636 research outputs found

    Growing sweet potatoes [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.)] for their greens and the impact on storage roots

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    Sweet potato greens are an underused but highly nutritious vegetable that grows well in urban environments and could help alleviate food insecurity and related health problems. Therefore, trials were conducted in field rows and a green roof with seven varieties of sweet potatoes to determine whether 1) they differed in their production of greens and 2) harvesting greens influenced yield or nutrients of storage roots. There was no difference in the mass of sweet potatoes greens harvested among the varieties in either production system. Harvesting greens severely reduced the harvested mass of storage roots, although it increased the content of eight minerals in storage roots, including boron, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, and zinc. Urban farmers may have to decide whether harvesting greens or storage roots are their primary objective if harvesting the former limits the latter. Future research should explore the timing of harvesting greens and the amount taken to see if different methods allow for a high yield of storage roots that are high in nutrients

    The quality of writing tasks and students' use of academic language in Spanish

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    This study investigates the quality of the writing tasks assigned to native Spanish speakers in bilingual (Spanish-English) contexts, and the relationship between task quality and students' use of an academic register in their native language. Fifty-six language arts tasks were collected from 26 grade 4 and 5 teachers, and four student writing samples were collected in response to each task (N = 224). Multilevel modeling revealed that variation in students' use of key features of academic language in their writing was associated with the cognitive demand of writing tasks. Findings suggest that students' opportunities to respond to challenging tasks when writing in their native language are rare and that the rigor of writing tasks may relate to students' production and development of academic language. © 2012 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved

    Effects of Enhanced Coagulation and Ozonation on the Formation of Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids Under Controlled Chlorination Conditions

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    Thi project evaluated the impact of enhanced coagulation and subsequent ozonation for the control of halogenated disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water. Each of the nine raw waters sampled were chosen to represent a different element of the 3x3 Total Organic Carbon (TOC)/Alkalinity matrix established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). This matrix is part of the Stage 1 Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products(D/DBP) Rule that requires specific percent reductions of TOC concentration based on the TOC and alkalinity of the raw water. The intention of the D/DBP Rule is to reduce public exposure to potentially harmful chemicals that form as a result of disinfecting water with chlorine. Each raw water was treated under enhanced coagulation conditions and then settled . A portion of the coagulated and settled water was then ozonated at a 1:1 O3 to TOC ratio by weight, at the pH resulting after coagulation. The three different fractions for each water utility (raw, coagulated, and post-ozonated water) were analyzed for pH, turbidity, TOC, dissolved oxygen carbon (DOC), ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (UV254), biodegradable DOC (BDOC) and 24-hour chlorine demand. Each fraction of water was then chlorinated under uniform formation conditions, quenched and analyzed for the four trihalomethanes (THMs) and all nine haloacetic acids (HAAs). The results show that enhanced coagulation removed the appropriate levels of TOC required by the USEPA, for all but one water sample. The percent removal of TOC increased with increasing raw water TOC concentration. The percent removals, as well as the trends, of UV254 absorbance were very similar to the percent removals of TOC. The results also showed that THM and HAA formation potentials were reduced in the coagulated waters in a similar manner as the reduction of UV254 absorbance and TOC concentration. When coagulation was followed by ozonation, the THM and HAA formation potentials decreased further. However, water samples that were ozonated before coagulation produced lower THM and HAA formation potentials than the post-ozonated samples. For waters with high bromide concentrations, the distribution of THM and HAA species favored the brominated compounds, when compared to waters with low bromide concentrations. TOC and UV254 absorbance were shown to be good indicators of THM and HAA formation potential, regardless of the treatment applied.Master of Science in Environmental Engineerin

