5 research outputs found

    Deteksi Brugia Malayi Pada Armigeres Subalbatus Dan Culex Quinquefasciatusyang Diinfeksikan Darah Penderita Filariasis Dengan Metode PCR

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    . Pemayungdistricts, Batanghari regency of Jambi province classified as filariasis endemic areas in Jambi province since the Mf rate reached 1.5% in 2011. A study was conducted to identify Brugia malayi on experimentally infected Ar. subalbatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. An experimental study was performed with completely randomized design and six repetitions. Standard of treatment in this study was time (hours) that selected for mosquitoes to bite the patients with filariasis (experimental infection). Selected time is at 9.00 a.m, 5.00 p.m, 9.00 p.m, and at 1.00 a.m. The results showed that filarial L3 larvae did not found on Ar. subalbatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes during surgery at day 11th to 13th after infection. Density of microfilariae in the blood of humans as a source of infection was 17 microfilariae per 20 micro liter blood. Otherwise, after detection by PCR, our study found positive B.malayi on Cx. quinquefasciatus thorax and proboscis. It indicates that Cx. quinquefasciatusas potential vector of B.malayi filariasis compared to Ar. subalbatus

    Kebutuhan Masyarakat Desa Tebat Gabus Kecamatan Kisam Tinggi Kabupaten OKU Selatan terhadap Program Pengendalian Malaria

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    Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan (OKUS) merupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di ProvinsiSumatera Selatan dengan Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) yang mengalami Perubahan flktuatif,dimana pada tahun 2007 sebesar 6,50/00 meningkat menjadi 8,700/00 di tahun 2008. Desa Tebat Gabusmerupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di Kabupaten OKUS dengan AMI 2011 sebesar231,890/00. Program pemberantasan malaria sudah dijalankan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2000 yaitukegiatan penemuan dan pengobatan penderita, perluasan cakupan pengobatan, pemberantasanvektor, gebrak malaria, penyuluhan, kerja sama lintas sektor dan pengamatan vektor. Hasil penelitian diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Tenang Kecamatan Kisam Tinggi Kabupaten OKUS tahun 2009 menyatakanbahwa pengetahuan masyarakat masih rendah (61,5%) dan sebanyak 97,8% masyarakat belum pernahmendapatkan penyuluhan kesehatan tentang malaria. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuikebutuhan masyarakat dalam program pengendalian malaria. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama 5bulan tahun 2012 dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data Focus Group Discussion (FGD).Informan FGD terdiri dari 4 kelompok masyarakat:i). kelompok wanita dengan pendidikan SMP kebawah, ii). kelompok wanita dengan pendidikan SMA ke atas, iii) kelompok laki-laki dengan pendidikanSMP ke bawah dan iv). kelompok laki-laki dengan pendidikan SMA ke atas yang memenuhi kriteria inklusidan eksklusi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis konten. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap program pengendalian malaria berupa edukasikesehatan, kemudahan memperoleh pengobatan malaria dan pemeriksaan darah untuk diagnosismalaria serta pembagian kelambu berinsektisida dan penyemprotan insektisida di dinding rumah untuktindakan pencegahan

    Description of Energy Intake and Nutrition in Elderly at Tresna Werdha Warga Tama Social Institution Indralaya in 2009

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    Background: Elderly are those who have been aged 60 years and above. At this time there are changes in their bodies as a result of the aging process. These changes will affect the elderly needs of energy and nutrients such as protein, calcium, and iron that different from the nutritional needs of younger age groups. Consumption of energy and nutrients that are not in accordance with the recommendation will lead to multiple nutritional problems in the elderly that have an impact on the health status of the elderly. Method: This study used a cross-sectional approach. Primary data were collected by questionnaire and interview based on 24 hour recall form, while the secondary data were collected by recording. The population in this study was all listed as members of the elderly residents at the time of the study . Samples numbered 45 elderly people taken using consecutive sampling technique of all the elderly who refered to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Result: Results showed that the energy and nutrients intake by the elderly were still below the recommended RDI. The result showed that 48,9% of elderly had a moderate energy intake, 40% of the elderly had a good intake of protein 35,6% of elderly had iron intake in the deficit category and 100% of elderly had a deficit of calcium intake. Most elderly in different age groups had a moderate energy intake. Protein intake of elderly in different age groups was in good category. Calcium intake of elderly by age groups had calcium intake deficit. Iron intake of elderly was in poor category, while iron intake of old elderly was deficit. Conclusion: From these results, it was known that there were elderly that the energy and the other nutrients intake were less than the recommended RDI that required counseling and information provision by health professionals to both the elderly and the clerk about the importance of nutrition for the body, especially the energy, protein, calcium and iron

    Pengetahuan Tokoh Masyarakat Dan Kader Kesehatan Tentang Program Eliminasi Filariasis Limfatik Di Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari Provinsi Jambi

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    Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a disease caused by filarial worms that until recently was remains a health problem in Indonesia. Jambi province is one of endemic areas for Lymphatic filariasis that some of its regency already implemented mass drug administration (MDA) program. One of regency which has already implemented mass drug administration is Batanghari Regency with 66 chronic cases. Mass drug administration has been started in Batanghari Regency since 2009 and the implementation unit is subdistrict of Pemayung. MDA coverage in the first year is 74,2 percent. The purpose of this research was to determine knowledge of cadres involved in MDA and community leader related to elimination program of Lymphatic filariasis in Pemayung Subdistrict of Batanghari Regency. The results show cadres have good knowledge in regard to the symptoms, impact of disease and prevention aspects. Cadres also support the program of mass drug administration. Knowledge of community leaders show poor on LF disease symptom, but they have good knowledge about the impact of the disease. They also agree and support the implementation of mass drug administration. Cadres and community leaders have experience that the community fear to drink medicines due to side effects of drugs. Conclusion of the research was cadres and community leader has good knowledge regard to the Lymphatic filariasis elimination progra