72 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Limbah Cair Biogas Sebagai Pupuk Organik Pada Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Var. Saccharata Sturt.)

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    Sweet corn (Zea mays var. Saccharata Sturt) is one of the crops which liked by people because it has a good taste, and sweeter than ordinary corn. One of the effort that can be do to improve and increase soil fertility is apply bioslurry organic fertilizer. Bioslurry is the end product of the animal waste processing for biogas energy. Bioslurry containing elements that need for sweet corn such as N, P, K. This study aimed to know the effect of bioslurry and get the best dose of bioslurry on the growth and production of sweet corn. This research was experimently using a randomized block design (RBD), which consists of 6 treatments and 4 replications. Parameters measured were plant height (cm), number of leaves (pieces), flowers appear male and female flowers (HST), weight cob with husk and without husk (gram), cob diameter (cm) and production per plot (gram). The results showed that the bioslurry fertilizer application significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, flowers appear male and female flowers, weight cob with husk and cob without husk, cob diameter, and production per plot. Application at dose of 7.5 liters / 4.5 m² give the best results on the growth and production of sweet corn than other treatments

    Aplikasi Beberapa Hasil Fermentasi Limbah terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kopi Robusta (Coffea Canephora Pierre)

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    This research aim to know which the waste has the big effect to increase the growth of coffee Robusta seedlings. The experiment has been conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture. The experimental unit was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments of waste fermentation ie without waste (L0), LCPKS (L1), tofu waste (L2), cow urine (L3), waste of reeds (L4), Banana skin waste (L5).Parameters observed were height increment (cm), number of leafesincrement, increase of stem diameter (cm), leaf area (cm2), dry weight of plant (g), and root canopy ratio. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and the mean of each treatment was compared with Test of Honest Real Difference at 5% level.The results showed that the treatment of fermentation of tofuwaste gave a best effect in increasing the growth of robusta coffee seeds aged 3-6 months.

    Aplikasi Kompos Trichoazolla Pada Tanah Gambut Dan Ultisol Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Di Main Nursery

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    The aim of this research is to know combination of medium and Trichoazolla compost dosage which can increase the growth of oil palm seedlings in main nursery and determine the best combination of Trichoazolla compost dosage and medium for growth of oil palm seedlings in main nursery. This research uses Completely Randomized Design (RAL) consisting of two factors, the first factor is planting medium consisting of three medium peat level, ultisol medium and mixed peat and ultisol (1: 1). The second factor was Trichoazolla compost consisting of Trichoazolla compost dose 0 g / plant, 75 g / plant, 100 g / plant, 125 g / plant, 150 g / plant. Of the two factors, we got 15 treatment combinations with 3 replications. The parameters measured were the height increase of seedlings, the increase of the number of leaves, the increase of seedling diameter, root canopy ratios, dry weight of seedlings, palm seed oil quality index. The results showed that the growth of oil palm seedlings on peat, ultisol and mixed peat moss with ultisol composted with Trichoazolla 75 g / plant-150 g / plant, was better than without Trichoazolla compost and was able to achieve the standard of seed quality, while Mixed medium composted Trichoazolla compound nutrient seed quality index. Composting of Trichoazolla in peat, ultisol and peat and ultisol combinations may increase seedling height, increase in number of leaves, increase in diameter of tubers in oil palm seedlings

    Pemberian Pupuk Bokashi Dan Limbah Cair Peternakan Sapi Pada Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Di Pembibitan Utama

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    Oil palm production in the field is determined by the quality of seeds. To improve the quality of seeds is need for additional efforts of Bokashi fertilizer and liquid waste of cow farms.This study aimed to determine the effect of Bokashi fertilizer and liquid waste of cow farms and their combinations on the growth and development of oil palm seedling (ElaeisguineensisJacq.) in the main nursery. Next, to determine the best dose and concentration of Bokashi waste for seedling growth and development of oil palm (ElaeisguineensisJacq.) in the main nursery. This research was conducted at the experimental farm of the Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau in February to May 2015. This study was conducted using factorial CRD, the first factor is B1: Bokashi 2 tons/ha, B2: Bokashi 4 ton/ha and B3: Bokashi 6 tons/ha. The second factor is the liquid waste of cow farms that is U1: concentration of 300 ml/l, U2: concentration of 400 ml/l and U3: the concentration of 50 ml/l. Data were examined using analysis of variance and mean separation by DNMRT at 5%. The parametersthose measured were seedling height increment, number of leaves, stem diameter increment, fresh weight and seedling dry weight. The results showed that the combination of Bokashi fertilizer and liquid waste of cow on the palm oil main nurseryare not significant on all parameters. The best result gained by the combination of Bokashi fertilizer and liquid waste of cow farms at the doses of 20 g/polybag and 500 ml/l of water

    Teknis Budidaya dan Produktivitas Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) di Lahan Gambut Bantuan Pemerintah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir dan Kabupaten Siak

