76 research outputs found

    Rekonstrukcijske rešitve po obsežnih operativnih posegih na zunanjem spolovilu

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    Production of a dinamic cartographic model of the Soča river section

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    The thesis contains a description of geodetic, cartographic and other technical procedures, spatial data and technical terms that are used in the creation of dynamic cartographic model. The displayed area encompasses the section of the river Soča between entry/exit sites Trnovo 1 and Trnovo 2. The model primarily shows the river condition at this section at five different water levels and the navigation routes for kayakers which are associated with these water levels. Furthermore, the model contains significant natural objects and constructed facilities in the river bed and its surroundings. The model is constructed by using vector and raster software. The final design model is presented with five spatial animations (one animation for each of the water levels), which can be used as an alternative for the navigation route planning at a demanding river section

    Logging characteristics in private forests of Ljubljana forest management region

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    V diplomski nalogi smo analizirali vpliv velikosti zasebne gozdne posesti v GGO Ljubljana na količino poseka, število posekanih dreves in volumen posekanega drevesa. Izračuni so temeljili na podatkovni zbirki Timber Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije za obdobje od 1995 do vključno leta 2013. Gozdne posesti smo razdelili v pet velikostnih razredov. Analizirali smo količino poseka na hektar, število posekanih dreves na hektar in volumen posekanega drevesa. Ugotovili smo značilne razlike v povprečnih vrednostih spremenljivk po velikostnih kategorijah. Posek je najbolj intenziven na najmanjši posesti. Povprečni volumen posekanega drevesa je najnižji na najmanjši posesti, najvišji pa na največji. Razen obdobja 2001-2006, je za posek značilna postopna rast. Izraziteje posek naraste po letu 2006 na najmanjši posesti. Na manjših posestih lastniki posekajo večji delež razpoložljivega lesa. Enako velja tudi za število posekanih dreves. Rezultati so lahko v pomoč pri oblikovanju ukrepov za večji posek.We examined the differences in tree felling in private forests in Ljubljana forest management region by property size. The analysis was based on Timber database of the Slovenia Forest Service for 1995-2013 period. Forest properties were divided into five size categories. We analysed the amount of felling per hectare, the number of trees cut per hectare and medium felled tree. We found significant differences in mean values of variables by size categories. The amount of felling is the greatest on the smallest property. The medium felled tree is the lowest on the smaller property and the highest on the largest. Except for the period 2001-2006, the annual felling has increased. The sharpest increase of felling was noticed after 2006 on the smallest properties. Owners of smaller properties cut higher percentage of available cut. The same applies to the number of trees cut. The results can be used in formatting stimulations for greater cutting

    Lepotna kirurgija dojk

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    Rekonstrukcijska kirurgija dojke

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    Mode effect analysis in the case of daily passenger mobility survey

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    In the autumn 2017, The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) has conducted for the first time a survey on daily passenger mobility of Slovenian residents. The key statistics are on persons’ daily traveling habits, such as number of trips, travelled distance, time spent on traveling, and so on. Two independent samples were selected for the simultaneous collection of data by two modes, face-to-face interview (CAPI) and online questionnaire (WEB). The goal of this study is to identify the possible sources of mode measurement errors, with the objective to better design and thus improve the whole data collection process. The detailed mode effect analysis is performed by the comparison of the key statistic estimates and the use of regression models. Usually the measurement mode effect is an issue in surveys on the more sensitive topics or persons’ opinions. This work points out that, first, the mode measurement effect can be an issue also in a more factual survey content, and second, the corresponding statistical data processes can have an important contribution to minimising measurement errors. The results show that WEB respondents are inclined to join two or more trips into one reported, which gives lower estimate of average number of daily trips. The main reason is the demanding questionnaire content. Additionally, the complex data editing process was still insufficient to correct completely for such measurement error. The possible improvements of the data collection process are also discussed

    Surgical treatment of malignant melanoma

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    Incidenca in umrljivost zaradi malignega melanoma (MM) rasteta v svetu in pri nas. Kljub temu je prognoza bolezni danes boljša zaradi zgodnejšega odkrivanjaMM. MM je v zgodnjem kliničnem obdobju ozdravljiv s preprostim kirurškim izrezom sumljivo spremenjenega tkiva z varnostnim robom. Primerjava debeline tumorja in uspešnosti lokalnega nadzora bolezni ob izrezih različno širokega varnostnega pasu je zožila varnostni pas iz prejšnjih 5 in več cm ("široka ali razširjena ekscizija") na 1 do 2 cm. Zato lahko danes pri večini bolnikov z malignim melanomom zapremo nastalo tkivno vrzel po odstranitvi tumorja zgolj z neposrednim šivom rane, le redko pa s prostimi kožnimi presadki in lokalnimi, oddaljenimi ali prostimi režnji. Izbirna (elektivna) odstranitev področnih bezgavk ni smiselna. Za terapevtsko odstranitev področnih bezgavk se odločimo pri pozitivni varovalni bezgavki oz. pri na otippovečanih regionalnih bezgavkah brez znakov sistemskega razsoja. Osamljene(solitarne) oddaljene zasevke odstranimo izjemoma in le v tistih primerih, ko postanejo simptomatski. (npr.zvišan intrakranialni tlak, mehanskaovira v prehodnosti cevastih organov, motnje dihanja, pojav zlatenice).Although the incidence and the mortality rates of malignant melanoma (MM) havebeen increasing worldwide and in Slovenija for the last several decades, the survival rates are improving. The apparent contradiction may be expained by the increase in early diagnnosis of MM. If detected early in its clinical course MM can be cured by a simple surgical excision in majority of patients. The decision about the margins of the surgical excision of the primary melanoma site has been made more rational through correlations of rates of local control with different margins of resection in relation to the domianantprognostic factor for localized melanoma, the thickness of the lesion. When possible, primary closure of the post-excisional defect should beperformed. If primary closure is impossible, the wound may be closed by split or full thickness skin grafting, local, regional or free flaps. Electivedissection has not been shown in prospective randomized trials to alter survival significantly. Surgical treatment of distant metastases is indicated only as palliation of a solitary symptomatic lesion (brain metastases, lung or gastrointestinal metastases)

    Stališča za obravnavo otrok, mlajših od 18 let, z akutno zgolj periferno okvaro obraznega živca

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    V prispevku predlagamo stališča za obravnavo otrok, mlajših od 18 let, z akutno osamljeno periferno okvaro obraznega živca. Priporočila temeljijo na podatkih iz literature in na lastnih izkušnjah za obravnavo otrok z akutno osamljeno periferno okvaro obraznega živca