25 research outputs found

    The Novel Oral BET-CBP/p300 Dual Inhibitor NEO2734 Is Highly Effective in Eradicating Acute Myeloid Leukemia Blasts and Stem/Progenitor Cells

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a disease characterized by transcriptional dysregulation that results in a block in differentiation and aberrant self-renewal. Inhibitors directed to epigenetic modifiers, aiming at transcriptional reprogramming of AML cells, are currently in clinical trials for AML patients. Several of these inhibitors target bromodomain and extraterminal domain (BET) proteins, cyclic AMP response binding protein-binding protein (CBP), and the E1A-interacting protein of 300 kDa (p300), affecting histone acetylation. Unfortunately, single epigenetic inhibitors showed limited efficacy due to appearance of resistance and lack of effective eradication of leukemic stem cells. Here, we describe the efficacy of 2 novel, orally available inhibitors targeting both the BET and CBP/p300 proteins, NEO1132 and NEO2734, in primary AML. NEO2734 and NEO1132 efficiently reduced the viability of AML cell lines and primary AML cells by inducing apoptosis. Importantly, both NEO drugs eliminated leukemic stem/progenitor cells from AML patient samples, and NEO2734 increased the effectiveness of combination chemotherapy treatment in an in vivo AML patient-derived mouse model. Thus, dual inhibition of BET and CBP/p300 using NEO2734 is a promising therapeutic strategy for AML patients, making it a focus for clinical translation

    Leukemic stem cell frequency: a strong biomarker for clinical outcome in acute myeloid leukemia.

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    INTRODUCTION Treatment failure in acute myeloid leukemia is probably caused by the presence of leukemia initiating cells, also referred to as leukemic stem cells, at diagnosis and their persistence after therapy. Specific identification of leukemia stem cells and their discrimination from normal hematopoietic stem cells would greatly contribute to risk stratification and could predict possible relapses. RESULTS For identification of leukemic stem cells, we developed flow cytometric methods using leukemic stem cell associated markers and newly-defined (light scatter) aberrancies. The nature of the putative leukemic stem cells and normal hematopoietic stem cells, present in the same patient's bone marrow, was demonstrated in eight patients by the presence or absence of molecular aberrancies and/or leukemic engraftment in NOD-SCID IL-2Rγ-/- mice. At diagnosis (n=88), the frequency of the thus defined neoplastic part of CD34+CD38- putative stem cell compartment had a strong prognostic impact, while the neoplastic parts of the CD34+CD38+ and CD34- putative stem cell compartments had no prognostic impact at all. After different courses of therapy, higher percentages of neoplastic CD34+CD38- cells in complete remission strongly correlated with shorter patient survival (n=91). Moreover, combining neoplastic CD34+CD38- frequencies with frequencies of minimal residual disease cells (n=91), which reflect the total neoplastic burden, revealed four patient groups with different survival. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE Discrimination between putative leukemia stem cells and normal hematopoietic stem cells in this large-scale study allowed to demonstrate the clinical importance of putative CD34+CD38- leukemia stem cells in AML. Moreover, it offers new opportunities for the development of therapies directed against leukemia stem cells, that would spare normal hematopoietic stem cells, and, moreover, enables in vivo and ex vivo screening for potential efficacy and toxicity of new therapies

    Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7 Activates the Retinoid Acid Differentiation Pathway in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by the accumulation of malignant blasts with impaired transcriptional differentiation programs. Despite important advances in AML therapy, the five-year overall survival rate of AML patients remains a disappointing 30-40%. This poor prognosis is mainly caused by survival of chemotherapy resistant leukemic cells, named leukemic stem cells (LSC), re-initiating relapse. However, for AML patients with PML-RARA positive acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), treatment with all trans retinoic acid (ATRA) results in cure rates of >90%. Upon ATRA treatment, APL cells can restore transcription leading to granulocytic differentiation, and in combination with arsenic trioxide APL cells go into apoptosis. While the success of ATRA treatment has been demonstrated for APL patients, so far it has not proved effective for non-APL AML patients.Previously, we demonstrated that insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7), a negative regulator of IGF1 receptor (IGF1R) activity, induces apoptosis of AML cells and sensitizes AML cells to chemotherapy-induced cell death. Since it has been shown that IGF1R inhibitors can eliminate therapy-resistant cells by modifying their chromatin state, we hypothesized that IGFBP7 may also have the capacity to modify an epigenetic state and unlock the ATRA-driven differentiation response. To this end, we generated APL cell lines with down- or upregulated IGFBP7 levels and demonstrated that knockdown of IGFBP7 in NB4 cells blocked ATRA-induced differentiation, whereas overexpression of IGFBP7 led to an 8-fold increase in differentiation in the presence of low concentrations of ATRA, together suggesting a role for IGFBP7 in ATRA-induced differentiation in APL cells.Strategies to increase efficacy of ATRA-based therapy might also improve treatment outcomes for non-APL AML, and therefore we investigated the potential of IGFBP7 to induce susceptibility for ATRA-driven differentiation in this group. ATRA and IGFBP7 treatment of non-APL AML cell lines and primary AML cells derived from patients at diagnosis demonstrated an enhanced efficiency of the combination therapy to induce differentiation of myeloid CD45dimCD33+ AML cells (2.5-fold increase in CD11b-expression) and/or to reduce viability of AML CD45dim cells as compared to single treatments (from 30-39% to 70% reduction upon IGFBP7, ATRA or combination therapy, respectively), in 50% of tested primary AML samples, while this combination therapy did not influence normal hematopoietic cell survival. Remarkably, ATRA-IGFBP7 treatment diminished the in vivo engraftment potential of primary AML cells as compared to treatment with either drug alone in NSG mice (from 28% and 52% to 17% engraftment upon ATRA, IGFBP7 or combination therapy, respectively). Re-transplantation of human AML derived from first transplanted mice into secondary recipients demonstrated that the ATRA-IGFBP7 combination treatment also eliminated LSC more effectively (1.4-fold reduction). Together these data suggest that IGFBP7 enhances sensitivity of AML (stem) cells to ATRA, and is able to induce a transcriptional program sensitizing AML cells for ATRA-induced differentiation and cell death.To identify factors responsible for IGFBP7-induced ATRA sensitivity, we performed gene expression profiling of primary AML samples treated with IGFBP7, and identified growth factor independent protein 1 (GFI1) as one of the top down-regulated genes upon IGFBP7 stimulation. As overexpression of GFI1 in non-APL AML patient samples resulted in a >2.5-fold reduction in IGFBP7-induced susceptibility to ATRA-driven differentiation, low GFI1 expression is suggested to be associated with susceptibility to ATRA in AML cells.In conclusion, our results indicate that treatment of AML patient with a combination of ATRA and IGFBP7 might be successful in preventing relapse and improving AML patient survival, which has to be confirmed in further clinical studies.Disclosures Ossenkoppele: Karyopharm: Consultancy, Research Funding; Novartis: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding; Jazz: Consultancy, Honoraria; Genentech: Consultancy, Honoraria; Roche: Consultancy, Honoraria; BMS: Consultancy, Honoraria; Pfizer: Consultancy, Honoraria; Genmab: Research Funding; Celgene: Honoraria, Research Funding; Johnson & Johnson: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding.↵* Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members

    Relationship between CD34/CD38 and side population (SP) defined leukemia stem cell compartments in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Leukemic stem cells (LSCs), defined by CD34/CD38 expression, are believed to be essential for leukemia initiation and therapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia. In addition, the side population (SP), characterized by high Hoechst 33342 efflux, reflecting therapy resistance, has leukemia initiating ability. The purpose of this study is, in both CD34-positive and CD34-negative AML, to integrate both types of LSC compartment into a new more restricted definition. Different CD34/CD38/SP defined putative LSC and normal hematopoietic compartments, with neoplastic or normal nature, respectively, were thus identified after cell sorting, and confirmed by FISH/PCR. Stem cell activity was assessed in the long-term liquid culture stem cell assay. SP fractions harbored the strongest functional stem cell activity in both normal and neoplastic cells in both CD34-positive and CD34-negative AML. Overall, inclusion of SP fraction decreased the size of the putative CD34/CD38 defined LSC compartment by a factor >500. For example, for the important CD34+CD38- LSC compartment, the median SP/CD34+CD38- frequency was 5.1 per million WBC (CD34-positive AML), and median SP/CD34-CD38+ frequency (CD34-negative AML) was 1796 per million WBC. Improved detection of LSC may enable identification of therapy resistant clones, and thereby identification of novel LSC specific, HSC sparing, therapies

