29,737 research outputs found

    Lp-gradient harmonic maps into spheres and SO(N)

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    We consider critical points of the energy E(v):=∫Rn∣∇sv∣nsE(v) := \int_{\mathbb{R}^n} |\nabla^s v|^{\frac{n}{s}}, where vv maps locally into the sphere or SO(N)SO(N), and ∇s=(∂1s,…,∂ns)\nabla^s = (\partial_1^s,\ldots,\partial_n^s) is the formal fractional gradient, i.e. ∂αs\partial_\alpha^s is a composition of the fractional laplacian with the α\alpha-th Riesz transform. We show that critical points of this energy are H\"older continuous. As a special case, for s=1s = 1, we obtain a new, more stable proof of Fuchs and Strzelecki's regularity result of nn-harmonic maps into the sphere, which is interesting on its own

    Perturbation theory for normal operators

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    Let E∋x↦A(x)E \ni x\mapsto A(x) be a C\mathscr{C}-mapping with values unbounded normal operators with common domain of definition and compact resolvent. Here C\mathscr{C} stands for C∞C^\infty, CωC^\omega (real analytic), C[M]C^{[M]} (Denjoy--Carleman of Beurling or Roumieu type), C0,1C^{0,1} (locally Lipschitz), or Ck,αC^{k,\alpha}. The parameter domain EE is either R\mathbb R or Rn\mathbb R^n or an infinite dimensional convenient vector space. We completely describe the C\mathscr{C}-dependence on xx of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of A(x)A(x). Thereby we extend previously known results for self-adjoint operators to normal operators, partly improve them, and show that they are best possible. For normal matrices A(x)A(x) we obtain partly stronger results.Comment: 32 pages, Remark 7.5 on m-sectorial operators added, accepted for publication in Trans. Amer. Math. So

    Multivariate Ap\'ery numbers and supercongruences of rational functions

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    One of the many remarkable properties of the Ap\'ery numbers A(n)A (n), introduced in Ap\'ery's proof of the irrationality of ζ(3)\zeta (3), is that they satisfy the two-term supercongruences \begin{equation*} A (p^r m) \equiv A (p^{r - 1} m) \pmod{p^{3 r}} \end{equation*} for primes p≥5p \geq 5. Similar congruences are conjectured to hold for all Ap\'ery-like sequences. We provide a fresh perspective on the supercongruences satisfied by the Ap\'ery numbers by showing that they extend to all Taylor coefficients A(n1,n2,n3,n4)A (n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4) of the rational function \begin{equation*} \frac{1}{(1 - x_1 - x_2) (1 - x_3 - x_4) - x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4} . \end{equation*} The Ap\'ery numbers are the diagonal coefficients of this function, which is simpler than previously known rational functions with this property. Our main result offers analogous results for an infinite family of sequences, indexed by partitions λ\lambda, which also includes the Franel and Yang--Zudilin numbers as well as the Ap\'ery numbers corresponding to ζ(2)\zeta (2). Using the example of the Almkvist--Zudilin numbers, we further indicate evidence of multivariate supercongruences for other Ap\'ery-like sequences.Comment: 19 page

    Intelligent search strategies based on adaptive Constraint Handling Rules

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    The most advanced implementation of adaptive constraint processing with Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) allows the application of intelligent search strategies to solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). This presentation compares an improved version of conflict-directed backjumping and two variants of dynamic backtracking with respect to chronological backtracking on some of the AIM instances which are a benchmark set of random 3-SAT problems. A CHR implementation of a Boolean constraint solver combined with these different search strategies in Java is thus being compared with a CHR implementation of the same Boolean constraint solver combined with chronological backtracking in SICStus Prolog. This comparison shows that the addition of ``intelligence'' to the search process may reduce the number of search steps dramatically. Furthermore, the runtime of their Java implementations is in most cases faster than the implementations of chronological backtracking. More specifically, conflict-directed backjumping is even faster than the SICStus Prolog implementation of chronological backtracking, although our Java implementation of CHR lacks the optimisations made in the SICStus Prolog system. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Number of pages: 27 Number of figures: 14 Number of Tables:
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