96 research outputs found

    Mice That Express Human Interleukin-8 Have Increased Mobilization of Immature Myeloid Cells, Which Exacerbates Inflammation and Accelerates Colon Carcinogenesis

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    Background & Aims Interleukin (IL)-8 has an important role in initiating inflammation in humans, attracting immune cells such as neutrophils through their receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2. IL-8 has been proposed to contribute to chronic inflammation and cancer. However, mice do not have the IL-8 gene, so human cancer cell lines and xenograft studies have been used to study the role of IL-8 in colon and gastric carcinogenesis. We generated mice that carry a bacterial artificial chromosome that encompasses the entire human IL-8 gene, including its regulatory elements (IL-8Tg mice). Methods We studied the effects of IL-8 expression in APCmin[superscript +/−] mice and IL-8Tg mice given azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). We also examined the effects of IL-8 expression in gastric cancer in INS-GAS mice that overexpress gastrin and IL-8Tg mice infected with Helicobacter felis. Results In IL-8Tg mice, expression of human IL-8 was controlled by its own regulatory elements, with virtually no messenger RNA or protein detectable under basal conditions. IL-8 was strongly up-regulated on systemic or local inflammatory stimulation, increasing mobilization of immature CD11b[superscript +]Gr-1[superscript +] myeloid cells (IMCs) with thioglycolate-induced peritonitis, DSS-induced colitis, and H. felis–induced gastritis. IL-8 was increased in colorectal tumors from patients and IL-8Tg mice compared with nontumor tissues. IL-8Tg mice developed more tumors than wild-type mice following administration of azoxymethane and DSS. Expression of IL-8 increased tumorigenesis in APCmin[superscript +/−] mice compared with APCmin[superscript +/−] mice that lack IL-8; this was associated with increased numbers of IMCs and angiogenesis in the tumors. Conclusions IL-8 contributes to gastrointestinal carcinogenesis by mobilizing IMCs and might be a therapeutic target for gastrointestinal cancers

    Mice that express human interleukin-8 have increased mobilization of immature myeloid cells, which exacerbates inflammation and accelerates colon carcinogenesis

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    Background & Aims: Interleukin (IL)-8 has an important role in initiating inflammation in humans, attracting immune cells such as neutrophils through their receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2. IL-8 has been proposed to contribute to chronic inflammation and cancer. However, mice do not have the IL-8 gene, so human cancer cell lines and xenograft studies have been used to study the role of IL-8 in colon and gastric carcinogenesis. We generated mice that carry a bacterial artificial chromosome that encompasses the entire human IL-8 gene, including its regulatory elements (IL-8Tg mice). Methods: We studied the effects of IL-8 expression in APCmin+/- mice and IL-8Tg mice given azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). We also examined the effects of IL-8 expression in gastric cancer in INS-GAS mice that overexpress gastrin and IL-8Tg mice infected with Helicobacter felis. Results: In IL-8Tg mice, expression of human IL-8 was controlled by its own regulatory elements, with virtually no messenger RNA or protein detectable under basal conditions. IL-8 was strongly up-regulated on systemic or local inflammatory stimulation, increasing mobilization of immature CD11b+Gr-1+ myeloid cells (IMCs) with thioglycolate-induced peritonitis, DSS-induced colitis, and H. felis-induced gastritis. IL-8 was increased in colorectal tumors from patients and IL-8Tg mice compared with nontumor tissues. IL-8Tg mice developed more tumors than wild-type mice following administration of azoxymethane and DSS. Expression of IL-8 increased tumorigenesis in APCmin+/- mice compared with APCmin+/- mice that lack IL-8; this was associated with increased numbers of IMCs and angiogenesis in the tumors. Conclusions: IL-8 contributes to gastrointestinal carcinogenesis by mobilizing IMCs and might be a therapeutic target for gastrointestinal cancers. © 2013 AGA Institute

    Mist1 Expressing Gastric Stem Cells Maintain the Normal and Neoplastic Gastric Epithelium and Are Supported by a Perivascular Stem Cell Niche

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    The regulation and stem cell origin of normal and neoplastic gastric glands are uncertain. Here, we show that Mist1 expression marks quiescent stem cells in the gastric corpus isthmus. Mist1+ stem cells serve as a cell-of-origin for intestinal-type cancer with the combination of Kras and Apc mutation and for diffuse-type cancer with the loss of E-cadherin. Diffuse-type cancer development is dependent on inflammation mediated by Cxcl12+ endothelial cells and Cxcr4+ gastric innate lymphoid cells (ILCs). These cells form the perivascular gastric stem cell niche, and Wnt5a produced from ILCs activates RhoA to inhibit anoikis in the E-cadherin-depleted cells. Targeting Cxcr4, ILCs, or Wnt5a inhibits diffuse-type gastric carcinogenesis, providing targets within the neoplastic gastric stem cell niche

