212 research outputs found

    Ultra-high-Q microcavity operation in H2O and D2O

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    Optical microcavities provide a possible method for boosting the detection sensitivity of biomolecules. Silica-based microcavities are important because they are readily functionalized, which enables unlabeled detection. While silica resonators have been characterized in air, nearly all molecular detections are performed in solution. Therefore, it is important to determine their performance limits in an aqueous environment. In this letter, planar microtoroid resonators are used to measure the relationship between quality factor and toroid diameter at wavelengths ranging from visible to near-IR in both H2O and D2O, and results are then compared to predictions of a numerical model. Quality factors (Q) in excess of 10^8, a factor of 100 higher than previous measurements in an aqueous environment, are observed in both H2O and D2O

    Photonic clocks, Raman lasers, and Biosensors on Silicon

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    Micro-resonators on silicon having Q factors as high as 500 million are described, and used to demonstrate radio-frequency mechanical oscillators, micro-Raman and parametric sources with sub-100 microwatt thresholds, visible sources, as well as high-sensitivity, biological detectors

    Fiber-coupled erbium microlasers on a chip

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    An erbium-doped, toroid-shaped microlaser fabricated on a silicon chip is described and characterized. Erbium-doped sol-gel films are applied to the surface of a silica toroidal microresonator to create the microcavity lasers. Highly confined whispering gallery modes make possible single-mode and ultralow threshold microlasers

    Ultra-high-Q toroid microcavities on a chip

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    We demonstrate microfabrication of ultra-high-Q microcavities on a chip, exhibiting a novel toroid-shaped geometry. The cavities possess Q-factors in excess of 100 million which constitutes an improvement close to 4 orders-of-magnitude in Q compared to previous work [B. Gayral, et al., 1999]

    Fabrication and coupling to planar high-Q silica disk microcavities

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    Using standard lithographic techniques, we demonstrate fabrication of silica disk microcavities, which exhibit whispering-gallery-type modes having quality factors (Q) in excess of 1 million. Efficient coupling (high extinction at critical coupling and low, nonresonant insertion loss) to and from the disk structure is achieved by the use of tapered optical fibers. The observed high Q is attributed to the wedged-shaped edge of the disk microcavity, which is believed to isolate modes from the disk perimeter and thereby reduce scattering loss. The mode spectrum is measured and the influence of planar confinement on the mode structure is investigated. We analyze the use of these resonators for very low loss devices, such as add/drop filters

    Ultralow-threshold microcavity Raman laser on a microelectronic chip

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    Using ultrahigh-Q toroid microcavities on a chip, we demonstrate a monolithic microcavity Raman laser. Cavity photon lifetimes in excess of 100 ns combined with mode volumes typically of less than 1000 µm^3 significantly reduce the threshold for stimulated Raman scattering. In conjunction with the high ideality of a tapered optical fiber coupling junction, stimulated Raman lasing is observed at an ultralow threshold (as low as 74 µW of fiber-launched power at 1550 nm) with high efficiency (up to 45% at the critical coupling point) in good agreement with theoretical modeling. Equally important, the wafer-scale nature of these devices should permit integration with other photonic, mechanical, or electrical functionality on a chip

    Ultra low-threshold monolithic micro-Raman laser

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    We demonstrate a Raman laser integrated onto a silicon microchip, using an ultra-high-Q toroidal microcavity. Low pump power thresholds (210 microwatts) and Raman output powers of 1.2 milliWatts were obtained at 1650 nm

    Micro-lasers on a silicon chip: toward silicon photonics

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    Demonstration and performance of micro-lasers on a silicon micro-electronic chip are reviewed. These devices use the Raman and parametric nonlinearities of thermal silica grown on silicon and exhibit sub-100 micro Watt thresholds at high quantum efficiency
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