8 research outputs found

    Electrical thermo-optic tuning of ultrahigh-Q microtoroid resonators

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    The ability to tune resonant frequency in optical microcavities is an essential feature for many applications. Integration of electrical-based tuning as part of the fabrication process has been a key advantage of planar microresonant devices. Until recently, the combination of these features has not been available in devices that operate in the ultrahigh-Q regime where device quality factors (Q) can exceed 100 million. In this letter, we demonstrate an electrically tunable resonator on a chip with ultrahigh-quality factors. Futhermore, the devices have demonstrated tuning rates in excess of 85 GHz/V2 and are capable of tuning more than 300 GHz

    Ultra-High-Q Planar Microcavities and Applications

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    Ultra-high-Q (UHQ) silica microspheres have found research applications in diverse fields ranging from telecommunications to nonlinear optics to biological and chemical sensing. However, despite having quality factors greater than 108, the silica microsphere has not moved to an industrial setting because of several major drawbacks. The most hindering is the manual fabrication technique used that makes tight process control difficult and integration with other optical or electrical components impossible. Despite the strong desire to fabricate an integrated UHQ microresonator on a planar substrate, the highest quality factor achieved for any micro-fabricated planar micro-cavity (at the time of my first publication) was over 4 orders of magnitude lower than for silica microspheres. In this thesis, a process for creating planar micro-cavities with Q factors in excess of 400 million on silicon wafers is demonstrated. The advantage of these planar ultra-high-Q (UHQ) microtoroid resonators is that they successfully overcome the previously mentioned drawbacks of silica microsphere resonators while maintaining nearly identical, if not better, performance characteristics. Additionally, due to the planar nature of these new devices, functionality has been integrated in-situ while maintaining UHQ for the first time, such as active resonant frequency tuning, coupling control, and low-threshold lasing