1,283 research outputs found

    The genetic basis of energy conservation in the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20.

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    Sulfate-reducing bacteria play major roles in the global carbon and sulfur cycles, but it remains unclear how reducing sulfate yields energy. To determine the genetic basis of energy conservation, we measured the fitness of thousands of pooled mutants of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 during growth in 12 different combinations of electron donors and acceptors. We show that ion pumping by the ferredoxin:NADH oxidoreductase Rnf is required whenever substrate-level phosphorylation is not possible. The uncharacterized complex Hdr/flox-1 (Dde_1207:13) is sometimes important alongside Rnf and may perform an electron bifurcation to generate more reduced ferredoxin from NADH to allow further ion pumping. Similarly, during the oxidation of malate or fumarate, the electron-bifurcating transhydrogenase NfnAB-2 (Dde_1250:1) is important and may generate reduced ferredoxin to allow additional ion pumping by Rnf. During formate oxidation, the periplasmic [NiFeSe] hydrogenase HysAB is required, which suggests that hydrogen forms in the periplasm, diffuses to the cytoplasm, and is used to reduce ferredoxin, thus providing a substrate for Rnf. During hydrogen utilization, the transmembrane electron transport complex Tmc is important and may move electrons from the periplasm into the cytoplasmic sulfite reduction pathway. Finally, mutants of many other putative electron carriers have no clear phenotype, which suggests that they are not important under our growth conditions, although we cannot rule out genetic redundancy

    FastTree 2 – Approximately Maximum-Likelihood Trees for Large Alignments

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    Background: We recently described FastTree, a tool for inferring phylogenies for alignments with up to hundreds of thousands of sequences. Here, we describe improvements to FastTree that improve its accuracy without sacrificing scalability. Methodology/Principal Findings: Where FastTree 1 used nearest-neighbor interchanges (NNIs) and the minimum-evolution criterion to improve the tree, FastTree 2 adds minimum-evolution subtree-pruning-regrafting (SPRs) and maximumlikelihood NNIs. FastTree 2 uses heuristics to restrict the search for better trees and estimates a rate of evolution for each site (the ‘‘CAT’ ’ approximation). Nevertheless, for both simulated and genuine alignments, FastTree 2 is slightly more accurate than a standard implementation of maximum-likelihood NNIs (PhyML 3 with default settings). Although FastTree 2 is not quite as accurate as methods that use maximum-likelihood SPRs, most of the splits that disagree are poorly supported, and for large alignments, FastTree 2 is 100–1,000 times faster. FastTree 2 inferred a topology and likelihood-based local support values for 237,882 distinct 16S ribosomal RNAs on a desktop computer in 22 hours and 5.8 gigabytes of memory. Conclusions/Significance: FastTree 2 allows the inference of maximum-likelihood phylogenies for huge alignments

    Horizontal gene transfer and the evolution of transcriptional regulation in Escherichia coli

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    Most Escherichia coli transcription factors have paralogs, but these usually arose by horizontal gene transfer rather than by duplication within the E. coli lineage, as previously believed

    OpWise: Operons aid the identification of differentially expressed genes in bacterial microarray experiments

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    BACKGROUND: Differentially expressed genes are typically identified by analyzing the variation between replicate measurements. These procedures implicitly assume that there are no systematic errors in the data even though several sources of systematic error are known. RESULTS: OpWise estimates the amount of systematic error in bacterial microarray data by assuming that genes in the same operon have matching expression patterns. OpWise then performs a Bayesian analysis of a linear model to estimate significance. In simulations, OpWise corrects for systematic error and is robust to deviations from its assumptions. In several bacterial data sets, significant amounts of systematic error are present, and replicate-based approaches overstate the confidence of the changers dramatically, while OpWise does not. Finally, OpWise can identify additional changers by assigning genes higher confidence if they are consistent with other genes in the same operon. CONCLUSION: Although microarray data can contain large amounts of systematic error, operons provide an external standard and allow for reasonable estimates of significance. OpWise is available at

