27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Treatment of Pulpal Protection as an Ultra-Conservative Option in Extensive Cervical Injuries

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    Treatment of deep caries can result in exposure of the dental pulp, even in teeth with sensitive but asymptomatic pulps. Direct pulp capping (DPU) is used to preserve pulp health, although it may sometimes require additional follow-up treatments, such as root canal treatment (RTC), which could have been performed immediately after exposure, possibly with better results. . The purpose of this case report is to highlight the advantages of RPD compared to TCR, which, while having a high success rate, is not a predominantly conservative approach. The follow-up evaluations were carried out in a time range that varied from 2 to 30 days. It is important to highlight that the present case contributes to the existing clinical evidence and provides a perspective on the effectiveness and clinical implications of RPD as an ultra-conservative alternative in the management of deep neck injuries

    Endodontic treatment of third molars from a conservative perspective. A case report

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    Endodontic treatments of third molars are extremely difficult because they are located posteriorly, have unpredictable internal anatomy, strange occlusal anatomy, and unusual eruption patterns. A 28-years-old patient who attended the doctor’s office for endodontic treatment of the upper right third molar it is presented. Intraoral periapical radiography revealed a slight curvature in the mesial and distal canals. A wide trapezoidal access was prepared after the use of intermediate size files for apical preparation. K-type files No. 6, 8 and 10 were used for the preparation of the smooth tunnel (glide path) and a WaveOne Gold primary file for shaping. A single cone obturation was performed. The case is published with the purpose of offering a clear and complete vision of the endodontic treatment of the mandibular third molar that can have different internal configurations. Third molars, due to their posterior location, limited access, and severe curvature, pose the greatest clinical challenges and require meticulous skill, advanced technology, and patience to succeed

    Perfil sociodemográfico y monitoreo de la disfunción tiroidea subclínica en la población atendida en el Laboratorio Clínico LABSERV

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    This thesis addresses subclinical thyroid dysfunction in a selected population, with the objective of determining its prevalence and analyzing its socio-demographic profile. Through an observational study, 81 patients were evaluated to establish the prevalence of subclinical thyroid dysfunction, finding that 19% of the studied population had this condition. An unequal distribution was observed between genders, with a higher proportion of women affected. In addition, sociodemographic variables such as age and educational level were analyzed in relation to hyperthyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism. Significant associations were found between age and subclinical hyperthyroidism, as well as between subclinical hypothyroidism and sex, age, and educational level. It is recommended to carry out longitudinal studies and early detection programs to improve care for this condition in the population studied. These findings provide a deeper understanding of subclinical thyroid dysfunction and may contribute to improved management of this condition in clinical practice.El presente artículo aborda la disfunción tiroidea subclínica en una población seleccionada, con el objetivo de determinar su prevalencia y analizar su perfil socio-demográfico. A través de un estudio observacional, se evaluaron 81 pacientes para establecer la prevalencia de disfunción tiroidea subclínica, encontrando que el 19% de la población estudiada presentaba esta condición. Se observó una distribución desigual entre géneros, con una mayor proporción de mujeres afectadas. Además, se analizaron variables socio-demográficas como la edad y el nivel de instrucción en relación con el hipertiroidismo y el hipotiroidismo subclínico. Se encontraron asociaciones significativas entre la edad y el hipertiroidismo subclínico, así como entre el hipotiroidismo subclínico y el sexo, la edad y el nivel de instrucción. Se recomienda realizar estudios longitudinales y programas de detección temprana para mejorar la atención de esta condición en la población estudiada. Estos hallazgos proporcionan una comprensión más profunda de la disfunción tiroidea subclínica y pueden contribuir a mejorar la gestión de esta condición en la práctica clínica

    Negative Impact of the Excessive Use of Electronic Devices in Children and Youth: A Scientific Approach

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    Aim: Electronic devices, such as television, are an integral part of the daily lives of children and adolescents. However, it is crucial to understand the possible long-term consequences that may arise due to their use. Material and method: Experts in the scientific field agree that these devices are not appropriate for very young children. Time spent watching television or playing computer games is considered wasted time that could have been spent on creative activities or social interactions. This problem has become a global concern. Worldwide, children and adolescents are allowed to use electronic devices daily, resulting in negative effects that affect their physical, emotional and behavioral health, such as vision problems, back pain and addiction. Statistics and Result: To prevent these consequences, it is advisable that parents become aware and take measures to avoid excessive use of electronic devices. It is important to educate children and adolescents about the risks associated with social networks, such as the presence of inappropriate content and the danger of sexual predators

