23 research outputs found
Pencapaian Tugas Perkembangan Remaja Awal
Not optimal achievement of early adolescent development tasks at school. Therefore, researchers feel the need to examine the task of student development. The formulation of the problem in this research are: 1) how the achievement of the students 'overall development task 2) how to describe the achievement of the students' developmental achievement 3) how to describe the achievement of female students. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of achievement of early adolescent developmental tasks. The method used in this research is using descriptive quantitative. To collect data about the achievement of developmental tasks used inventory instrument development task Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI.2003)
Profil Minat Karir Siswa Kelas IX Yangorang Tuanya Petani dan Pedagang di SMP Negeri 5 Tanah Putih Tahun 2013/ 2014
The title of this research is a Career Interest Profile Class IX students whose parents Farmers and traders in Tanah Putih SMP Negeri 5 Year 2013/2014, the main problem in this study how the picture Career Interest Profile Class IX students whose parents Farmers and traders in SMP Negeri 5 White ground. The purpose of this research is to describe Interests Karis Grade IX whose parents Farmers and traders in SMP Negeri 5 Tanah Putih and to know embodiment in future planned by the students in determining what options are in sanggupi students according to their parents. The benefits of this research are expected as input for teachers in an effort to achieve national education goals and inputs for the instasi associated and involved in national education. survey is a research technique to provide boundary in the form of data, investigation, evaluation. Interest is the tendency of the soul to something that is accompanied by feelings of pleasure would be something. Career interests is one of the most important things to prepare for success in the future especially in this Globasisasi age. Regular career interests achieved in various ways one of his schooling. According Suharsimi Arikunto (1997: 4) states that the educational process there are five factors that influence are: 1. Teachers and other Personal 2. Study materials, 3. Methods of teaching and evaluation systems, support and advice 4. 5. System Administration. The fifth factor in the school environment. Factors that influence the career interests of students are supported with their parents professions are: Willingness, perseverance, achievement motivation and unyielding. The assumption of this study were all students have an interest in different careers and career interests are affected by the environment and outside the school, teachers and playmates. The population in this study is a class IX students of SMP Negeri 5 Soil samples were collected by White and distribute the data to the sisiwa to be examined. This research is a real research because these students are berkecimpungan therein that aims to identify career interests of students of class IX that the parents are farmers and traders in SMP Negeri 5 White Land. The type of data in this study are primary data directly obtained through questionnaires or questionnaires
Pengaruh Layanan Informasi Tentang Konflik Interpersonal terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Konflik Interpersonal Siswa Kelas X Sman 2 Siakhulu T.p 2014/2015
Information about interpersonal conflict because the importance is given to students at the number of interpersonal conflicts that occur in the school environment. Interpersonal conflict solving ability is the ability, skill and the potential for someone to master all the strategies in resolving interpersonal conflicts. As these strategies is a lose-lose strategy, win-lose strategy and win-win strategy. The purpose of this study is to 1) Knowing picture ability interpersonal conflict resolution before students are given information service on each strategy. 2) Determine the course of the process of the implementation of information services on the ability interpersonal conflict resolution. 3) Knowing picture ability interpersonal conflict resolution after the given service information on each strategy. 4) Knowing the difference interpersonal conflicts resolution of students before and after the service information on each strategy. 5) Knowing how much influence of information services to on the ability interpersonal conflict resolution on each strategy. This type of research is Pre-Experiment with this type of one-group pre-test and post-test design. The subjects were students of class X of SMAN 2 Siakhulu which totaled 270 people. Determination of the sample by using simple random sampling and sample in this study as many as 100 people. Data collection method used was a questionnaire. Based on the results of the calculation of the correlation coefficient in a lose-lose strategy obtained r = 0.33 and the coefficient of determination r2 = 0.11, in the win-lose strategy in can be r = 0.46 and r2 = 0.21, and the win-win strategy obtained r = 0.37 and r2 = 0.14. This means contribution information services in a lose-lose strategy of 11%, win-lose strategy of 21% and a win-win strategy of 14%. It can be seen that t count greater than t table, lose-lose strategy (2.083> 1.960), win-lose strategy (4.6> 1.960), and a win-win strategy (8.37> 1.960) so that Ha is accepted. Means that there is influence of information services on the ability of interpersonal conflict resolution class X SMAN 2 Siakhulu TP. 2014/2015
Pengaruh Layanan Informasi Tentang Pendidikan Seks terhadap Peningkatan Sikap Seks Sehat Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 2 Siakhulu T.P 2014/2015
Information about sex is important given to students so that students can move away from free sex and maintain reproductive health. This study aims to determine the service process, influence of information services on sex education and healthy sex differences in students attitudes before the services performed after information. This research method is experimental method. Subjects of this study and the sample totaled 143 sudents were taken by purposive sampling technique were 107 foreign students from students SMAN 2 Siakhulu. Results of this study are in the process of providing student services initially shy and stiff implement, after going trouhgh a gradual five meetings, students no longer shy and stiff discuss it and come to know the positive impact of sex education. r test results show r , r count > r table (0,55 > 0,195), then there is a significant positive effect on sex education information services to students healthy sex students. While t count > t table (8,12 > 1,960), so there are significant differences betwen the attitudes of students healthy sex before with after the implementation of information about sex education
