188 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lindi Sampah Perkotaan Terhadap Kandungan Kimia Lempung Yang Dipadatkan Pada Kadar Air Yang Berbeda

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    This research focused on the effect of leachate from municipal waste disposal are (WDA) on the chemical constituents of the clay liner with varies water content. In this research, leachate was taken from Sukolilo WDA and clay for clay liner was taken from Karang Pilang, Surabaya. Clay was compacted with modified Proctor tests. From each of them, samples were prepared at different water content, those are; at optimum water content (wc opt), at wcwcopt. Falling head test using 0,005N CaSO4 was carried out. The k value was determined when the hydraulic conductivity was constant. Afterwards, the liquid was replaced with the leachate. Chemical constituents of clay liner were obserbed before and after test. The results show that most of the chemical constituents of clay liner, which permeated by leachate, increase corresponding to the dominant constituent of the leachate. This change is influenced by water content of the clay liner

    Pengaruh Kadar Air Dan Enerji Pemadatan Terhadap Hydraulic Conductivity Lempung Yang Dipadatkan

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    This research will observe the effect of water content and compaction effort to the hydraulic conductivity of Karang Pilang Surabaya Clay used for clay liner of municipal waste disposal area.In this research, clay was taken from Karang Pilang, Surabaya. Clay was compacted with Standard Proctor and Modified Proctor Tests. From each of them,five sample were prepared at different water content (wc apt),2 (two) at wc<wc apt (wet side). In order to obtain the hydraulic conductivity (k) of the clay liner, falling head test using 0.005 N CaSO4 was carried out.The result showed that hydraulic conductivity of compacted clays with the increasw of water content until ± 4 % over wopt. The hydraulic conductivity of compacted at wit side is lower than the clay compacted at dry side. The increase of compaction effort increasing density of clay results in the increase of hydraulic condctivity significantly. For different clays, higher density does not assurance lower hydraulic conductivity, the hydraulic conductivity is also influenced by plasticity of clays

    Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung Lunak Dengan Kapur Pada Kondisi Kadar Air Lapangan

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    This paper discusses the soft clay soil stabilization with lime on the condition of the water content of the field. The sample used is soft clay of Marabahan, Barito Kuala, South Kalimantan. The water content of the sample is initially 76.2%. Samples were mixed with natural limestone that has been crushed and screened through a sieve No. 20 the percentage of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 percent based on the dry weight of the sample. Samples were mixed with lime cured for 7 and 14 days. Some of the tests performed in the laboratory include testing soil plasticity, direct shear tests, unconfined compression test, vane shear test, consolidation, and CBR. The results showed a decrease in the values of soil plasticity (liquid limit and plasticity index) and soil compression parameters (cc and cs) with the increased percentage of lime. While the values of cohesion, friction angle in, qu and qr, and CBR increases with increasing percentage of lime. The results also showed that the curing time effect on soil parameters were mixed lime

    Logika Fuzzy untuk Audit Sistem Informasi

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    The aim of this research is to study and introduce fuzzy logic into audit information system. Fuzzy logic is already adopted in other field of study. It helps decision process that incorporates subjective information and transforms it to scientific objective information which is more accepted. This research implements simulation scenario to see how fuzzy logic concept should be used in audit information process. The result shows that there is a possible concept of fuzzy logic that can be used for helping auditor in making objective decision in audit information system process. More researches needed to further explore the fuzzy logic concept such as creating the system of fuzzy logic and build application that can be used for daily information system audit process

    Pengaruh Hedonic Motives Terhadap Shopping Lifestyle Dan Impulse Buying (Survei Pada Konsumen Superindo Supermarket Yang Melakukan Impulse Buying)

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    The purpose of this study is to knowing and explain the influence of Hedonic Motives on Shopping Lifestyle, the influence of Hedonic Motives on Impulse Buying, and the influence of Shopping Lifestyle on Impulse Buying. The research applies the explanatory type with quantitative approach. The sample that used for this research are 114 respondent from SuperIndo Supermarket Malang consumens which chosed by purposive sampling method. Methodes of data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. The result is analyzed by desctiptive analysis and path analysis. A validity and reliability test were first applied to the instrument. Data are analyzed using descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of this research shows that hedonic motives has significant and positive influence on shopping lifestyle, hedonic motives has significant and positive influence on impulse buying, and shopping lifestyle has significant and positive on impulse buying