    Psychophysiological and Oral Impact of The Covid-19 Health Crisis

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    Aim: The infectious disease known as COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has had a diverse impact on the population, affecting each person individually. Material and method: As a measure to curb its rapid spread, a mandatory quarantine was implemented involving the isolation of both carriers and non-carriers of the disease. This situation has triggered negative psychological and oral responses, generating disorders such as stress, depression and anxiety, which are characterized by alterations in cognition, emotional regulation and behavior. Statistics and Result: In addition, oral manifestations such as bruxism, periodontal disease and other lesions have been observed. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the possible relationship between the oral and psychophysical state of people due to the isolation caused by the pandemic and COVID-19 disease

    Platelet rich fibrin and its use in dentistry

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    Introducción: la fibrina rica en plaquetas (FRP) se considera un material regenerativo que posee una gran cantidad de factores de crecimiento, leucocitos, plaquetas y citoquinas que se requieren en los procesos de curación. En odontología, se presenta como una tendencia en auge por su versatilidad, sobre todo en cirugía bucomaxilofacial, implantología oral y en periodoncia.Métodos: se utilizó como metodología la denominada PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols, donde se cumplieron los criterios de búsqueda de acuerdo a los estándares Cochrane para revisiones sistemáticas. Además, para la extracción de datos se utilizó la herramienta Perish or Perish, con la finalidad de realizar esta búsqueda de artículos relacionados al objeto de estudio.Desarrollo: la fibrina rica en plaquetas se obtiene mediante la centrifugación de sangre del propio paciente sin modificación bioquímica artificial. Dentro de sus principales propiedades se puede encontrar el estímulo a la diferenciación y la proliferación de los osteoblastos, estimulación de la angiogénesis y efecto mitógeno. Tiene un amplio uso en el campo de la odontología.  En la periodoncia y la implantología oral tiene múltiples aplicaciones, para tratar las recesiones gingivales, en la elevación del piso del seno maxilar, aumenta el efecto de la coagulación/regeneración tisular en el sitio quirúrgico mediante un coágulo natural que acelera la curación de los tejidos blandos y duros.Conclusiones: se concluye que los beneficios de las FRP en la recuperación de los pacientes, por lo cual, se evidencia la viabilidad de su uso en los diferentes procedimientos, sean estos de periodoncia, endodoncia, cirugía o armonización fácil.Introduction: Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is considered a regenerative material that possesses a large amount of growth factors, leukocytes, platelets and cytokines that are required in healing processes. In dentistry, it is a growing trend due to its versatility, especially in oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral implantology and periodontics.Methods: The methodology used was PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols, where the search criteria were met according to Cochrane standards for systematic reviews. In addition, the Perish or Perish tool was used for data extraction, in order to carry out this search for articles related to the object of study.Development: platelet-rich fibrin is obtained by centrifugation of the patient's own blood without artificial biochemical modification. Among its main properties are the stimulation of osteoblast differentiation and proliferation, stimulation of angiogenesis and mitogenic effect. It has a wide use in the field of dentistry.  In periodontics and oral implantology it has multiple applications, to treat gingival recessions, in maxillary sinus floor elevation, increases the effect of coagulation/tissue regeneration at the surgical site by means of a natural clot that accelerates the healing of soft and hard tissues.Conclusions: It is concluded that the benefits of FRP in the recovery of patients, therefore, the feasibility of its use in different procedures, whether they are periodontics, endodontics, surgery or easy harmonization, is evidenced

    A Systematic Review of Cold Sores and Canker Sores

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    Aim: Cold sores, also known as herpes simplex, are common viral infections characterized by the formation of small fluid-filled blisters on or around the lips. These lesions may cluster and generate spots around the mouth, and once the blisters rupture, a crust forms that may last for several days. Material and method: Transmission occurs through close contact, such as kissing or rubbing the blisters, even when they are not visible. Although there is no definitive cure, there are antiviral treatments, such as pills or creams, that can speed healing and reduce the frequency, duration and severity of outbreaks. Statistics and Result: This article will detail the triggers, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment options, in the context of dentistry, for a comprehensive understanding of these viral infections and thus improve dental care for affected patients

    Socioeconomic Position and Dental Caries in Latin America: A Systematic Review

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    People who are in a bad socioeconomic position usually experience bad health outcomes. Moreover, higher mortality rates are linked to deteriorating socioeconomic status. This trend can also be observed in oral health. Worldwide, the highest prevalence of disease caries in permanent teeth was observed in Andean Latin America. The aim of this review was to determine the risk of caries based on the socioeconomic position in Latin America. The protocol was designed in accordance with the Cochrane standards for systematic reviews. The search criteria met the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA) guidelines. A total of 152 articles were reviewed. Finally, 9 studies were included in the review. There is a direct association between socioeconomic status, parents' educational level, family income, and oral health education and patients' caries experience. Furthermore, this review highlights the lack of research in Latin America on oral health and the lack of policies based on scientific evidence to try to reduce the caries rate in the pediatric and adult population

