5 research outputs found

    Pressure-Dependent I‑Atom Yield in the Reaction of CH<sub>2</sub>I with O<sub>2</sub> Shows a Remarkable Apparent Third-Body Efficiency for O<sub>2</sub>

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    The formation of I atom and Criegee intermediate (CH<sub>2</sub>OO) in the reaction of CH<sub>2</sub>I with O<sub>2</sub> has potential relevance for aerosol and organic acid production in the marine boundary layer. We report measurements of the absolute yield of I atom as a function of pressure for N<sub>2</sub>, He, and O<sub>2</sub> buffer at 298 K. Although the overall rate coefficient is pressure-independent, the I-atom yield, correlated with CH<sub>2</sub>OO, decreases with total pressure, presumably because of increased stabilization of CH<sub>2</sub>IOO. The extrapolated yield of the I + Criegee channel under tropospheric conditions is small but nonzero, ∼0.04. The zero-pressure limiting I-atom yield is unity, within experimental error, implying negligible branching to IO + CH<sub>2</sub>O. The apparent collision efficiency of O<sub>2</sub> in stabilizing CH<sub>2</sub>IOO is a remarkable factor of 13 larger than that of N<sub>2</sub>, which suggests unusually strong interaction or possible reaction between the chemically activated CH<sub>2</sub>IOO<sup>#</sup> and O<sub>2</sub>

    Kinetic (<i>T</i> = 201–298 K) and Equilibrium (<i>T</i> = 320–420 K) Measurements of the C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>5</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> ⇆ C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>5</sub>O<sub>2</sub> Reaction

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    The kinetics and equilibrium of the allyl radical reaction with molecular oxygen have been studied in direct measurements using temperature-controlled tubular flow reactor coupled to a laser photolysis/photoionization mass spectrometer. In low-temperature experiments (<i>T</i> = 201–298 K), association kinetics were observed, and the measured time-resolved C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>5</sub> radical signals decayed exponentially to the signal background. In this range, the determined rate coefficients exhibited a negative temperature dependence and were observed to depend on the carrier-gas (He) pressure {<i>p</i> = 0.4–36 Torr, [He] = (1.7–118.0) × 10<sup>16</sup> cm<sup>–3</sup>}. The bimolecular rate coefficients obtained vary in the range (0.88–11.6) × 10<sup>–13</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> s<sup>–1</sup>. In higher-temperature experiments (<i>T</i> = 320–420 K), the C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>5</sub> radical signal did not decay to the signal background, indicating equilibration of the reaction. By measuring the radical decay rate under these conditions as a function of temperature and following typical second- and third-law procedures, plotting the resulting ln <i>K</i><sub>p</sub> values versus 1/<i>T</i> in a modified van’t Hoff plot, the thermochemical parameters of the reaction were extracted. The second-law treatment resulted in values of Δ<i>H</i><sub>298</sub><sup>°</sup> = −78.3 ± 1.1 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup> and Δ<i>S</i><sub>298</sub><sup>°</sup> = −129.9 ± 3.1 J mol<sup>–1</sup> K<sup>–1</sup>, with the uncertainties given as one standard error. When results from a previous investigation were taken into account and the third-law method was applied, the reaction enthalpy was determined as Δ<i>H</i><sub>298</sub><sup>°</sup> = −75.6 ± 2.3 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup>

    CH<sub>2</sub>NH<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>3</sub>CHNH<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> Reaction Kinetics: Photoionization Mass Spectrometry Experiments and Master Equation Calculations

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    Two carbon centered amino radical (CH<sub>2</sub>NH<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>3</sub>CHNH<sub>2</sub>) reactions with O<sub>2</sub> were scrutinized by means of laboratory gas kinetics experiments together with quantum chemical computations and master equation modeling. In the experiments, laser photolysis of alkylamine compounds at 193 nm was used for the radical production and photoionization mass spectrometry was employed for the time-resolved detection of the reactants and products. The investigations were performed in a tubular, uncoated borosilicate glass flow reactor. The rate coefficients obtained were high, ranging from 2.4 × 10<sup>–11</sup> to 3.5 × 10<sup>–11</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> molecule<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> in the CH<sub>2</sub>NH<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> reaction and from 5.5 × 10<sup>–11</sup> to 7.5 × 10<sup>–11</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> molecule<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> in the CH<sub>3</sub>CHNH<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> reaction, showed negative temperature dependence with no dependence on the helium bath gas pressure (0.5 to 2.5 Torr He). The measured rate coefficients can be expressed as a function of temperature with: <i>k</i>(CH<sub>2</sub>NH<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub>) = (2.89 ± 0.13) × 10<sup>–11</sup> (<i>T</i>/300 K)<sup>−(1.10±0.47)</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> molecule<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> (267–363 K) and <i>k</i>(CH<sub>3</sub>CHNH<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub>) = (5.92 ± 0.23) × 10<sup>–11</sup> (<i>T</i>/300 K)<sup>−(0.50±0.42)</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> molecule<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> (241–363 K). The reaction paths and mechanisms were characterized using quantum chemical calculations and master equation modeling. Master equation computations, constrained by experimental kinetic results, were employed to model pressure-dependencies of the reactions. The constrained modeling results reproduce the experimentally observed negative temperature dependence and the dominant CH<sub>2</sub>NH imine production in the CH<sub>2</sub>NH<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> reaction at the low pressures of the present laboratory investigation. In the CH<sub>3</sub>CHNH<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> reaction, similar qualitative behavior was observed both in the rate coefficients and in the product formation, although the fine details of the mechanism were observed to change according to the different energetics in this system. In conclusion, the constrained modeling results predict significant imine + HO<sub>2</sub> production for both reactions even at atmospheric pressure

