172 research outputs found


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    Problems of identification of preschool education system as an object of statistical studying are revealed. The author specifies the ways of their activities both direct ones - an educational process of the youngsters - and subsidiary ways, which, for example, is related to material support, budgetary financing and human resourcing the preschool education.В статье отражены проблемные вопросы определения системы дошкольного образования как объекта статистического исследования, уточнены направления их деятельности, как непосредственные - сам воспитательный процесс в отношении подрастающего поколения, так и вспомогательные, связанные например, с материально-техническим обеспечением и бюджетным финансированием и кадровым обеспечением дошкольного образования

    Competence influence of industrial practice on graduates employment

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    Problem. In the conditions of modern development of the road industry the role of practical training of specialists is increasing. This changes the content of practical tasks: from the direct functional tasks of a specialist with higher education to a higher level of difficulty. The monitoring of labor market requirements for the skills of graduates of higher schools, the quality of provision of educational services in higher education, appeals and proposals of employers to ensure the quality of vocational training of graduates shows that in a market economy, the situation with the organization of practical training in higher education institutions should be given special attention. Goal. The purpose is to prepare graduates of the road industry to increase their competence in addressing a wide range of professional issues through continuous training to realize themselves after graduation. Practical Training Methods. When applying for a job, a specialist must have knowledge, skills and such categories as ability, willingness to study on a continuous basis, and communication skills in a team. It is necessary to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the training of specialists, since this combination is the key to successful employment. Practice involves the continuity and consistency of its implementation in order to obtain a sufficient amount of practical knowledge and skills in accordance with educational and qualification levels - bachelor, master. Practical value. In order to solve the problem related to the employment of graduates, a special program should be developed, whereby the graduate will be able to get a job where he or she has been practicing. In practice, the student has the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge, to penetrate directly into the work process, which will allow mastering a specialty, proving oneself, showing the ability to make decisions and navigate in difficult production conditions. Employers in this situation will be able to select the best students to work in their businesses


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    Problems of identification of preschool education system as an object of statistical studying are revealed. The author specifies the ways of their activities both direct ones - an educational process of the youngsters - and subsidiary ways, which, for example, is related to material support, budgetary financing and human resourcing the preschool education

    Ecology-Geochemical Evaluation of Surface Deposits in Stremygorod Deposit Territory

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    Informatization Management as a Tool to Improve Internal School Control Systems in the Russian Federation (Using Catering as an Example)

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    This paper presents the results from monitoring the organization of catering for children in general education institutions. Monitoring was conducted in August–September 2020. We collected relevant databases for 85 Russian subjects: the total number of indicators—113, the total number of sub-indicators—347, and the total number of data—76,414. This paper investigates the problems surrounding resource provision in regard to organizing nutrition for schoolchildren in the Russian Federation. We analyzed the structure of the informatization in regard to the provision of hot meals for schoolchildren in Russian regions. Moreover, we present cases and best practices surrounding informatization management and personalization of children’s nutrition. The research results reveal that Russia possesses a unified regional information system for accounting/monitoring the organization of children’s nutrition, as an independent specialized information resource (in regard to catering). This paper identifies the levels of information technology used in school nutritional programs for each federal district. We present the results of the analysis, the availability of information resources, and the possibility of automated non-cash payments for meals in general education institutions. Moreover, we analyzed information resources and generated reporting documents on the organization of nutrition for schoolchildren in Russia. Finally, we analyzed the automated assessment of satisfaction, in regard to catering and food quality among children and their parents in Russian regions

    Identification of the directions of professional development of heads of schools in the Russian Federation

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    The results of the research on the deficiency of professional competencies in school principals with experience of up to 2 years and experienced managers of general education organizations are considered in accordance with the draft of the Professional Standard “Head of an Educational Organization”. The revealed dependencies show the main directions of professional development for the directors and justify the activation of work on the formation of the personnel reserve and preparation for the entry into office. Researches were conducted by the staff of the Institute of Education Management of RAO in 2017, heads of 24 Russian regions took part in the on-line survey. The work was carried out within the framework of the State task for the Program of Fundamental Scientific Research of the State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020 (in the part of RAO) (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2012 No. 2237-r) on the theme: “Theoretical and methodological basis for professional development of managers in education system” (state registration № 27.9385.2017/8.9)

    Interdisciplinary approach to the problem of health-saving information and educational environment: a view from Russia

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    The article examines the phenomenon of the information and educational environment through the prism of medical and psychological aspects of its health-saving component, which is one of the most pressing issues in the system of modern education, requiring the closest attention of scientists and practitioners, scrupulous study and adoption of adequate measures; special attention is paid to the technologies of personality-oriented learning, taking into account the needs of the trainee’s personality in the context of the informatization of education and based on health and rehabilitation work with them with the aim of improving the health and well-being of the subjects of the educational process. The work was carried out within the framework of the State task for the Program of Fundamental Scientific Research of the State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020 (in the part of RAO) (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2012 No. 2237-r) on the theme: “Development of the Informatization of Education in the Context information security of the person “(state registration (№