Analisis Preferensi Siswa Melanjutkan Studi ke SMPN 1 Kabun Kecamatan Kabun Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Tp. 2014/2015
This study aimsto: (a) to analyze aspects ofthe internalfactorsthatbecomethe preferenceof studentschooseSMPN1District ofKabunRokanHulu, (b) to analyze the aspects ofexternal factorswhichbecomethe preferenceof studentschooseSMPN1District ofKabunRokanHulu(c) AnalyzeinternalpreferencecategorystudentschooseSMPN1District ofKabunRokan HuluTA. 2014/2015, (d) Analyze theexternalpreferencecategorystudentschooseSMPN1District ofKabunRokan HuluTA. 2014/2015. The method usedinthisstudyis adescriptivestudy, with atotal samplingtechniquesaturatedsamples. Theresults ofthis study are: (a) Aspects ofthe internalfactorsthatbecomethe preferenceof studentschooseSMPN1District ofKabunTA. 2014/2015islocatedon theindicatorforinterest. (b) aspects of theexternal factorsthatbecomePreferencesstudentschooseSMPN1District ofKabunTA.2014/2015islocatedon theentranceto theSMPwith the approval ofparents. (c) the internalpreferencecategorystudentschooseSMPN1District ofKabunTA. 2014/2015isat the high category, (d) the externalpreferencecategorystudentschooseSMPN1District ofKabunTA. 2014/2015wasin middle category
Analisis Minat Belajar Siswa Pengguna Facebook Di Smk Al-muhajirin Menggala Sempurna Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014
The title of this research is the analysis of student interest in vocational facebook users AL-Muhajirin terms of diligent in learning, Diligent in learning, Neat in doing the task, Having studied schedules, Discipline in the study. The main problem in this research is how the picture of students' interest towards the subjects of facebook users counseling, and student learning outcomes Describing facebook users in the subjects of counseling. The purpose of this study to describe the students' interest towards the subjects of facebook users counseling and to describe the results of student learning in subjects facebook users counseling in class X SMK Al-Muhajirin academic year 2014. The benefit of this research is as inputs to school in order to are use students' interest, as information for further research and as the development of science education in particular. Interest is a mental device that consists of a mixture of feelings, expectations, establishment, prejudice, fear, or other trends that directs a person to a particular choice. (Umaedi, 2002: 8). This research isa descriptivestudyaimed todescribeexactlyhow theresultsofdiligentin learning, Diligentin learning, Neatin doing the task, Havingstudiedschedules, Disciplineinclass X studentof SMKAl-MuhajirinMenggalaCounselingPerfectforlessons. The type of datainthisresearchisprimary dataobtainedthrough questionnairesorquestionnaires. The questionnaireconsistedoffive(5) indicators andeachindicatorhasthirty(30) itemswithtwo optionsnamely"YES andNO". The results obtainedin this studyisthatthe motivationof theteachersofthe socialaspect, andfactorsneedto learnthe toolsofnon-social factorsplay an important rolein generatingstudent interest. Thus it can beina knotout thattheanalysisof sampleswecan knowthe level ofstudent interestin thefacebookuserssmkal-muhajirin, 41.48% werein thehigh category,is 39students, 41.48% are in thecategoryis39students, and17.02% werein thelow categoryis 16studentsfrom94samples
Analisis Kecerdasan Emosi dan Manajemen Konflik
This study aims to determine the level of emotional intelligence of students, To know the picture perindenter kecerdaan emotions of students, To know the level of conflict management students who have on him, To know the picture of student conflict management indicators. The sample in this research is all students of SMP class VIII which amounted to 134 people. The result of this research is the emotional intelligence of students in general is in the high category with the percentage of 76.9%, then in the middle category with the percentage of 14.2%, and then in very high category with the percentage of 8.9%, students\u27 emotional intelligence per-indicator of the most Students are selected on the indicators of managing self-emotion, and the least are indicators of recognizing self-emotion. The average student conflict management strategy lies in a compromise strategy
Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok terhadap Peningkatan Komunikasi Asertif Siswa SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru Tahun Pelajaran2015/2016
Communication is a necessity for humans because it is a need to establish a relationship with one another. Therefore, humans are required to skilled in communicating. The desired communication certainly assertive communication so that both parties feel comfortable doing the communication. Furthermore, in this study uses group counseling services as an independent variable (X). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Guidance Services Group Against Assertive Communication Students SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. This type of research that is in use is a real-experimental with patterns pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects were students of class IX IA which has a low assertive communication numbered 20 people. Based on the results obtained by processing data of significant figures (Asymp. Sig) 0,005 with alpha (α) of 0.05, it can be concluded 0,005 <α (0.05) which means that Ha Ho accepted and rejected, so "There are differences in the level of assertive communication before and after group counseling services. "From the SPSS version 16 obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.691 / r = r2 = 0.47 the 0691 then it can be concluded that the influence of group counseling to students assertive communication is 47%