8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Melekat, Pengawasan Fungsional, Pengawasan Preventif, Pengawasan Detektif Dan Penganggaran Berbasis Kinerja Terhadap Efektifitas Pengendalian Anggaran (Studi Empiris Pada Skpd Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir)

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    The research aims to examine The Influence of supervision attached, monitoring functional, preventive supervision, detective supervision and performance-based budgeting to the effectiveness of budgetary control. Object of this research is department of the city government in Indragiri Hilir. There are sixty four which are sent but, only sixty questionnaires returned. The variables were examined are Influence of supervision attached, monitoring functional, preventive supervision, detective supervision and performance-based budgeting to the effectiveness of budgetary control. The results of this research showed that supervision attached has an effect on effectiveness of budgetary control with 0,031 significance, the monitoring functional has an effect on effectiveness of budgetary control with 0,19 significance, preventive supervision has an effect on effectiveness of budgetary control with 0,017 significance, detective supervision has an effect on effectiveness of budgetary control with 0,14 significance, and performance-based budgeting has no effect on effectiveness of budgetary control with 0,65 significance. The results of this research also showed that coefficient determinant is 92,8%. Each independent variables, gives the strong influence to dependent variable, it means independents variables could explain dependent variable well

    The Relationship Between the Level of Knowledge About the Health of Adolescent's Reproduction and the Prevention of White Discharge on Student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Sleman YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Reproductive health in women is not independent of the health of sex organs. Whitish is a symptom of disease characterized by discharge of fluid from the reproductive organs rather than blood. To be able to perform the attitude of prevention of whiteness required good knowledge to the student concerned. Purpose: Is know the relationship between the level of knowledge about the health of adolescent's reproduction and the prevention of white discharge on student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Sleman Yogyakarta Method: This is the non experiment research with quantitative method and Cross Sectional approach. This research is done at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Sleman Yogyakarta on March 2017. The data is collected by giving questionnaire Result: The result of this research is obtained that there are 43 students (84,3%) have a good level of knowledge about the health of adolescent's reproduction and 8 students (15,7%) have enough level of knowledge. Where as, the determent demeanor of white discharge obtained 47 students (92,2%) have good demeanor and 4 students (7,8%) have bad demeanor. The result of statistic experiment is obtained correlation coefficient value (r) in the amount of r = 0,676 with significance p = 0,000 (p<0,05). Conclusion: There is the relationship between the level of knowledge about the health of adolescent's reproduction and the prevention of white discharge on student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan Sleman Yogyakarta

    Utilization of Indonesian Local Stannic Chloride (Sncl4) Precursor in the Process of Making Fluorine- Doped Tin Oxide (Fto) Conductive Glass

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    UTILIZATION OF INDONESIAN LOCAL STANNIC CHLORIDE (SnCl4) PRECURSOR IN THE PROCESS OF MAKING FLUORINE-DOPED TIN OXIDE (FTO) CONDUCTIVE GLASS. Thin layer of fluorine- doped tin oxide (FTO) conductive glass has been deposited on a glass substrate heated at a temperature of 350°C using the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis nebulizer method with variations in fluorine doping and substrate temperatures. This experiment uses the raw material of Indonesian local stannic chloride (SnCl4) (PT Timah Industri) as a precursor with a temperature variation of 250, 300, 350, 400°C. The structure and morphology of the optical and electrical properties of all the thin layers have been examined. XRD results show that all thin layers have a tetragonal crystal structure. In this experiment, there is a significant influence on the role of fluorine doping on resistivity and transmittance values. With the addition of 2% wt doping, the resistivity and transmittance values decrease. The optimum value is obtained by doping 2 wt%, substrate temperature of 350°C with a resistivity value of 9.28.10-5 Ω.cm and transmittance value of 88%