4 research outputs found

    Perilaku Pengasuhan Ibu Pada Balita Gizi Kurang Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Birobuli

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    Perilaku pengasuhan ibu merupakan peranan atau keterampilan ibu dalam mengasuh dan merawat anak, baik menanamkan kebiasaan makan maupun menanamkan kebiasaan merawat kebersihan diri (kesehatan) pada anak. Menurut hasil Riskesdas, prevalensi Balita yang menngalami gizi kurang di Indonesia adalah sebesar 13,9% hal ini mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2010 yaitu 13,0%. Di Kelurahan Birobuli yang memiliki kasus baru gizi kurang lebih banyak yaitu sebesar 629 kasus dibandingkan dengan kelurahan lain yang ada di Kota Palu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Perilaku Pengasuhan Ibu Pada Balita Gizi Kurang di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Birobuli. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber kepada informan yang sudah ditentukan dengan cara Purposive Sampling. Informan terdiri dari 2 informan kunci dan 5 informan biasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan ibu relatif masih rendah disebabkan terbatasnya pengetahuan dalam pengasuhan Balita. Sikap ibu terlihat biasa saja dalam pengasuhan Balita, terlihat dari sikap ibu yang kurang konsisten dalam mengasuh Balita dari pengasuhan makan maupun pengasuhan kesehatan pada Balita. Tindakan dalam pemberian makan dan pengasuhan kesehatan Balita relatif rendah karena ibu hanya mengandalkan pengalaman sebelumnya. Diharapkan kepada ibu dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dengan mengunjungi posyandu setiap bulan, sehingga ibu dapat berkonsultasi mengenai cara pengasuhan Balita yang baik kepada kader maupun petugas gizi setempat

    The village government’s communication model: A promotion strategy for stunting prevention in Indonesia

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    Background: Stunting remains a significant social issue among the population in Indonesia. Inadequate treatment has led to numerous cases of suboptimal height in children aged 19 years. Objective: This study aimed to explore the strategy of the village government in formulating communication messages, utilizing communication methods, and employing communication media for the stunting alleviation program. Methods: A phenomenological approach was employed, with the research conducted in Pulau Harapan Village, Nine Island District, Sinjai Regency. Data were gathered from the government officials of Pulau Harapan Village through observations, interviews, and documentation. Subsequently, the collected data underwent analysis involving reduction, presentation, verification, and conclusions drawing, facilitated by Atlas TI 8 software. Results: The village government's strategy in crafting stunting alleviation program messages, from socialization to implementation in Harapan Island Village, Nine Island District, Sinjai Regency, revolves around the Two-Step Flow Communication model. The communication methods used include information repetition, channelization, persuasion to alter the target mothers' perceptions, educational methods, and coercion (coerfindings). Media employed include print media, electronic media, and human resource mobilization within Harapan Island Village. Conclusion: The findings of the study provide valuable insights to address the stunting issue in Indonesia

    Strengthening of early children's character education stunting children in Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Forming human resources (HR) with character is challenged by social phenomena that show degradation of morality, ethics, and morals, as well as violent extremism. This is the basic reason for the importance of the strengthening character education (SCE) movement, which involves education units, families, and communities, and education must be implemented from early childhood, especially for children who are stunted. This study aimed to describe how the strategy for SCE is based on early childhood education classes for stunted children.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This type of research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The participants in this study were the headmaster and teachers of Kindergarten PGRI Donggala Regency, Indonesia, in 2022. Collecting data using a questionnaire was equipped with interviews. The data were analyzed by content analysis, namely the process of identifying, coding, and categorizing important patterns from the results of in-depth interviews.RESULTS: The results of the study showed various patterns that became research themes as strategies for strengthening SCE in early childhood including integrating character values in learning for stunted children, introduction of SCE to stunted children, SCE habituation to stunted children, strengthening SCE for stunted children, and reflection on SCE for stunted children. Various character values produced in SCE include religiosity, creativity, curiosity, hard work, honesty, discipline, friendship, social care, independence, and responsibility.CONCLUSIONS: Each school for early childhood has a learning program that focuses on developing children's abilities in terms of motor, cognitive, social–emotional, language, and religious and moral values. However, schools must also have an adequate character education program, especially in dealing with children who are stunted, social–emotional, language, and religious and moral values