27 research outputs found

    Boss/Sev Signaling from Germline to Soma Restricts Germline-Stem-Cell-Niche Formation in the Anterior Region of Drosophila Male Gonads

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    SummaryDrosophila germline stem cells are regulated by the somatic microenvironment, or “niche,” which ensures that the stem cells can both self-renew and produce functional gametes throughout adult life. However, despite its prime importance, little is known about how niche formation is regulated during gonadal development. Here, we demonstrate that a receptor tyrosine kinase, Sevenless (Sev), is required to ensure that the niche develops in the anterior region of the male embryonic gonads. Sev is expressed in somatic cells within the posterior region of the gonads. Sev is activated by a ligand, Bride of sevenless (Boss), which is expressed by the germline, to prevent ectopic niche differentiation in the posterior gonadal somatic cells. Thus, we propose that signal transduction from germline to soma restricts expansion of the germline-stem-cell niche in the gonads

    Difference in fine specificity to polysaccharides of Candida albicans mannoprotein between mouse SIGNR1 and human DC-SIGN.

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    C-type lectin SIGNR1 directly recognizes Candida albicans and zymosan and has been considered to share properties of polysaccharide recognition with human DC-SIGN (hDC-SIGN). However, the precise specificity of SIGNR1 and the difference from that of hDC-SIGN remain to be elucidated. We prepared soluble forms of SIGNR1 and hDC-SIGN and conducted experiments to examine their respective specificities. Soluble SIGNR1 (sSIGNR1) bound several types of live C. albicans clinical isolate strains in an EDTA-sensitive manner. Inhibition analyses of sSIGNR1 binding by glycans from various yeast strains demonstrated that SIGNR1 preferentially recognizes N-glycan α-mannose side chains in Candida mannoproteins, as reported in hDC-SIGN. Unlike shDC-SIGN, however, sSIGNR1 recognized not only Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but also C. albicans J-1012 glycan, even after α-mannosidase treatment that leaves only β1, 2-mannose-capped α-mannose side chains. In addition, glycomicroarray analyses showed that sSIGNR1 binds mannans from C. albicans and S. cerevisiae but does not recognize Lewis(a/b/x/y) antigen polysaccharides as in shDC-SIGN. Consistent with these results, RAW264.7 cells expressing hDC-SIGN in which the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) was replaced with that of SIGNR1 (RAW-chimera) produced comparable amounts of interleukin 10 (IL-10) in response to glycans from C. albicans and S. cerevisiae, but those expressing hDC-SIGN produced less IL-10 in response to S. cerevisiae than C. albicans. Furthermore, RAW-hDC-SIGN cells remarkably reduced IL-10 production after α-mannosidase treatment compared with RAW-chimera cells. These results indicate that SIGNR1 recognizes C. albicans/yeast through a specificity partly distinct from that of its homologue hDC-SIGN

    Lipid components detected in Koshu and Pinot Noir skins.

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    <p>Lipid components detected in Koshu and Pinot Noir skins.</p

    C18-fatty acid desaturation in Koshu and Pinot Noir berries.

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    <p>(A) C18-fatty acids in Pinot Noir and Koshu skins and juices. The contents were extracted from Figs <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0186952#pone.0186952.g001" target="_blank">1</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0186952#pone.0186952.g002" target="_blank">2</a>, respectively. KS, Koshu. PN, Pinot Noir. *p < 0.05 between Koshu and Pinot Noir samples. Arrows demonstrate conversion by C18-fatty acid desaturases. Δ9 FAD, stearoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] 9-desaturase. ω6 FAD, omega-6 fatty acid desaturase. ω3 FAD, omega-3 fatty acid desaturase. (B) Transcription of genes encoding C18-fatty acid desaturases in berry skins. Berry samples were collected at two weeks post véraison (V+2w) and at harvest (H). Total RNA was isolated from berry skins and subjected to real-time RT-PCR analysis. Data are shown as means ± standard deviation for five independent samples. *p < 0.05 between Koshu and Pinot Noir skins. **p < 0.01 between Koshu and Pinot Noir skins.</p

    Fatty acids in Koshu and Pinot Noir skins.