    Targeting miRNA-551b, a "Stemness"-like microRNA, to Eradicate AML (Stem) Cells

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    Despite high complete remission (CR) rates achieved after chemotherapy, only 30-40% of patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) survive five years after diagnosis. The main cause of this treatment failure is insufficient eradication of a subpopulation of chemotherapy-resistant leukemia cells with stem cell properties, named "leukemic stem cells" (LSCs). LSCs use a variety of mechanisms to resist chemotherapy and targeting them is one of the major challenges in AML treatment. Since miRNAs can target multiple genes/pathways simultaneously, their modulation (downregulation or upregulation) may have great potential for the successful elimination of therapy-resistant leukemic (stem) cells (Martiañez Canales et al. Cancers 2017). Here, we show that miRNA-551b, previously identified by us as a stem cell-like miRNA, can be a potential novel target to specifically eradicate AML stem-like cells.Aiming at identification of miRNA-based therapy to specifically eradicate LSCs, while sparing normal Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs), we determined expression of miRNAs in normal HSCs, Leukemic Stem Cells (LSCs) and leukemic progenitors (LP) all derived from the same AML patient's bone marrow. Using this approach, we identified miRNA-551b as being highly expressed in normal HSCs residing both in healthy and AML bone marrows. In AML, high expression of miR551b demonstrated to be associated with an adverse prognosis. Moreover, miRNA-551b was highly expressed in immature AML cases and its expression in a cohort of patients coincided with the expression of stem cell genes (De Leeuw et al. Leukemia 2016).To further elucidate the link between miRNA-551b and AML "stemness" and to test whether downregulation of miRNA-551b affects the survival of AML (stem/progenitor) cells, proliferation and the balance between differentiation and "stemness", we reduced miRNA-551b expression, either by lentiviral transduction of antagomirs or by adding locked nucleotide acid (LNA)-oligonucleotides to AML cell lines and primary AML cells. Downregulation of miRNA-551b in the stem cell-like AML cell line KG1a led to inhibition of cell growth in vitro, which was due to inhibition of proliferation rather than induction of apoptosis. KG1a tumor growth in an in vivo mouse model was also reduced when miRNA-551b was downregulated. In primary AML, miRNA-551b knockdown resulted in a significant decrease in the survival of leukemic progenitors and LSCs, while hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and normal progenitors from healthy bone marrows were not affected. These results suggest that a therapeutic approach inhibiting miRNA-551b expression might specifically eradicate leukemic progenitors and LSCs from primary AML, while sparing HSCs. We are currently studying miRNA-551b targets which can be responsible for this specific LSCs elimination.In conclusion, our results suggest that inhibition of miRNA-551b could be a promising approach to eliminate stem cell-like AML cells, thereby decreasing relapse rates and improving AML treatment outcome.Disclosures Ossenkoppele: Pfizer: Consultancy, Honoraria; BMS: Consultancy, Honoraria; Genentech: Consultancy, Honoraria; Jazz: Consultancy, Honoraria; Novartis: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding; Karyopharm: Consultancy, Research Funding; Roche: Consultancy, Honoraria; Celgene: Honoraria, Research Funding; Johnson & Johnson: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding; Genmab: Research Funding.↵* Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members

    Immunophenotypic aberrant hematopoietic stem cells in myelodysplastic syndromes: a biomarker for leukemic progression

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) comprise hematological disorders that originate from the neoplastic transformation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). However, discrimination between HSCs and their neoplastic counterparts in MDS-derived bone marrows (MDS-BMs) remains challenging. We hypothesized that in MDS patients immature CD34+CD38− cells with aberrant expression of immunophenotypic markers reflect neoplastic stem cells and that their frequency predicts leukemic progression. We analyzed samples from 68 MDS patients and 53 controls and discriminated HSCs from immunophenotypic aberrant HSCs (IA-HSCs) expressing membrane aberrancies (CD7, CD11b, CD22, CD33, CD44, CD45RA, CD56, CD123, CD366 or CD371). One-third of the MDS-BMs (23/68) contained IA-HSCs. The presence of IA-HSCs correlated with perturbed hematopoiesis (disproportionally expanded CD34+ subsets beside cytopenias) and an increased hazard of leukemic progression (HR = 25, 95% CI: 2.9–218) that was independent of conventional risk factors. At 2 years follow-up, the sensitivity and specificity of presence of IA-HSCs for predicting leukemic progression was 83% (95% CI: 36–99%) and 71% (95% CI: 58–81%), respectively. In a selected cohort (n = 10), most MDS-BMs with IA-HSCs showed genomic complexity and high human blast counts following xenotransplantation into immunodeficient mice, contrasting MDS-BMs without IA-HSCs. This study demonstrates that the presence of IA-HSCs within MDS-BMs predicts leukemic progression, indicating the clinical potential of IA-HSCs as a prognostic biomarker