    Detection and Identification of the Keto-Hydroperoxide (HOOCH<sub>2</sub>OCHO) and Other Intermediates during Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether

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    In this paper we report the detection and identification of the keto-hydroperoxide (hydroperoxymethyl formate, HPMF, HOOCH<sub>2</sub>OCHO) and other partially oxidized intermediate species arising from the low-temperature (540 K) oxidation of dimethyl ether (DME). These observations were made possible by coupling a jet-stirred reactor with molecular-beam sampling capabilities, operated near atmospheric pressure, to a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer that employs single-photon ionization via tunable synchrotron-generated vacuum-ultraviolet radiation. On the basis of experimentally observed ionization thresholds and fragmentation appearance energies, interpreted with the aid of <i>ab initio</i> calculations, we have identified HPMF and its conceivable decomposition products HC­(O)­O­(O)­CH (formic acid anhydride), HC­(O)­OOH (performic acid), and HOC­(O)­OH (carbonic acid). Other intermediates that were detected and identified include HC­(O)­OCH<sub>3</sub> (methyl formate), <i>cycl</i>-CH<sub>2</sub>–O–CH<sub>2</sub>–O– (1,3-dioxetane), CH<sub>3</sub>OOH (methyl hydroperoxide), HC­(O)­OH (formic acid), and H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (hydrogen peroxide). We show that the theoretical characterization of multiple conformeric structures of some intermediates is required when interpreting the experimentally observed ionization thresholds, and a simple method is presented for estimating the importance of multiple conformers at the estimated temperature (∼100 K) of the present molecular beam. We also discuss possible formation pathways of the detected species: for example, supported by potential energy surface calculations, we show that performic acid may be a minor channel of the O<sub>2</sub> + ĊH<sub>2</sub>OCH<sub>2</sub>OOH reaction, resulting from the decomposition of the HOOCH<sub>2</sub>OĊHOOH intermediate, which predominantly leads to the HPMF

    Direct Measurements of Unimolecular and Bimolecular Reaction Kinetics of the Criegee Intermediate (CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>COO

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    The Criegee intermediate acetone oxide, (CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>COO, is formed by laser photolysis of 2,2-diiodopropane in the presence of O<sub>2</sub> and characterized by synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry and by cavity ring-down ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy. The rate coefficient of the reaction of the Criegee intermediate with SO<sub>2</sub> was measured using photoionization mass spectrometry and pseudo-first-order methods to be (7.3 ± 0.5) × 10<sup>–11</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> at 298 K and 4 Torr and (1.5 ± 0.5) × 10<sup>–10</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> at 298 K and 10 Torr (He buffer). These values are similar to directly measured rate coefficients of <i>anti</i>-CH<sub>3</sub>CHOO with SO<sub>2</sub>, and in good agreement with recent UV absorption measurements. The measurement of this reaction at 293 K and slightly higher pressures (between 10 and 100 Torr) in N<sub>2</sub> from cavity ring-down decay of the ultraviolet absorption of (CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>COO yielded even larger rate coefficients, in the range (1.84 ± 0.12) × 10<sup>–10</sup> to (2.29 ± 0.08) × 10<sup>–10</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> s<sup>–1</sup>. Photoionization mass spectrometry measurements with deuterated acetone oxide at 4 Torr show an inverse deuterium kinetic isotope effect, <i>k</i><sub>H</sub>/<i>k</i><sub>D</sub> = (0.53 ± 0.06), for reactions with SO<sub>2</sub>, which may be consistent with recent suggestions that the formation of an association complex affects the rate coefficient. The reaction of (CD<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>COO with NO<sub>2</sub> has a rate coefficient at 298 K and 4 Torr of (2.1 ± 0.5) × 10<sup>–12</sup> cm<sup>3</sup> s<sup>–1</sup> (measured with photoionization mass spectrometry), again similar to rate for the reaction of <i>anti</i>-CH<sub>3</sub>CHOO with NO<sub>2</sub>. Cavity ring-down measurements of the acetone oxide removal without added reagents display a combination of first- and second-order decay kinetics, which can be deconvolved to derive values for both the self-reaction of (CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>COO and its unimolecular thermal decay. The inferred unimolecular decay rate coefficient at 293 K, (305 ± 70) s<sup>–1</sup>, is similar to determinations from ozonolysis. The present measurements confirm the large rate coefficient for reaction of (CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>COO with SO<sub>2</sub> and the small rate coefficient for its reaction with water. Product measurements of the reactions of (CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>COO with NO<sub>2</sub> and with SO<sub>2</sub> suggest that these reactions may facilitate isomerization to 2-hydroperoxypropene, possibly by subsequent reactions of association products