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    The oil palm plant (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) is one of the commodities star in the plantation subsector. The development of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, especially in Riau has increased quite rapidly from year to year. This can be seen from the total area of oil palm plantations in Riau which is one of the largest palm oil producer in Indonesia. An increase in demand for processed oil palm products, encourage the district government made effort to improve the well-being of people through the program of economic based oil palm plantations. The objective of the research is to study the technical the cultivation and productivity of oil palm plants by the district government Rohil and Siak. The research has been conducted in Rantau Bais village, Tanah Putih district, Rokan Hilir and Kotoringin village, Mempura district, Siak for 3 months from June 2014 to August 2014. This research use sampling technique survey method, determining of location research purposive and random sampling, descriptive analysis presented in the form of list or tables observation. The results of the research showed cultivation technical in Siak more than reference on the recommendations made PPKS than Rokan Hilir, resulting in differences in productivity in both the district. The highest FFB production in Rokan Hilir is 890.2 kg/ha and the lowest FFB production is 679.7 kg/ha. The highest FFB production in Siak is 1.209.2 kg/ha and the lowest FFB production is 877.5 kg/ha

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Kombinasi Dosis Dan Frekuensi Pemberian Trichokompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    The development process cocoa cultivation is closely associated with the availability of quality seeds. The quality of the seedlings will determine the growth and production of the commodity. Giving trichocompost TKKS the soil can increase the availability of nutrients both macro and micro. This study aims to determine the effect of the application trichocompost oil palm empty fruit bunches with some frequency of administration and get a dose with a frequency corresponding to the growth of cocoa seedlings (Theobroma cacao L.). This experiments was conducted with non factorial completely randomized design consisting of 6 treatments and three replications. The treatment was P1:trichocompostTKKS dose of 25 g / plant to 1 feedings, P2: trichocompostTKKS dose of 25 g / plant with two feedings, P3: trichocompost TKKS dose of 50 g / plant to 1 feedings, P4: trichocompost TKKS dose of 50 g / plant with two feedings, P5: trichocompostTKKS dose of 75 g / plant to 1 feedings and P6: trichocompost TKKS dose of 75 g / plant with two feedings. The results showed that dose of 75 g / plant TKKS trichocompost at one time significantly affect to the height, number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf area, root volume and dry weight of cocoa seedlings

    Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi Gogo (Oryza Sativa L. ) melalui Aplikasi Beberapa Dosis Abu Sekam Padi dan Perbedaan Komposisi Pupuk di Lahan Gambut

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    This research was aimed to determine the effect of husk ash of rice and composition of fertilizer and its combination to increase growth and production of field rice and determine the best treatment dose of growth and production of field rice in peatland. The research was conducted at the experimental farm of the Agricultural Faculty University of Riau, Rimbo Panjang, Kampar from July to December 2016. The design used in this research are arranged in a Factorial Completely Randomized Block Design (RBD) consiting of two factor with three replication. The first factor are: Aplication of husk ash of rice (S), namely: S1 (2,5 tons/ha), S2 (5 tons/ha), S3 (7,5 tons/ha). and the second factor are: Composition of fertilizer, namely: K1 (Fertilizer Urea 200 kg/ha, TSP 100 kg/ha, KC 100 kg/ha), K2 (Fertilizer Urea 100 kg/ha TSP, 50 kg/ha, KCl 50 kg/ha) with coffee-based compost with chicken manure (3:1), K3 (Fertilizer Urea 100 kg/ha TSP, 50 kg/ha, KCl 50 kg/ha with coffee-based Compost with chicken manure (1:1), and K 4 (Fertilizer Urea 100 kg/ha TSP, 50 kg/ha, KCl 50 kg/ha) with coffee-based with chicken manure (3:1). The data obtained by analysis of variance (ANOVA) was tested further by Duncan\u27s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. The results showed that the combination treatment of rice husk ash 5 ton / ha and the composition of the fertilizer Urea, TSP, KCl (100,50,50 kg / ha) with with coffee-based compost with chicken manure (1: 1) showed better influence for maximum number of tiller, number of panicle / clump, number of grain per panicle, 1000 grain weight and dry weight of 344.52 g / m2 (3.34 ton / ha). The best rice husk ash treatment for upland rice plants is ash rice husk dose 7.5 tons / ha. The best composition of fertilizer and coffee-based compost for the upland rice plant is the composition of fertilizer Urea, TSP, KCl (100,50,50) kg / ha with coffee-based compost with chicken manure (1: 1

    Tingkat Kerusakan Tanah Akibat Produksi Biomassa Pertanian di Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The research aims to study the land degradation as impact agricultural biomass production Sub-district Kuala Cenaku Indragiri Hulu, Riau Province. The research was carried out with methods of soil survey. Based on field observations that guided map and global positioning observation 4 point to the use of agricultural biomass production and 5 points on the production of forest biomass as a control. Based on Government Regulation No. 7/2006, land quality in Kuala Cenaku is not degradation criteria by agricultural biomass production. In General, value of parameters subsidence, pirit, ground water depth, pH, redox, electric conductivity, bulk density and particle density of the agricultural biomass production is higher than the production of biomass forestry. However, the value of the number of microbes, solum thickness, permeability, moisture content and porosity in agricultural biomass production is lower than on the production of biomass forestry
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