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    This report attempts to determine the efficacy of using geographic impact areas as analytical sub-groups for the assessment of the impact of multi-purpose reservoir projects on target communities. The impact areas utilized are: the take area; the below-the-dam area; the urban area; and, the adjacent area. Each area is described in detail and each is analyzed for differences in knowledge, previous experience, and perception of impact on community and family. Data for this study originated from structured and open-ended interviews in Johnson County, Kentucky. Information was collected during two field efforts, the first in February, 1974, the second in August of the same year. Frequency of response and content analysis are the chief analytical devices. Descriptions of the life styles of each region indicated significant differences exist between impact areas. In addition, findings concerning the key variables of knowledge, previous experience, and perception of impact support the efficacy of impact area analysis. Different impact areas represent different orientations to reservoir projects. These differences must be considered for a better understanding of the social impact of such reservoir projects
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