    Il contratto gratuito atipico e prassi negoziale

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    Con il presente lavoro si è cercato di chiarire la nozione giuridica di "gratuità", diversificandola tanto dall'onerosità, quanto dalla liberalità. Una volta chiarito il fondamento causale degli atti gratuiti (categoria che ricomprende i soli atti che, malgrado privi di corrispettivo, siano giustificati causalmente dal perseguimento di interessi economici) si è cercato di dare cittadinanza giuridica ai negozi gratuiti atipici ad effetto reale. Si è ritenuto opportuno soffermare l’attenzione sulla delicata questione relativa alla tradizionale propensione giurisprudenziale a negare che spostamenti giuridico-patrimoniali non possano trovare fondamento in fattispecie esulanti dall'alternativa contratto di scambio-negozio donativo e, per conseguenza, ad escludere o ridimensionare in modo drastico la possibile sfera di operatività di fattispecie gratuite non codificate. Infatti, pur essendo oramai pacifica la possibilità di concludere contratti atipici ad effetti reali, la giurisprudenza tende a negare che atti ad effetti reali possano trovare fondamento in fattispecie esulanti dall’alternativa contratto di scambio-negozio donativo e, per conseguenza, ad escludere o a comprimere fortemente l’area di operatività di fattispecie gratuite non codificate. Attraverso l'analisi di alcune diffuse prassi negoziali, del resto, si è rilevato la presenza di svariate ipotesi di spostamenti patrimoniali non onerosi ma non caratterizzati dallo spirito di liberalità ma da interessi economici. Si possono ricordare gli omaggi-premio, la diffusione gratuita di giornali o di campioni di prodotti, il trasferimento gratuito di calciatori. Minori perplessità hanno suscitato le stipulazioni gratuite afferenti ad obblighi di facere: tra queste si sono analizzate le lettere di patronage, il contratto di sponsorizzazione ed alcune offerte promozionali. Per quanto riguarda il contratto di sponsorizzazione, si è avuto modo di affrontare la natura della c.d. "sponsorizzazione interna", che obbliga lo sponsorizzato ad un pati: tale ipotesi pare non potersi qualificare gratuita, in quanto un simile obbligo non può non colorare la causa negoziale, tanto ciò vero che il suo inadempimento comporta la risoluzione del contratto e l'eventuale obbligo di risarcire i danni provocati allo sponsor

    Developmental Controls are Re-Expressed during Induction of Neurogenesis in the Neocortex of Young Adult Mice

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    Whether induction of low-level neurogenesis in normally non-neurogenic regions of the adult brain mimics aspects of developmental neurogenesis is currently unknown. Previously, we and others identified that biophysically induced, neuron subtype-specific apoptosis in mouse neocortex results in induction of neurogenesis of limited numbers of subtype-appropriate projection neurons with axonal projections to either thalamus or spinal cord, depending on the neuron subtype activated to undergo targeted apoptosis. Here, we test the hypothesis that developmental genes from embryonic corticogenesis are re-activated, and that some of these genes might underlie induction of low-level adult neocortical neurogenesis. We directly investigated this hypothesis via microarray analysis of microdissected regions of young adult mouse neocortex undergoing biophysically activated targeted apoptosis of neocortical callosal projection neurons. We compared the microarray results identifying differentially expressed genes with public databases of embryonic developmental genes. We find that, following activation of subtype-specific neuronal apoptosis, three distinct sets of normal developmental genes are selectively re-expressed in neocortical regions of induced neurogenesis in young adult mice: (1) genes expressed by subsets of progenitors and immature neurons in the developing ventricular and/or subventricular zones; (2) genes normally expressed by developmental radial glial progenitors; and (3) genes involved in synaptogenesis. Together with previous results, the data indicate that at least some developmental molecular controls over embryonic neurogenesis can be re-activated in the setting of induction of neurogenesis in the young adult neocortex, and suggest that some of these activate and initiate adult neuronal differentiation from endogenous progenitor populations. Understanding molecular mechanisms contributing to induced adult neurogenesis might enable directed CNS repair


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    The landscape of education has changed in dramatic ways in school districts that once enrolled predominantly white and African American students. Each district responds differently to a shift in demographics and the impact that an emerging population of English language learners has on the district. This dissertation explores the effectiveness of the model for instructing English language learners, and the attention given to the instruction and learning of ELLs in the policies of an urban district in the midst of comprehensive school reform. Employing concepts from positioning theory and sociocultural theory, as well as the theory of sensemaking, the attention given to ELLs in the district's plan for school reform was investigated. An analysis of state and district documents showed that ELLs were not visible in district policy as a separate group of students in need of specialized instruction, nor was professional development readily available to build teacher capacity. The absence of a state ESL teacher certification also contributed to the need for capacity building. Observations and interviews in the qualitative case study, suggest that teachers were not prepared to serve the increasing needs of their ELL students. Little collaboration time existed to improve the program. This study adds to an emerging body of research on the effectiveness of all teachers of English language learners and the need for capacity building. It also contributes to research regarding needed infrastructure changes in school districts with emerging English language learning communities

    Fezl Is Required for the Birth and Specification of Corticospinal Motor Neurons

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    SummaryThe molecular mechanisms controlling the differentiation of neural progenitors into distinct subtypes of neurons during neocortical development are unknown. Here, we report that Fezl is required for the specification of corticospinal motor neurons and other subcerebral projection neurons, which are absent from Fezl null mutant neocortex. There is neither an increase in cell death in Fezl−/− cortex nor abnormalities in migration, indicating that the absence of subcerebral projection neurons is due to a failure in fate specification. In striking contrast, other neuronal populations in the same and other cortical layers are born normally. Overexpression of Fezl results in excess production of subcerebral projection neurons and arrested migration of these neurons in the germinal zone. These data indicate that Fezl plays a central role in the specification of corticospinal motor neurons and other subcerebral projection neurons, controlling early decisions regarding lineage-specific differentiation from neural progenitors