5 research outputs found

    Effects of Allium cepa L. peels extract on gonadotropins, testosterone and sperm variables in Oba Marshal broiler cocks

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    Allium cepa (onion), a natural seasoning agent that contains significant amounts of potent antioxidants in its scaly leaves is used in folkloric medicine to manage several diseases globally. Antioxidants have an essential effect on sperm health parameters; however, there is limited information on the effects of Allium cepa scaly leaf extract on reproductive functions in Oba Marshal breeder cocks. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the aqueous extract of Allium cepa scaly leaf on reproductive functions in sexually matured Oba Marshal breeder cocks. Allium cepa bulbs were obtained from a market in Abeokuta, Ogun State. Dry scaly leaves were peeled, pulverised, macerated in distilled water, filtered and concentrated. Twenty, 42 weeks old Oba Marshal breeder cocks (3.48 – 3.62 kg) were divided into 4 groups (n = 5) and treated daily for 2 weeks thus: CT (control, distilled water, 0.5 mL/kg), T2 (extract 200 mg/kg/bird), T4 (extract 400 mg/kg/bird), T8 (extract 800 mg/kg/bird). Sperm characteristics were assessed microscopically. Testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were analysed using ELISA. Data were analysed using ANOVA at α0.05. Treated birds had significantly (p < 0.05) higher sperm motility, morphology but non-significant changes in sperm viability and concentration compared with the controls. Also, serum FSH and LH significantly increased, while testosterone had no significant change in test groups compared to the control. Aqueous extract of Allium cepa scaly leaf improved testicular functions and morphology in the test cocks. The reproductive function enhancement of the extract may be due to its antioxidant effect. Keywords: Allium cepa, Breeding, Broiler cocks, Spermatogenesis, Testosteron

    Assessment of the Role of Mass Media in the Dissemination of Agricultural Technologies among Farmers in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to assess the Role of Mass Media in the Dissemination of Agricultural Technologies among Farmers in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State. A random sampling technique was used for selecting samples. The total sample size was 108 respondents. Data were collected through a well structure interview schedule and analyzed with descriptive statistics and Chi- square. The study showed that the respondents have different degree of accessibility to radio, television, telephone, Internet, and newspaper/ bulletin. Radio was found to be more accessible (46.3%) and also the major source (60.19%) of agricultural technologies to the farmers. The study further revealed that 90.7% of the respondents affirms that mass media is effective in the dissemination of agricultural technologies while 9.3% saw mass media as not effective. The Chi- square analysis at 0.01% level of probability showed that the use of mass media was effective in the dissemination of agricultural technologies in the study area. The factors militating against the effective utilization of mass media as source of agricultural technologies to the farmers in the study area were also identified to be illiteracy, low income level, lack of credit facilities, and inadequate/ erratic power supply. To enhance the effectiveness of mass media in the dissemination of agricultural technologies for agricultural development in the study area there is need to strengthen the use of radio and television in information dissemination to farmers, more competent presenters who are knowledgeable in agriculture to handle agricultural programs. Also such programs should be broadcasted in local languages as much as possible and efforts must be taken to guarantee that the airing times are suitable. Key words: Agricultural technologies, Dissemination, Mass media, Analysi

    Determinantes of marketing efficiency among crayfish marketers in Uruan Local Government Area, Akwaibom State, Nigeria

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    The study analysed the determinants of crayfish marketing in Uruan Local Government Area of AkwaIbom State, Nigeria. One hundred and twenty structured questionnaires were administered on the respondents who were crayfish wholesalers and retailer marketers. The data for the study were captured using a structured questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis and cost and returns were estimated. The results of the study show that most of the respondents were females, 60% wholesalers and 71.4% retailers; their male counterparts constitute 40% wholesalers and 28.6% retailers. The range of farm size was 0.6-1.5 ha with the dominant farming experience range of 10-15years with most respondents’ literates. Linear and Cobb Douglas functional form result shows the relationship between farmers’ socio economic characteristics and their output. The results of the regression analyses also shows that the coefficients for household size and education had a direct relationship with marketing efficiency and significant at 1% level and marketing experience at 10% level. The coefficient of age had an indirect relationship with marketing efficiency and significant at 1% level. The results of the cost and returns shows that wholesalers purchase fish mainly from the producers or the agents at N180,000 per basket and sell at N317,650 while the retailers purchase from the wholesalers at 250,000 and sell at N295. Benefit cost ratio for wholesalers was N1.3 and N1.2 for retailers. This implies that for any N1 spent in crayfish marketing, the wholesalers get a value of N1.3 and retailers N1.2. The results therefore call for policies aimed at providing free and affordable education to enable farmers’ access and process information on fish marketing. There is also need to encourage the young experienced fish marketers whom are experienced to increase their supply by having access to credit facilities and other inputs for efficient marketing.Keywords: Crayfish, marketing, wholesalers and retailer

    A call: COVID-19 research funding in Africa

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    French Title: Un appel: le financement de la recherche COVID-19 en Afriqu

    Ethics In Veterinary Practice In Nigeria: Challenges And The Way-Forward

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    Ethics is a code of conduct governing an individual or group of people. Veterinary ethics is a set of moral principles, drawn from professional and animal ethics, to enable Veterinarians fulfill their professional and moral obligations in their relationships with colleagues, patients, clients and the society at large. The hallmarks of veterinary ethics, as enshrined in the veterinary oath, is protection of animal health, relief of animal suffering, conservation of animal resources and promotion of public health. However, inadequate security in slaughterhouses and excessive quest for quick financial gains among stakeholders in agro-veterinary industry, are some of the major challenges bedeviling full enforcement of ethical standards in veterinary practice in Nigeria. Also, global rise in animal-human relationship/bonding, which may make recommendation of euthanasia in debilitating animals difficult, has emerged as a major ethical challenge to Veterinarians, especially those in pet practice. These challenges underscore the need for review of the existing veterinary code of ethics, to reflect the present-day challenges. Greater partnership between Veterinarians and law enforcement agencies, for provision of adequate security in slaughterhouses nationwide is imperative; to enable veterinarians fulfill their professional obligation of promoting public health through meat inspection. Prompt payment of compensation to owners of condemned carcasses and placement of more emphasis on the need for complete adherence to ethical standard during veterinary training programmes are indispensible to improve ethical standards in veterinary practice in Nigeria.Keywords: Veterinary ethics, veterinary practice, ethical responsibilities, ethical challenges, way-forward, Veterinaria