21 research outputs found

    Superfluidity and spin superfluidity in spinor Bose gases

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    We show that spinor Bose gases subject to a quadratic Zeeman effect exhibit coexisting superfluidity and spin superfluidity, and study the interplay between these two distinct types of superfluidity. To illustrate that the basic principles governing these two types of superfluidity are the same, we describe the magnetization and particle-density dynamics in a single hydrodynamic framework. In this description spin and mass supercurrents are driven by their respective chemical potential gradients. As an application, we propose an experimentally accessible stationary state, where the two types of supercurrents counterflow and cancel each other, thus resulting in no mass transport. Furthermore, we propose a straightforward setup to probe spin superfluidity by measuring the in-plane magnetization angle of the whole cloud of atoms. We verify the robustness of these findings by evaluating the four-magnon collision time, and find that the time scale for coherent (superfluid) dynamics is separated from that of the slower incoherent dynamics by one order of magnitude. Comparing the atom and magnon kinetics reveals that while the former can be hydrodynamic, the latter is typically collisionless under most experimental conditions. This implies that, while our zero-temperature hydrodynamic equations are a valid description of spin transport in Bose gases, a hydrodynamic description that treats both mass and spin transport at finite temperatures may not be readily feasible

    Quantum rotor model for a Bose-Einstein condensate of dipolar molecules

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    We show that a Bose-Einstein condensate of heteronuclear molecules in the regime of small and static electric fields is described by a quantum rotor model for the macroscopic electric dipole moment of the molecular gas cloud. We solve this model exactly and find the symmetric, i.e., rotationally invariant, and dipolar phases expected from the single-molecule problem, but also an axial and planar nematic phase due to many-body effects. Investigation of the wavefunction of the macroscopic dipole moment also reveals squeezing of the probability distribution for the angular momentum of the molecules

    Hydrodynamic modes of partially condensed Bose mixtures

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    We generalize the Landau-Khalatnikov hydrodynamic theory for superfluid helium to two-component (binary) Bose mixtures at arbitrary temperatures. In particular, we include the spin-drag terms that correspond to viscous coupling between the clouds. Therefore, our theory not only describes the usual collective modes of the individual components, e.g., first and second sound, but also results in new collective modes, where both constituents participate. We study these modes in detail and present their dispersions using thermodynamic quantities obtained within the Popov approximation

    Spin Hall mode in a trapped thermal Rashba gas

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    We theoretically investigate a two-dimensional harmonically-trapped gas of identical atoms with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and no interatomic interactions. In analogy with the spin Hall effect in uniform space, the gas exhibits a spin Hall mode. In particular, in response to a displacement of the center-of-mass of the system, spin-dipole moment oscillations occur. We determine the properties of these oscillations exactly, and find that their amplitude strongly depends on the spin-orbit coupling strength and the quantum statistics of the particles

    Magnetization relaxation and geometric forces in a Bose ferromagnet

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    We construct the hydrodynamic theory for spin 1/2 Bose gases at arbitrary temperatures. This theory describes the coupling between the magnetization, and the normal and superfluid components of the gas. In particular, our theory contains the geometric forces on the particles that arise from their spin's adiabatic following of the magnetization texture. The phenomenological parameters of the hydrodynamic theory are calculated in the Bogoliubov approximation and using the Boltzmann equation in the relaxation-time approximation. We consider the topological Hall effect due to the presence of a skyrmion, and show that this effect manifests itself in the collective modes of the system. The dissipative coupling between the magnetization and the normal component is shown to give rise to magnetization relaxation that is fourth order in spatial gradients of the magnetization direction.Comment: Published versio

    Hydrodynamics of Bose gases with internal degrees of freedom

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    Just a couple decades ago bosonic low-temperature physics was synonymous with one particular liquid at a temperature of several degrees Kelvin. This liquid, helium-4, and its famous Helium-II phase, has revealed remarkable quantum properties such as quantized vortices and second sound. Yet, despite many things learned by investigating helium, its study has certain limitations. On the one hand, helium is a strongly interacting liquid, which makes first-principles theoretical research challenging. To name one example, establishing a connection between the non-interacting condensate state described by Bose and Einstein, and the helium properties observed in the lab took decades. Furthermore, helium is a specific chemical element, and hence there is no surprise that its physical properties are fixed by nature. However, every particular chemical element has particular physical properties, so for a long time it seemed that it was as good as it gets. The picture has changed drastically when the first Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) was observed in an ultracold atomic gas. “Low temperature” has become synonymous with “ultracold”, and the latter implies temperatures on the order of nanokelvins. Most strikingly, the relationship between what is fixed by nature and what is experimentally changeable has evolved. In particular, systems of different particle statistics, spin, and interactions have been engineered using ultracold vapours of various alkali atoms. This versatile manipulation not only makes emulating various condensed-matter physics models in a controlled system without impurities possible, but also opens a path towards novel phenomena that are at present not achievable in any other manner. In this thesis, we have explored some of the novel phenomena that arise in systems of bosonic particles with internal degrees of freedom, such as (pseudo)spin and electric dipole moment. In the introduction, we describe a ferromagnetically coupled spin-1/2 Bose gas with contact interactions in the mean- field approximation. In particular, we compute and discuss the phase diagram of this gas, since it is a simple system which nevertheless has two order parameters. In the chapters that follow, the ideas touched upon in the introduction are developed in more detail. In Chapter 2 we develop a hydrodynamic description of the ferromagnetic spin-1/2 Bose gas at arbitrary temperatures. We study magnetization relaxation and geometric forces. In particular, we consider the topological Hall effect due to the presence of a skyrmion. In Chapter 3 we investigate the miscible (non-ferromagnetic) spin-1/2 Bose gas at arbitrary temperatures, construct its hydrodynamic description, calculate the thermodynamic properties, and study the collective modes of this system. In Chapter 4 we discuss the influence of the off-diagonal Berry curvature on the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature. Finally, in Chapter 5 we study a Bose-Einstein condensate of dipolar molecules in a weak electric field and find it to be described by a quantum rotor model. Moreover, we show that the molecular Bose-Einstein condensate is a ferroelectric material that is fully disordered by quantum fluctuations

    Superfluidity and spin superfluidity in spinor Bose gases

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    We show that spinor Bose gases subject to a quadratic Zeeman effect exhibit coexisting superfluidity and spin superfluidity, and study the interplay between these two distinct types of superfluidity. To illustrate that the basic principles governing these two types of superfluidity are the same, we describe the magnetization and particle-density dynamics in a single hydrodynamic framework. In this description spin and mass supercurrents are driven by their respective chemical potential gradients. As an application, we propose an experimentally accessible stationary state, where the two types of supercurrents counterflow and cancel each other, thus resulting in no mass transport. Furthermore, we propose a straightforward setup to probe spin superfluidity by measuring the in-plane magnetization angle of the whole cloud of atoms. We verify the robustness of these findings by evaluating the four-magnon collision time, and find that the time scale for coherent (superfluid) dynamics is separated from that of the slower incoherent dynamics by one order of magnitude. Comparing the atom and magnon kinetics reveals that while the former can be hydrodynamic, the latter is typically collisionless under most experimental conditions. This implies that, while our zero-temperature hydrodynamic equations are a valid description of spin transport in Bose gases, a hydrodynamic description that treats both mass and spin transport at finite temperatures may not be readily feasible