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    <p>Data are shown as means ± standard deviation for five independent samples. KS, Koshu. PN, Pinot Noir. *p < 0.05 between Koshu and Pinot Noir skins. **p < 0.01 between Koshu and Pinot Noir skins.</p

    Fatty acids in Koshu and Pinot Noir juices.

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    <p>Data are shown as means ± standard deviation for five independent samples. KS, Koshu. PN, Pinot Noir. *p < 0.05 between Koshu and Pinot Noir juices. **p < 0.01 between Koshu and Pinot Noir juices.</p

    Lipid components in Koshu and Pinot Noir skins.

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    <p>Data are shown as means ± standard deviation for five independent samples. KS, Koshu. PN, Pinot Noir. *p < 0.05 between Koshu and Pinot Noir skins. **p < 0.01 between Koshu and Pinot Noir skins.</p

    Comprehensive and comparative lipidome analysis of <i>Vitis vinifera</i> L. cv. Pinot Noir and Japanese indigenous <i>V</i>. <i>vinifera</i> L. cv. Koshu grape berries

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    <div><p><i>Vitis vinifera</i> cv. Koshu is an indigenous grape cultivar that has been cultivated for more than a thousand years in Japan and one of the most important cultivars in white winemaking. To improve Koshu wine quality, it is necessary to identify the metabolites in Koshu berry. We conducted a comprehensive and comparative lipidome analysis of Koshu and Pinot Noir berries cultivated in the same location in Japan using GC-MS/MS for fatty acids and LC-MS for glycerolipids and glycerophospholipids. Koshu skins and juices contained 22 and 19 fatty acids, respectively, whereas 23 and 20 fatty acids were detected in Pinot Noir skins and juices. C22:6n3 and C24:0 contents in Koshu skins were two and three times higher than those in Pinot Noir skins. C24:0 content in Koshu juices was also higher than that in Pinot Noir juices. Forty-nine lipid components (six digalactosyldiacylglycerols, one monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, 10 phosphatidylcholines, 12 phosphatidylethanolamines, and 20 triglycerides) were detected in Pinot Noir and Koshu skins. Strong peaks were observed for MGDG 36:6, DGDG 36:6, PC 34:2, PC 36:5, TG 54:6, TG 54:7, and TG 54:8 in Koshu skins. The contents of 36 of the 49 lipid components were significantly higher in Pinot Noir skins than Koshu skins. Pinot Noir skins contained more lipids whose alkyl chains have more than 18 carbons than Koshu skins. Further analysis of both lipid profiles revealed that the number of double bonds in a fatty acid molecule in Pinot Noir skins and juices was significantly larger than that in Koshu skins and juices. A strong relationship exists between the heat requirement of grapevine cultivars and the level of fatty acid desaturation. C18-fatty acids were the major components in Koshu and Pinot Noir berries. The expression levels of C18-fatty acid desaturases regulated the accumulation of C18-unsaturated fatty acids in berry skins. The loss of C18:3 in Koshu berries at the end of ripening was observed. Koshu might effectively convert C18:3 into (<i>Z</i>)-hex-3-enal for the production of C6-aroma compounds. These findings by the lipidome analysis are expected to contribute to the improvement of Koshu wine aroma and breeding strategies of cold-tolerant Koshu grapevines.</p></div

    Expression of LOX and HPL genes in Koshu and Pinot Noir berries.

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    <p>(A) Conversion of C18:3 into (<i>Z</i>)-hex-3-enal via the LOX pathway. LOX, lipoxygenase. HPL, hydroperoxide lyase. (B) Transcription of genes encoding LOX and HPL in berry skins. Berry samples were collected at two weeks post véraison (V+2w) and at harvest (H). Total RNA was isolated from berry skins and subjected to real-time RT-PCR analysis. Data are shown as means ± standard deviation for five independent samples. *p < 0.05 between Koshu and Pinot Noir skins.</p