5 research outputs found

    A Case of Extensive Infl ammatory Changes (Osteomyelitis) in an Infant’s Skeleton from the Medieval Burial Ground (11th–12th c) in Wawrzeńczyce (Near Krakow)

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    The aim of this study was to diagnose and describe extensive infl ammatory changes in a child’s skeleton from Wawrzeńczyce, (the medieval period). The aim of the analysis was to determine the nature of the infl ammatory changes and their etiology by means of macroscopic techniques as well as X-ray analysis. The tests revealed that the individual suffered from a hematogenous multifocal osteitis. This condition might have been a result of an acute or sub-acute osteitis, and the untreated form of osteomyelitis might have contributed to the infection of the entire developing organism, leading to death

    A Case of Extensive Infl ammatory Changes (Osteomyelitis) in an Infant’s Skeleton from the Medieval Burial Ground (11th–12th c) in Wawrzeńczyce (Near Krakow)

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    The aim of this study was to diagnose and describe extensive infl ammatory changes in a child’s skeleton from Wawrzeńczyce, (the medieval period). The aim of the analysis was to determine the nature of the infl ammatory changes and their etiology by means of macroscopic techniques as well as X-ray analysis. The tests revealed that the individual suffered from a hematogenous multifocal osteitis. This condition might have been a result of an acute or sub-acute osteitis, and the untreated form of osteomyelitis might have contributed to the infection of the entire developing organism, leading to death

    Slučaj ekstenzivnih upalnih promjena kostura dojenčadi (osteomijelitis) sa slučaj ekstenzivnih upalnih promjena kostura dojenčadi (osteomijelitis) sa srednjovjekovnog groblja (11.-12. St.) u Wawrzeńczycama (blizu Krakowa)

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    The aim of this study was to diagnose and describe extensive infl ammatory changes in a child’s skeleton from Wawrzeńczyce, (the medieval period). The aim of the analysis was to determine the nature of the infl ammatory changes and their etiology by means of macroscopic techniques as well as X-ray analysis. The tests revealed that the individual suffered from a hematogenous multifocal osteitis. This condition might have been a result of an acute or sub-acute osteitis, and the untreated form of osteomyelitis might have contributed to the infection of the entire developing organism, leading to death.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dijagnosticirati i opisati ekstenzivne upalne promjene u djetetovu kosturu iz Wawrzeńczyce, (period srednjega vijeka). Cilj analize bio je utvrditi prirodu upalnih promjena i njihovu etiologiju pomoću makroskopskih tehnika, kao i X-zraka. Testovi su pokazali da je pojedinac patio od hematogenog multifokalnog ostitisa. Takvo je stanje moglo biti posljedica akutnog ili subakutnog ostitisa, a ne tretirani oblik osteomijelitisa mogao je pridonijeti infekciji cijelog organizma u razvoju, što je dovelo do smrti