    Oral alterations due to bottle and pacifier use in children under 3 years of age

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    Introduction: The use of nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits: bottle and pacifier leads to the appearance of oral disorders in children. The child population is more prone to suffer from these due to the stage of development they are in. Previous information on this subject indicates that the use of a bottle and pacifier should be limited to exceptional, necessary cases and as a complement in order to avoid future complications. Objective: describe the manifestations and alterations of the use of the bottle and pacifier in children under three years of age. Method: to carry out the work, the Cochrane protocol standards used in systematic investigations were followed. In addition, the search criteria used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA) review method. The review of 113 articles was included, 88 investigations were excluded based on the title, 5 based on the data found in the abstract of the document and after reading the studies in full text. Results: The oral manifestations and alterations due to the use of bottles and pacifiers are studied from various scientific perspectives, for which reason psychological, speech therapy and dentistry are considered in this review. Conclusions: the oral alterations that occur with the highest incidence in the selected population are: malocclusion, open and cross bite, alterations in oral motor development, malpositioning of the tongue, greater probability of developing caries and significant dental movements

    Malaria y anemia no complicada durante la época invernal en adultos atendidos en el distrito salud 08d02

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    Malaria and anemia are global public health problems, but their impact can vary depending on local conditions; winter weather conditions can influence the transmission of malaria and the severity of cases, which could have direct consequences on the incidence of uncomplicated anemia. This research aimed to analyze the relationship between malaria and uncomplicated anemia during the winter season in adults of Health District 08D02 between 2020 - 2022. A quantitative approach was used through a retrospective cross-sectional study. The research focused on users of the Health District 08D02 during the winter season, applying statistical analysis to evaluate the relationship between the presence of malaria and uncomplicated anemia. The results revealed a significant association between malaria and uncomplicated anemia. The contingency table shows of the malaria patients also presented anemia. Statistical tests, Table 1 shows demographic and clinical data (n=98): mostly men (55.1%), year 2021 (58.2%), "Zapallo Grande" unit (67.3%), main occupations: students (39.8%) and farmers (31.6%), indigenous majority (80.6%), outpatient treatment (90.8%), B500 diagnosis (92.9%). Table 2 shows a significant difference in hemoglobin between samples. Table 3 reveals variations in hemoglobin by ethnic group and operational unit, highlighting indigenous and "Hoja Blanca". Table 4 shows differences in hemoglobin loss between ethnic groups, operational units and parishes. It is concluded that there is a substantial connection between malaria and uncomplicated anemia in adults during the winter season in District 08D02. These findings support the need for intervention strategies that address both conditions comprehensively, highlighting the importance of a coordinated approach to healthcare during this specific season.Malaria y anemia son problemas de salud pública de alcance mundial, pero su impacto puede variar según las condiciones locales, las condiciones climáticas invernales pueden influir en la transmisión de la malaria y en la gravedad de los casos, lo que podría tener consecuencias directas en la incidencia de anemia no complicada.Esta investigación se propuso analizar la relación entre la malaria y la anemia no complicada durante la temporada invernal en pacientes del Distrito de Salud 08D02 entre 2020 - 2022. Se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo mediante un estudio transversal retrospectivo. La investigación se centró en usuarios del Distrito Salud 08D02 durante la época invernal, aplicando análisis estadísticos para evaluar la relación entre la presencia de malaria y anemia no complicada. Los resultados revelaron una asociación significativa entre malaria y anemia no complicada. La tabla de contingencia muestra que los pacientes con malaria también presentaron anemia. Pruebas estadísticas, La Tabla 1 muestra datos demográficos y clínicos (n=98): mayormente hombres (55.1%), año 2021 (58.2%), unidad "Zapallo Grande" (67.3%), ocupaciones principales: estudiantes (39.8%) y agricultores (31.6%), mayoría indígena (80.6%), tratamiento ambulatorio (90.8%), diagnóstico B500 (92.9%). La Tabla 2 evidencia diferencia significativa en hemoglobina entre muestras. La Tabla 3 revela variaciones en hemoglobina por grupo étnico y unidad operativa, destacando indígenas y "Hoja Blanca". La Tabla 4 señala diferencias en la pérdida de hemoglobina entre grupos étnicos, unidades operativas y parroquias. Se concluye que existe una conexión substancial entre la malaria y anemia no complicada en adultos durante la época invernal en el Distrito 08D02. Estos hallazgos respaldan la necesidad de estrategias de intervención que aborden ambas condiciones de manera integral, destacando la importancia de un enfoque coordinado en la atención médica durante esta temporada específica