    Four Species of the Genus Grandidierella (Crustacea : Amphipoda : Aoridae) from Osaka Bay and the Northern Part of the Kii Channel, Central Japan

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    Four species of the genus Grandidierella were collected from estuaries and coastal area in Osaka Bay and the northern part of the Kii Channel, central Japan. Grandidierella fasciata sp. nov., G. osakaensis sp. nov. and G. japonica Stephensen, 1938 were from brackish area, G. insulae Myers, 1981 from sea area. These amphipods are described and validness of the three brackish species is examined by crossing experiments

    Paraniphargus Tattersall 1925

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    Genus <i>Paraniphargus</i> Tattersall, 1925 <p> <i>Paraniphargus</i> Tattersall, 1925: 241; Barnard and Barnard, 1983: 675, fig. 5, map 54. <i>Melita</i>: Sawicki et al., 2005: 66 (in part) [not Leach, 1814: 403].</p> <i>Type species</i> <p> <i>Paraniphargus annandalei</i> Tattersall, 1925 by monotypy.</p> <i>Emended diagnosis</i> <p> Head, rostrum weak, eyes absent. Antennae slender; antenna l peduncular article 1 longer than article 3, accessory flagellum 2- or 3-articulated; antenna 2 shorter than 1, flagellum short. Mandibular palp slender, with 3 articles; article 1 short, articles 2 <i>–</i> 3 long, article 3 linear, weakly setose. Lower lip with developed inner lobes. Maxilla 1, inner plate ovate, with 3 <i>–</i> 4 apical setae, not setose medially; outer plate with 6 <i>–</i> 9 robust setae distally; palp 2-articulated, with apical robust setae. Maxilla 2, inner plate without facial or medial setae. Coxae relatively long, coxa 4 lobate. Gnathopod 1 small, subchelate; carpus weakly elongate, unlobed; propodus shorter than carpus, trapezoidal, palm transverse, dactylus fitting palm; no sexual dimorphism. Gnathopod 2 enlarged, subchelate; carpus of medium length, weakly lobate; propodus large, roundish rectangular, palm oblique; dactylus long, curved posteriorly; no sexual dimorphism. Pereopods 3 <i>–</i> 4 slender; bases of pereopods 5 <i>–</i> 7 relatively expanded, slightly lobate posterodistally, posterior margins serrate. Uropods biramous; uropods 1 <i>–</i> 2 rami extending subequally, with robust setae marginally; uropod 3 elongate; peduncle short; parviramous, outer ramus long, 1- articulated, with marginal and terminal setae, inner ramus shorter than 20% length of outer. Telson of ordinary length, fully cleft, lobes tapering, each with 2 apical robust setae.</p> <i>Remarks</i> <p> Four species have been described in the genus <i>Paraniphargus:</i> <i>P. annandalei</i> Tattersall, 1925 from a freshwater stream in the Andaman Islands; <i>Paraniphargus ruttneri</i> Schellenberg, 1931 from a freshwater lake in Java; <i>Paraniphargus leleuporum</i> Monod, 1970 from groundwater in the Galapagos Islands; <i>Paraniphargus vermiamicus</i> Bamber, 2003 from marine waters in Hong Kong. <i>Paraniphargus leleuporum</i> was subsequently transferred to a new genus, <i>Galapsiellus</i> Barnard, 1976 by Barnard (1976), and <i>P. vermiamicus</i> was transferred to <i>Tegano</i> Barnard and Karaman, 1982 by Horton and Lowry (2012), leaving only two species in the genus.</p> <p> Several studies have dealt with the difference between <i>Paraniphargus</i> and the related genus, <i>Melita</i> Leach, 1814. Schellenberg (1931) pointed out that they differ only in the 1- articulated outer ramus of the uropod 3, the lack of the anteroventral cusp on the head, the weak mandibular palp, and the naked medial margin of the inner lobes of both maxillae. Barnard and Barnard (1983) stated that many species of <i>Melita</i> have lost article 2 on the uropod 3 outer ramus, and that <i>Paraniphargus</i> differs from <i>Melita</i> in the loss of eyes and medial maxillary setae. Stock and Ilife (1995) suggested that there were only slight differences between <i>Paraniphargus, Melita</i> and a third genus <i>Josephosella</i> Ruffo, 1985. More recently, Sawicki et al. (2005) synonymized <i>Paraniphargus</i> with <i>Melita</i> citing a lack of distinction in the setation of maxilla 2 and the number of articles in the uropod 3 outer ramus between these genera. The present study recognizes the sexually monomorphic gnathopod 2 as a distinctive generic character of <i>Paraniphargus</i> separating it from <i>Melita</i> species that have a sexually dimorphic gnathopod 2 (Barnard and Barnard 1983; Jarrett and Bousfield 1996). Although the original description of <i>P. annandalei</i> and <i>P. ruttneri</i> by Tattersall (1925) and Schellenberg (1931), respectively, do not include details of the presence or absence of sexually dimorphic characters, Barnard (1976) proposed the absence of sexual dimorphism in the gnathopods without stating the basis for this observation. The medial margin of the maxilla 2 inner plate is quite bare of setae in all species of <i>Paraniphargus</i> including <i>P. shiosai</i> sp. nov., whereas in the <i>Melita</i> species, number of setae on the medial margin varies from very many to a few but never without setae. Based on the above characters <i>Paraniphargus</i> is here reinstated as a distinct genus from <i>Melita</i>.</p> <i>Included taxa</i> <p> Three species: <i>P. annandalei</i> Tattersall, 1925; <i>P. ruttneri</i> Schellenberg, 1931; <i>P. shiosai</i> sp. nov.</p>Published as part of <i>Ariyama, Hiroyuki, 2016, Two new species of eyeless amphipods from a coastal area in Japan (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hadziidae, Melitidae), with reinstatement of the genus Paraniphargus Tattersall, 1925, pp. 2277-2297 in Journal of Natural History 50</i> on pages 2287-2289, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2016.1198838, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3993161">http://zenodo.org/record/3993161</a&gt