    Aplikasi Media Informasi Website Pengenalan Tempat Pariwisata Belitung

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    Pariwisata menjadi salah satu sektor yang berkembang sangat cepat, bahkan di beberapa negara pariwisata menjadi faktor pendukung utama dalam perekonomian suatu negara. Belitung merupakan bagian dari Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung yang memiliki potensi pariwisata yang cukup baik dengan segala sumber daya yang dimilikinya. Tapi karena belum banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat. Maka dibuatlah penelitian ini sehingga masyarakat mengetahui tempat – tempat pariwisata yang ada di Belitung, dengan membuat perancangan sistem, melakukan analisis, dan pengujian sistem serta implementasi pada sistem aplikasi perancangan aplikasi media informasi pengenalan tempat pariwisata di belitung berbasis web. Dalam pengembangan sistem perancangan aplikasi media informasi pengenalan tempat pariwisata di belitung berbasis web penulis menggunakan beberapa metode dalam penelitiannya yaitu metode analisis untuk merencanakan, menganalisis, mendesain, dan mengimplementasi rancangan sistem, metode perancangan untuk merancang spesifikasi file sistem serta input dan output layar, metode pengumpulan data yaitu studi kepustakaan dan kuisioner dari sistem yang dibuat. Hasil dari dibangunnya perancangan aplikasi media informasi pengenalan tempat pariwisata di Belitung berbasis web diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat dan informasi tentang tempat – tempat pariwisata yang ada di Belitung kepada masyarakat. Untuk menguji sistem yang telah dibuat maka penulis melakukan survei dalam bentuk kuisioner. Maka berdasarkan kuisioner yang telah dibagikan dan diisi oleh para pengguna, dapat simpulkan bahwa aplikasi media informasi pengenalan tempat pariwisata di Belitung ini bermanfaat bagi pengguna karena membantu pengguna untuk lebih mengenal tempat – tempat pariwisata yang ada di Belitung, baik yang mengetahui atau tidak mengetahui tentang tempat pariwisata di Belitung

    Effectiveness of State Trading Enterprises in Achieving Food Security: Case Studies from Bernas in Malaysia and Bulog in Indonesia

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    The issue of food security is of vital concern to many developing countries and various kinds of policy instruments have been employed to achieve stable food sources for growing demands. One of the most predominant policy instruments in both the developed and developing world involves centralised state trading through what are called State Trading Enterprises (STEs). State trading is more prevalent in the agriculture industry as countries utilise these entities as a means to achieve agricultural policy objectives such as stabilising domestic prices, eliminating marketing inefficiencies and ensuring the availability of food supplies (WTO, 1995). STEs are therefore often an integral aspect of a policy package implemented to address the challenges in achieving the food security objectives of a country. However, although these entities are recognised as an instrument for addressing market challenges, STEs have also been criticised for their distortion of trade and markets through the monopolistic power and government support. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of STEs at achieving the objective of food security, as well as consider the potential market distortions that arise with STEs and the common policies associated with them. This report brings together insights from two STEs in Southeast Asia, namely Bernas in Malaysia and Bulog in Indonesia. Each study offers a historical perspective to the financial, economic and social contributions of the STEs, their effectiveness in achieving the domestic food security agenda and several policy suggestions to mitigate the issues within each country. This report will be broken down as follows: • The first part of this report introduces the case studies by looking into state trading enterprises, food security and the contextual backgrounds of Malaysia and Indonesia’s agricultural policies; • The second portion will present the country case studies that are designed to analyse how state trading enterprises and their associated food-related policies have affected the agriculture and food trade sectors in Malaysia and Indonesia; • Finally, the report will conclude with a summary of the country case study findings and the implications for agriculture and food trade policies in other developing countries

    Analisa Drainase Sumur Resapan Pada Kampus UNLAM Banjarbaru

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    One of the enviromental drainage that consider water conservation aspect isdrainage by infiltration rehargr system. Banjarbaru has a high coeffiesient permeability soil and gate on laboratory measurement of soil mechanic, for study area gaied k = 1,23.10 cm/sec dan k = 1,62.10 cm/sec, f = 0,046 m/hr, f = 0,054 m/hr dan f = 0,113 m/hr and ground water level from -7 to -8 meters. According to rainfall intencity measurement, the rainfall intencity is 71,65 m/hr for 5 year return priode with Q = 0,068 A m3/det. Result for infiltration recharge system the dimension is get for H = depth of well, R = radius of well, n = number of wells is drawing in graph

    Aplikasi Teknologi Digester Untuk Pengolahan Human Manure, Sampah Organik Dan Limbah Cair Domestik Di Asrama Mahasiswa Kota Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan

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    Student dormitory is one of the facilities provided as a means of support for the students in their studies in Universities. Because many students who come from outside the region where the study was held. Dormitory students have an important role in supporting the successful development in the field of education as well as business opportunities to boost the economy of the people who live around educational institutions. However on the other side where the hostel will generate waste, among others, feces and urine, organic and inorganic garbage and domestic waste which if not managed properly could potentially cause health problems, and aesthetics. The problems that have been faced by managers and occupants of a student dormitory in the Kelurahan Sungai Besar, Kecamatan Banjarbaru Selatan, Banjarbaru City is the lack of knowledge of how the processing waste human manure, organic waste and domestic waste water so it does not pollute the surrounding environment and at the same time converting the processed organic waste into a resource new energy, namely biogas and compost.Digester technology applications will generate a set of tools Human waste processing manure, organic waste and domestic waste. This technology is the processing of organic material anaerobic digester technology in the form of organic waste that the waste that comes out of the digester safely discharged into the environment. Aside from being a waste treatment plant, the solution can also produce biogas to biogas formed later expected to be utilized as a fuel substitute for LPG and fuel Generator Set (Genset) as a substitute fuel (gasoline) in addition produce a byproduct of compost were also no less economic value. Inside the digester hydrolysis and fermentation process occurs, phase Acetogenesis and methanogenesis phase of organic waste into biogas and its byproducts are composted. The process takes 20-30 days. Wastewater digester output of the reactor is no longer harmful to humans, the environment and other living organisms that are not harmful to the environment if disposed of
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