41 research outputs found

    Scar sarcoidosis on a finger mimicking a rapidly growing soft tissue tumour: a case report

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    Background: Scar sarcoidosis is a rare and uncommon but specific cutaneous manifestation of sarcoidosis. In general it arises in pre-existing scars deriving from mechanical traumas. As most surgeons dealing with scars might not be aware of cutaneous sarcoidosis and its different types of appearance the appropriate staging and treatment might be missed or at least delayed. To our knowledge this is the first case in literature of scar sarcoidosis on a finger. Case presentation: We present a case of a 33-year-old carpenter who developed scar sarcoidosis on his right index finger 4 years after the tendon of the long digital flexor got accidentally cut by an angle grinder. He was referred due to a swelling of the finger suspected to be a malignant soft tissue tumour. The circumference of the affected finger had almost doubled, adding up to 94 mm. Incision biopsy revealed typical noncaseating granulomas. Further investigation showed a systemic extent of the disease with involvement of the lung. A systemic treatment with oral steroids led to an almost full regression of the swelling with restoration of function and resolution of lung infiltrates. Conclusion: In case of a suspicious and/or progressive swelling a definite diagnosis should be achieved by biopsy within a short time to enable a proper treatment. If scar sarcoidosis is proven further investigation is necessary to exclude a systemical involvement. A surgical treatment of the swelling is not indicated.</p

    Small sharp exostosis tip in solitary osteochondroma causing intermittent knee pain due to pseudoaneurysm

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    Background: Complications of solitary or multiple osteochondromas are rare but have been reported in recent literature. Most reported complications arose in patients with multiple and/or sizable osteochondromas. Case presentation: A 22-year-old, female, Caucasian patient with obesity presented with intermittent knee pain and hematoma of the right calf. The MRI depicted a small, sharp exostosis tip of the dorsal distal femur with a surrounding soft-tissue mass. After profuse bleeding occurred during biopsy of the soft tissue mass, angiography revealed a pseudoaneurysm of the right popliteal artery. In a second-stage surgery the exostosis tip and pseudoaneurysm were resected. Conclusion: Complications can also arise in small, seemingly harmless osteochondromas. Surgical resection should be considered as a preventive measure when exostoses form sharp tips close to neurovascular structures regardless of total osteochondroma size.<br

    Reconstruction survival of segmental megaendoprostheses: a retrospective analysis of 28 patients treated for intercalary bone defects after musculoskeletal tumor resections

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    Introduction!#!Intercalary endoprosthetic reconstructions have been reserved for patients with a limited life expectancy due to reports of high rates of early mechanical and reconstruction failure.!##!Materials and methods!#!In this study, we retrospectively analyzed 28 patients who underwent intercalary endoprosthetic reconstruction of the femur (n = 17) or tibia (n = 11) regarding reconstruction survival and causes of complications and reconstruction failure.!##!Results!#!A total of 56 stems were implanted in this collective, 67.9% of which were implanted using cementation. Eight different stem designs were implanted. The mean patient age at the time of operation was 42.3 years. The mean bone defect needing reconstruction measured 18.5 cm. Resection margins were clear in 96.4% of patients. Of twenty-six complications, five were not implant-associated. We observed infection in 10.7% (n = 3) and traumatic periprosthetic fracture in 3.6% (n = 1) of cases. The most frequent complication was aseptic stem loosening (ASL) (53.8%; n = 14) occurring in eight patients (28.6%). The metaphyseal and meta-diaphyseal regions of femur and tibia were most susceptible to ASL with a rate of 39.1% and 31.3% respectively. No ASLs occurred in epiphyseal or diaphyseal location. Overall reconstruction survival was 43.9% and 64.3% including patients who died of disease with their implant intact. Overall limb survival was 72.7%.!##!Conclusions!#!Proper planning of segmental reconstructions including stem design with regard to unique anatomical and biomechanical properties is mandatory to address the high rates of ASL in metaphyseal and metadiaphyseal stem sites. With continued efforts of improving stem design in these implantation sites and decreasing rates of mechanical failure, indications for segmental megaendoprostheses may also extend to younger patients with the localized disease for their advantages of early weight bearing and a lack of donor-site morbidity