    Grandidierella Coutiere 1904

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    Key to Grandidierella species in the Ryukyu Archipelago (adult males). 1. Merus of gnathopod 2 divergent posteriorly............................................... G. gilesi Chilton, 1921 - Merus of gnathopod 2 not divergent....................................................................... 2 2. Carpus of gnathopod 1 with stridulating ridges............................................ G. japonicoides sp. nov. - Carpus of gnathopod 1 lacking stridulating ridges............................................................ 3 3. Merus of gnathopod 1 with posterodistal projection, carpus of gnathopod 1 with 3 teeth............................. 4 - Merus of gnathopod 1 without posterodistal projection, carpus of gnathopod 1 with 2 teeth........................... 5 4. Proximal tooth on gnathopod 1 carpus very close to middle tooth, uropod 1 peduncle with inter-ramal process................................................................................................. G. contigua sp. nov. - Proximal tooth on gnathopod 1 carpus apart from middle tooth, uropod 1 peduncle lacking inter-ramal process......................................................................................... G. pseudosakaensis sp. nov. 5. Carpus of gnathopod 1 narrow (length ca. 1.6 times of width), coxa 2 with posteromedial projection......................................................................... G. halophila Wongkamhaeng, Pholpunthin & Azman, 2012 - Carpus of gnathopod 1 wide (length ca. 1.2 times of width), coxa 2 without posteromedial projection....... G. nana sp. nov.Published as part of Ariyama, Hiroyuki, 2020, Six species of Grandidierella collected from the Ryukyu Archipelago in Japan with descriptions of four new species (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Aoridae), pp. 1-44 in Zootaxa 4810 (1) on page 41, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4810.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/393694

    Maeridae Krapp-Schickel 2008

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    Maeridae Krapp-Schickel, 2008a <p>[Japanese name: Sunnariyokoebi-ka]</p>Published as part of <i>Ariyama, Hiroyuki, 2020, Species of the Maera - clade collected from Japan. Part 3: genera Maera Leach, 1814, Meximaera Barnard, 1969 and Orientomaera Ariyama, 2018 (addendum), with a key to Japanese species of the clade (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Maeridae), pp. 451-479 in Zootaxa 4743 (4)</i> on page 452, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4743.4.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3690502">http://zenodo.org/record/3690502</a&gt

    Paraflagitopisa excavata Ariyama, 2015, sp. nov.

