707 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbandingan Perekonomian pada Empat Koridor di Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    The purpose of this study was to identify how patterns of economic growth at the district levelin each corridor in East Java Province; identify what sectors could be developed in an effort todetermine development priorities at the district level in each corridor in East Java Province, andalso compared the rate of the economy on four corridors in East Java Province. Typology analysisof Klaasen and LQ can be explained that the North South Corridor has the economy ranked first,followed by the Southwest corridor, then the East Corridor and the final ranking of the NorthernCorridor

    Formulasi Kebijakan Tindak Pidana Kekerasan terhadap Wartawan Saat Bertugas dalam Undangundang Pers di Masa Mendatang

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    Kebijakan Formulasi merupakan langkah politik yang lazim di lakukan dalam hukum. Tindak pidana kekerasan terhadap wartawan saat menjalankan tugasprofesi jurnalistik dalam Undang-Undang Pers di masa mendatang, perlu untuk dirumuskan kembali. Sebab kebutuhan untuk merubah hukum selalu berkembang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian normatif dengan metode pendekatan Perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus, pendekatan konsep, pendekatan perbandingan, pendekatan sejarah, dan pendekatan filsafat. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa pengaturan hukum terhadap wartawan dari tindak pidana kekerasan dalam menjalankan tugas profesi harus dapat melaksanakan asas, fungsi, hak, kewajiban, dengan sebaik-baiknya berdasarkan kemerdekaan pers yang profesional, sehingga harus mendapat jaminan dan perlindungan hukum, serta bebas dari campur tangan dan paksaan dari manapun. Formulasi kebijakan tindak pidana kekerasan pada wartawan saat menjalankan tugas jurnalistik sangat penting untuk dilakukan karena hingga saat ini belum ada rumusan yang tepat dan benar tentang tindak pidana kekerasan pada wartawan

    Kesenjangan dan Konvergensi Ekonomi Atar Kabupaten pada Empat Koridor di Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the economic growth in regency area on the forcorridors in Province of East Java; to analyze the imbalance among the regencies on the four corridorsin East Java; to analyze the convergence among the regencies on the four corridors in East Java.There is still an unstable condition on the growth average in the whole regencies/cities in EastJava, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing. On the average growth of the four corridorsin East Java, South East corridor has the highest average on economic growth. It is because theregency/city in that corridor becomes an economic central in East Java.From the analysis of discrepancy, it can be showed that there is still discrepancy enhancementamong the regencies on the four corridors in East Java. From the convergence analysis, there is nota lot of enhancement on the economic growth in those four corridors on the regency level. It showsthat there is still necessity on amelioration in any sector to enhance the economic growth

    Penggunaan Software Lindo dalam Matakuliah Program Linear

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    Munculnya berbagai aplikasi atau software dari ilmu matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari memberikan arti bahwa matematika merupakan dasar, alat, ataupun pelayan bagi ilmu-ilmu lain. Berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terkadang dapat dinyatakan dalam suatu sistem bersifat sistematis yang sering disebut dengan pemodelan matematika. Untuk keperluan menyelesaikan program linear sudah tersedia program khusus salah satu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan adalah software Lindo (Linear Interactive Discreat Optimizer). Software ini dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan program linear dengan muda, cepat dan akurat bahkan mampu menyelesaikan masalah program linear sampai 100 constraints (fungsi kendala). Salah satu yang utama dari software Lindo adalah memasukan rumus berdasarkan penyelesaiannya. Rumus yang dimaksud disini dalam bentuk matematika. Jika menggunakan program linear secara manual atau dengan menggunakan metode simpleks akan lebih sulit dan memakan waktu lebih lama karena membutuhkan ketelitian dan ketekunan yang tinggi. Untuk itu sangatlah tepat jika masalah dalam program linear dengan berbagai kejadian masalah optimasi ataupun segala permasalahan optimasi dalam dunia nyata di cari penyelesaiannya dengan Lindo. Secara umum software lindo akan menyediakan pengalaman langsung kepada pelajar ataupun mahasiswa dalam belajar merumuskan. Dengan menggunakan software lindo diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan dalam belajar, khususnya pada matakuliah Program Linear

    Dinamika Spasial Industri Manufaktur Di Jawa Barat, Tahun 1990 – 1999

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    This research aims to identify spatial concentration of large and medium manufac¬turing industries throughout 25 districts in West Java. It used secondary and establishment data of BPS (Indonesia's Central Bureau Statistic) since 1990 until 199. The tools of analy¬sis are Geographic information system, logistic regression, regression using panel data and convergence analysis.The research showed that the industry growth in West Java was not distributed equally among districts. Several districts have a high industry concentration, meanwhile some have a low industry concentration. The manufacturing industries concentred in Bota¬bek (Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi) and Bandung area. Factors that affect the growth are labor cost (salary), output, FDI, economics of scale (SE), dummy crisis (DKrisis) and dummy industry (DInd).Logistic regression analysis showed that, several variables were significantly ex¬plain that manufacturing industry are more concentrated on industrial regions. This result is consistent with regression analysis using panel data which shows that the manufacturing industrial growth was influenced by those above variables. Convergence analysis indicated that, West Java Province should growth at least 6.30% per year for its convergence growth

    Analisis Spasial Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Industri Manufaktur Besar dan Sedang di Pulau Jawa

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    ANALISIS SPASIAL PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA industri Manufaktur Besar dan Sedang di Pulau JawaZainal ArifinStaf Pengajar, Fakultas Ekonomi-UMMEmail : [email protected] study aims to identify the spatial concentration, a large manufacturing industry and is being viewed from the employment at the district / city in Java. The data used are secondary data obtained from the BPS with the observation period 2002-2007. The analysis tools include; Spatial Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, and multiple linear regression.This study found that a large manufacturing industry and is being viewed from the employment at the district / city on the island of Java was not evenly distributed among regions. In some counties / cities having high industrial density, while others experienced a low density. Determinants of manufacturing industry of employment seen in the study include: the cost of labor (wages), export orientation (exports), the amount of output (output), economies of scale (SE), and import content (kimport). In the multiple linear regression analysis of explanatory variables can explain the dependent variable manufacturing employment.Industry concentrated in several counties and certain cities, while others were in part has low density, in turn will further increase the gap between regions. This condition will continue to run, when the regional command center as well as policy makers did not anticipate the problem immediatelyTitle: Spatial concentration, the manufacturing industr