4 research outputs found

    Peranan Tenaga Administrasi dalam Peningkatan Mutu Layanan di Sekolah

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    Tujuan dari judul artikel ini menurut penulis adalah untuk mengetahui lebih dalam bagaimana tenaga administrasi dapat meningkatkan mutu standar pelayanan yang diberikan kepada siswa. Topik debatnya adalah fungsi staf administrasi, standar dan mutu layanan administrasi sekolah, dan kontribusi anggota staf administrasi terhadap standar layanan yang lebih tinggi. Artikel ini ditulis dengan menggunakan tinjauan literatur, yang membutuhkan sumber baik dari buku, jurnal, penelitian terdahulu tentang topik tersebut, serta sumber lain yang berkaitan dengan pokok bahasan. fungsi dan tingkat pelayanan yang diberikan oleh staf administrasi sekolah. setelah mengumpulkan bahan yang butuhkan membaca dan memahami untuk membuat dan mengembangkan tentang pembahasan artikel. Pembahasan artikel ini telah menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa staf administrasi memainkan peran penting dalam memastikan operasi sekolah yang efisien dan efektif, sedangkan kualitas layanan administrasi pendidikan mengacu pada seberapa baik semua hal yang berkaitan pada administrasi pendidikan di sekolah. Disediakan dan dikelola sesuai dengan kebutuhan serta preferensi pemangku kepentingan atau stakeholders. mengambil bagian secara aktif dalam proses pendidikan. Selain itu, pegawai administrasi memainkan peran penting dalam proses sistematis untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan administrasi yang disediakan oleh sekolah. Proses ini melibatkan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan administrasi yang cermat, serta melakukan upaya-upaya lainnya yang berhubungan dengan tugas peranan dari tenaga administrasi sekolah, sehingga dapat membantu kelancaran proses pendidikan disekolah

    The Influence of Principal's Participative Leadership Style and Work Climate on Public Middle School Teacher Performance

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    There is still a phenomenon in the field where some teachers lack discipline in teaching, and their motivation fluctuates, thus lowering the quality of their performance. Teachers' work or organizational climate is also seen as less favourable, possibly due to a lack of effective communication and feelings of jealousy towards colleagues. Indeed, this will impact the teachers' emotional state, which in turn affects their performance. Leadership participation is needed in such conditions. This study is field research with a quantitative approach. The research subjects consisted of 30 teachers. The research findings conclude that: a) there is an influence of the principal's participative leadership style on the performance of middle school teachers, b) there is an influence of the work climate on the performance of middle school teachers, c) there is a combined influence of the principal's participative leadership style and the work climate on the performance of middle school teachers, and d) the simultaneous influence of the independent variables, the principal's participative leadership style, and the work climate, on the dependent variable, the performance of middle school teachers, accounts for approximately 90.1% and is influenced by other unmentioned variables. The implications of this research can serve as a guideline for school principals to implement a participative leadership style that supports teachers in developing their performance and creates a positive and conducive work climate to enhance teachers' performance in schools

    The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Learning Supervision in Improving the Quality of Learning

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    The phenomenon related to this research is that until now, the learning media used by teachers is still very minimal. It can be seen from the broken focus that the internet network still needs improvement, and the time used to carry out supervision could be a lot higher because the principal has the task. For the most part, this is one of the inhibiting factors in the process of supervised learning in this school and will also affect the quality of learning, impacting student learning outcomes. This type of field research uses qualitative research methods or approaches. This study used the principal and several teachers who taught as respondents or resource persons. This study concludes that the implementation of learning supervision has been effective because learning supervision can be a benefit that directs, encourages, spurs, and surveys instructors in the utilization of learning. The strategy applied by the teacher to improve the quality of learning is that the teaching and learning process must start with planning learning activities, learning methods, media used, face-to-face, and class management, then observed and evaluated. The principle in providing services to teachers so that the learning process can run smoothly is good, where the principal assists teachers in planning, implementing, and assessing learning program activities and assisting teachers in preparing teaching and learning activities