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    <i>Paraflagitopisa excavata</i> sp. nov. <p>(Figs 1 C, 2–5)</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Holotype: male (OMNH-Ar-9714), 6.2 mm, off Toyokunizaki coast, Misaki Town, Osaka Prefecture, 34°19'23"N, 135°06'58"E (Fig. 1 C), 4.1 m in depth, gravel and shell bottom beside rock, together with <i>Gammarella cyclodactyla</i> (Hirayama, 1978) and <i>Abludomelita japonica</i> (Nagata, 1965), 6 October 1986, coll. H. Ariyama. Paratypes: 1 male (OMNH-Ar-9715), 4.6 mm, and 1 female (OMNH-Ar-9716), 5.0 mm, same data as holotype.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Male [based on holotype, 6.2 mm (OMNH-Ar-9714) and paratype, 4.6 mm (OMNH-Ar-9715) for right mandible, pereopods 5–7 and pleonal epimera]. <i>Body</i> (Fig. 2) slender, pereonites and pleonites without dorsal setae.</p> <p> <i>Antenna 1</i> (Fig. 3 A, A1) with ratio of lengths of peduncular articles 1–3 1:1.0:0.5, article 1 with bundle of lateral setae and distomedial robust seta; accessory flagellum with seta on tip; primary flagellum with 15 articles, last article with distal seta. <i>Antenna 2</i> (Fig. 3 B) with ratio of lengths of peduncular articles 3–5 1:2.6:2.2; flagellum short, with 7 articles, last article with a few distal setae.</p> <p> <i>Mandible</i> (Fig. 3 D, D1, E, E1), each incisor bearing 4 cusps, left lacinia mobilis spiniform, right with 4 cusps, accessory blades 5 in left, 7 in right; palp article length ratio 1:2.8: 1.8 in right, article 2 with 4–5 setae ventrally, article 3 with 7 setae. <i>Maxilla 1</i> (Fig. 3 G, G1), tip of palp article 2 projected in middle, with 2 robust setae. <i>Maxilla 2</i> (Fig. 3 H), inner plate wider than outer. <i>Maxilliped</i> (Fig. 3 I, I1 <i>–</i> 2), distal end of inner plate bearing 3 short robust setae; outer plate with 8 robust setae; ventral surface of palp article 3 covered with thin setae.</p> <p> <i>Gnathopod 1</i> (Fig. 4 A, A1), coxa roundish; basis widened in distal two thirds, posterior margin with long seta in middle; posterior margin of ischium with seta; lateral and medial surfaces of merus covered with thin setae; posterior margin of carpus setose; propodus about 0.9 times as long as carpus, posterodistal corner with 5 small robust setae medially; dactylus short. <i>Gnathopod 2</i> (Fig. 4 B, B1), coxa roundish trapezoidal; basis widened in distal two thirds, posterior margin with 2 long setae in middle; carpus lobed, posterior margin setose; propodus enlarged, about 3.1 times as long as carpus, posterior margin with several bundle of setae, anteromedial surface sparsely setose; palm largely excavated posteriorly, defined by 2 medial robust setae, middle part of palm with 5 lateral and 3 medial short robust setae; dactylus strong, curved.</p> <p> <i>Pereopods 3–4</i> (Fig. 4 C <i>–</i> D), coxae quadrate; posterior margins of bases with several setae; meri slender, widened distally; dactyli narrow, almost straight. <i>Pereopod 5</i> (Fig. 4 E, E1), posterior lobe of coxa about 0.6 times as long as anterior lobe; basis relatively wide, posterodistal corner swelled; posterior margin and posterodistal corner of merus each with 2 robust setae; anterodistal and posterodistal corners of carpus with 3 and 4 setae, respectively; anterior margin and anterodistal and posterodistal corners of propodus bearing 2, 1 and 1 robust setae, respectively; dactylus narrow. <i>Pereopod 6</i> (Fig. 4 F, F1) about 1.4 times as long as pereopod 5; posterior lobe of coxa about 0.7 times as long as anterior lobe; basis relatively wide, posterodistal corner swelled; posterior margin and posterodistal corner of merus each with 2 robust setae; anterodistal and posterodistal corners of carpus with 5 and 3 setae, respectively; anterior margin and anterodistal and posterodistal corners of propodus bearing 3, 1 and 1 robust setae, respectively; dactylus narrow. <i>Pereopod 7</i> (Fig. 4 G, G1) about 1.3 times as long as pereopod 6; coxa trapezoidal; basis relatively wide, posterodistal corner swelled; posterior margin and posterodistal corner of merus each with 3 setae; anterior and posterior margins of carpus setose, anterodistal and posterodistal corners with 2 and 7 setae, respectively; anterior and posterior margins of propodus setose; dactylus narrow.</p> <p> <i>Pleonal epimera</i> (Fig. 5 A), epimeron 2 with thick seta ventrally, posteroventral corner with minute seta; epimeron 3 with 1 thick and 1 thin setae ventrally, posteroventral corner minutely projected, bearing minute seta. <i>Pleopods 1–3</i> (Fig. 5 B <i>–</i> D), pleopod 3 shortest; peduncles each with distal projection; inner and outer rami with 10 and 11 articles in pleopod 1, 9 and 10 articles in pleopod 2, and 8 and 9 articles in pleopod 3, respectively. <i>Uropod 1</i> (Fig. 5 E) long; peduncle long, bearing 2 ventrofacial, 4 dorsomedial, 6 dorsolateral and 1 medial robust setae, distomedial and distolateral corners with 2 and 1 long robust setae, respectively; inner ramus 63 % length of peduncle, with 1 medial, 1 lateral and 3 distal robust setae; outer ramus 56 % length of peduncle, with 2 medial and 4 distal robust setae. <i>Uropod 2</i> (Fig. 5 F) short, about 0.7 times as long as uropod 1; peduncle short, bearing 3 dorsomedial robust setae, distomedial and distolateral corners with 2 and 1 robust setae, respectively; inner ramus about same length as peduncle, with 3 medial and 5 distal robust setae; outer ramus 83 % length of peduncle, with 1 medial, 3 lateral and 3 distal robust setae. <i>Uropod 3</i> (Fig. 5 G) very large, about 1.9 times as long as uropod 1; peduncle short, with 2 ventral robust setae, distolateral corner bearing 4 setae; inner ramus about 1.8 times as long as peduncle, with 3 medial, 3 lateral and 4 distal robust setae; outer ramus about 5.3 times as long as peduncle, article 1 with several medial and 2 lateral setae, distomedial and distolateral corners with 6 and 2 robust setae, respectively, article 2 almost same length as article 1, with several setae on medial and lateral margins, distal margin setose. <i>Telson</i> (Fig. 5 H), breadth subequal to length; lateral margins with 1–2 robust setae, distal margins bearing 2–3 robust setae, dorsal surface with 2 pairs of plumose setae.</p> <p> Female [paratype, 5.0 mm (OMNH-Ar-9716)]. Generally similar to male except for gnathopods and oostegites. <i>Gnathopod 1</i> (Fig. 5 I, I1), coxa rhomboidal; basis narrower, carpus and propodus wider than that of male; propodus 96 % as long as carpus, posterodistal corner with 4 small robust setae medially. <i>Gnathopod 2</i> (Fig. 5 J, J1) smaller than that of male; coxa narrower; propodus shorter, about 1.6 times as long as carpus, palm smoothly curved, defined by 2 medial robust setae, posterior margin with several bundle of setae, anteromedial surface setose; dactylus slender.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> From the Latin <i>excavata</i> (= excavate), referring to the shape of male gnathopod 2.</p> <p> <b>Habitat.</b> Marine, subtidal. Among gravel and shell.</p>Published as part of <i>Ariyama, Hiroyuki, 2015, Three new species of the Eriopisa group (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Eriopisidae) from Japan, with the description of a new genus, pp. 91-110 in Zootaxa 3949 (1)</i> on pages 93-98, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3949.1.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/241799">http://zenodo.org/record/241799</a&gt