    Highly Cancellous Titanium Alloy (TiAl6V4) Surfaces on Three-Dimensionally Printed, Custom-Made Intercalary Tibia Prostheses: Promising Short- to Intermediate-Term Results

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    Custom-made, three-dimensionally-printed (3D) bone prostheses gain increasing importance in the reconstruction of bone defects after musculoskeletal tumor resections. They may allow preservation of little remaining bone stock and ensure joint or limb salvage. However, we believe that by constructing anatomy-imitating implants with highly cancellous titanium alloy (TiAl6V4) surfaces using 3D printing technology, further benefits such as functional enhancement and reduction of complications may be achieved. We present a case series of four patients reconstructed using custom-made, 3D-printed intercalary monobloc tibia prostheses treated between 2016 and 2020. The mean patient age at operation was 30 years. Tumor resections were performed for Ewing sarcoma (n = 2), high-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic bone sarcoma (n = 1) and adamantinoma (n = 1). Mean resection length was 17.5 cm and mean operation time 147 min. All patients achieved full weight-bearing and limb salvage at a mean follow-up of 21.25 months. One patient developed a non-union at the proximal bone-implant interface. Alteration of implant design prevented non-union in later patients. Mean MSTS and TESS scores were 23.5 and 88. 3D-printed, custom-made intercalary tibia prostheses achieved joint and limb salvage in this case series despite high, published complication rates for biological and endoprosthetic reconstructions of the diaphyseal and distal tibia. Ingrowth of soft tissues into the highly cancellous implant surface structure reduces dead space, enhances function, and appears promising in reducing complication rates

    Intra-articular soft-tissue sarcoma of the knee: Is extra-articular resection and tumor endoprosthetic reconstruction the solution? A retrospective report on eight cases

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    Intra-articular sarcoma of the knee joint is a very rare condition. Extra-articular resection and reconstruction with a tumor prosthesis is usually performed. This report describes the results with this rare surgical procedure. This retrospective study evaluated the clinical and functional results after extra-articular resection of the knee joint in eight patients with soft-tissue sarcomas of the knee that were reconstructed using a tumor endoprosthesis. Five of the eight patients (62.5%) ultimately had to undergo amputation, mainly due to periprosthetic infection. In addition, two patients experienced periprosthetic fractures. The mean Musculoskeletal Tumor Society score was 18 (range 10-22), as function was impaired due to a weak extensor mechanism. These results suggest that in patients with intraarticular soft-tissue sarcomas, limb salvage procedures with tumor prostheses after extra-articular resection are associated with very high complication rates. In most cases, long-term limb salvage was not possible. When limb salvage is successful, function is also poor due to a weak extensor mechanism in the knee joint. The indication for this procedure should therefore be considered critically

    Scar sarcoidosis on a finger mimicking a rapidly growing soft tissue tumour: a case report

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    Abstract Background Scar sarcoidosis is a rare and uncommon but specific cutaneous manifestation of sarcoidosis. In general it arises in pre-existing scars deriving from mechanical traumas. As most surgeons dealing with scars might not be aware of cutaneous sarcoidosis and its different types of appearance the appropriate staging and treatment might be missed or at least delayed. To our knowledge this is the first case in literature of scar sarcoidosis on a finger. Case presentation We present a case of a 33-year-old carpenter who developed scar sarcoidosis on his right index finger 4 years after the tendon of the long digital flexor got accidentally cut by an angle grinder. He was referred due to a swelling of the finger suspected to be a malignant soft tissue tumour. The circumference of the affected finger had almost doubled, adding up to 94 mm. Incision biopsy revealed typical noncaseating granulomas. Further investigation showed a systemic extent of the disease with involvement of the lung. A systemic treatment with oral steroids led to an almost full regression of the swelling with restoration of function and resolution of lung infiltrates. Conclusion In case of a suspicious and/or progressive swelling a definite diagnosis should be achieved by biopsy within a short time to enable a proper treatment. If scar sarcoidosis is proven further investigation is necessary to exclude a systemical involvement. A surgical treatment of the swelling is not indicated.</p