    Universally Sloppy Parameter Sensitivities in Systems Biology

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    Quantitative computational models play an increasingly important role in modern biology. Such models typically involve many free parameters, and assigning their values is often a substantial obstacle to model development. Directly measuring \emph{in vivo} biochemical parameters is difficult, and collectively fitting them to other data often yields large parameter uncertainties. Nevertheless, in earlier work we showed in a growth-factor-signaling model that collective fitting could yield well-constrained predictions, even when it left individual parameters very poorly constrained. We also showed that the model had a `sloppy' spectrum of parameter sensitivities, with eigenvalues roughly evenly distributed over many decades. Here we use a collection of models from the literature to test whether such sloppy spectra are common in systems biology. Strikingly, we find that every model we examine has a sloppy spectrum of sensitivities. We also test several consequences of this sloppiness for building predictive models. In particular, sloppiness suggests that collective fits to even large amounts of ideal time-series data will often leave many parameters poorly constrained. Tests over our model collection are consistent with this suggestion. This difficulty with collective fits may seem to argue for direct parameter measurements, but sloppiness also implies that such measurements must be formidably precise and complete to usefully constrain many model predictions. We confirm this implication in our signaling model. Our results suggest that sloppy sensitivity spectra are universal in systems biology models. The prevalence of sloppiness highlights the power of collective fits and suggests that modelers should focus on predictions rather than on parameters.Comment: Submitted to PLoS Computational Biology. Supplementary Information available in "Other Formats" bundle. Discussion slightly revised to add historical contex

    Stochastic Simulations of the Repressilator Circuit

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    The genetic repressilator circuit consists of three transcription factors, or repressors, which negatively regulate each other in a cyclic manner. This circuit was synthetically constructed on plasmids in {\it Escherichia coli} and was found to exhibit oscillations in the concentrations of the three repressors. Since the repressors and their binding sites often appear in low copy numbers, the oscillations are noisy and irregular. Therefore, the repressilator circuit cannot be fully analyzed using deterministic methods such as rate-equations. Here we perform stochastic analysis of the repressilator circuit using the master equation and Monte Carlo simulations. It is found that fluctuations modify the range of conditions in which oscillations appear as well as their amplitude and period, compared to the deterministic equations. The deterministic and stochastic approaches coincide only in the limit in which all the relevant components, including free proteins, plasmids and bound proteins, appear in high copy numbers. We also find that subtle features such as cooperative binding and bound-repressor degradation strongly affect the existence and properties of the oscillations.Comment: Accepted to PR

    Orthologous Transcription Factors in Bacteria Have Different Functions and Regulate Different Genes

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    Transcription factors (TFs) form large paralogous gene families and have complex evolutionary histories. Here, we ask whether putative orthologs of TFs, from bidirectional best BLAST hits (BBHs), are evolutionary orthologs with conserved functions. We show that BBHs of TFs from distantly related bacteria are usually not evolutionary orthologs. Furthermore, the false orthologs usually respond to different signals and regulate distinct pathways, while the few BBHs that are evolutionary orthologs do have conserved functions. To test the conservation of regulatory interactions, we analyze expression patterns. We find that regulatory relationships between TFs and their regulated genes are usually not conserved for BBHs in Escherichia coli K12 and Bacillus subtilis. Even in the much more closely related bacteria Vibrio cholerae and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, predicting regulation from E. coli BBHs has high error rates. Using gene–regulon correlations, we identify genes whose expression pattern differs between E. coli and S. oneidensis. Using literature searches and sequence analysis, we show that these changes in expression patterns reflect changes in gene regulation, even for evolutionary orthologs. We conclude that the evolution of bacterial regulation should be analyzed with phylogenetic trees, rather than BBHs, and that bacterial regulatory networks evolve more rapidly than previously thought

    Fluctuations in Gene Regulatory Networks as Gaussian Colored Noise

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    The study of fluctuations in gene regulatory networks is extended to the case of Gaussian colored noise. Firstly, the solution of the corresponding Langevin equation with colored noise is expressed in terms of an Ito integral. Then, two important lemmas concerning the variance of an Ito integral and the covariance of two Ito integrals are shown. Based on the lemmas, we give the general formulae for the variances and covariance of molecular concentrations for a regulatory network near a stable equilibrium explicitly. Two examples, the gene auto-regulatory network and the toggle switch, are presented in details. In general, it is found that the finite correlation time of noise reduces the fluctuations and enhances the correlation between the fluctuations of the molecular components.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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