    Meximaera Barnard 1969

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    Key to adult males and females of <i>Meximaera</i> <p> 1. Rami of uropod 3 very long, about 3 times length of peduncle; male gnathopod 2, basis broad.. <i>M. mooreana</i> (Myers, 1989)</p> <p>- Rami of uropod 3 relatively short, about 1.5–2 times length of peduncle; male gnathopod 2, basis ordinary.............. 2</p> <p> 2. Gnathopod 2 palm without excavation; pereopod 5–7, bases each lacking posterodistal lobe... <i>M. diffidentia</i> Barnard, 1969a</p> <p>- Gnathopod 2 palm with excavation in middle; pereopod 5–7, bases each with posterodistal lobe....................... 3</p> <p> 3. Coxa 1 anteroventral corner produced acutely; male gnathopod 2, excavation on palm shallow................................................................................................... <i>M. briani</i> Krapp-Schickel, 2008b</p> <p> - Coxa 1 anteroventral corner rounded; male gnathopod 2, excavation on palm deep.......... <i>M. tulearensis</i> (Ledoyer, 1972)</p>Published as part of <i>Ariyama, Hiroyuki, 2020, Species of the Maera - clade collected from Japan. Part 3: genera Maera Leach, 1814, Meximaera Barnard, 1969 and Orientomaera Ariyama, 2018 (addendum), with a key to Japanese species of the clade (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Maeridae), pp. 451-479 in Zootaxa 4743 (4)</i> on page 470, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4743.4.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3690502">http://zenodo.org/record/3690502</a&gt