6 research outputs found

    Penerapan Clustering Algorithm untuk Mendukung Promosi Server Pulsa Reload

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    Promosi sangat diperlukan bagi setiap bidang USAha, salah satunya server pulsa reload. Dalam strategi promo hal yang perlu diketahui salah satunya adalah data sebaran pelanggan dan karakteristiknya. Salah satu metode yang dapat diterapkan untuk menggali sebaran pelanggan dan karakteristik transaksinya adalah dengan mengelompokkan pelanggan menggunakan teknik clustering Algorithm. Teknik cluetering Algorithm cocok dipilih karena dapat memunculkan beberapa kelompok-kelompok yang memiliki keterhubungan yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui atributnya. Dengan demikian dapat dijadikan sebagai pengetahuan baru bagi pihak pemilik server pulsa reload untuk dapat dimanfaatkan sesuai kebutuhannya. Dalam data training ini mengambil atribut-atribut antara lain customer, jumlah transaksi, dan alamat. Jumlah centroid yang ditentukan berjumlah 3. Hasil pengelompokan berhenti pada iterasi ke-4 dengan nilai rasio 0.0553 di iterasi ke-3 dan ke-4. Dari hasil iterasi maka terbentuk 3 kelompok yaitu : C1 {C,D,H}, C2 {A,B,E}, C3 {F,G}.Kata Kunci - clustering algorithm, server pulsa reload, K-Means

    Logika Fuzzy untuk Audit Sistem Informasi

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    The aim of this research is to study and introduce fuzzy logic into audit information system. Fuzzy logic is already adopted in other field of study. It helps decision process that incorporates subjective information and transforms it to scientific objective information which is more accepted. This research implements simulation scenario to see how fuzzy logic concept should be used in audit information process. The result shows that there is a possible concept of fuzzy logic that can be used for helping auditor in making objective decision in audit information system process. More researches needed to further explore the fuzzy logic concept such as creating the system of fuzzy logic and build application that can be used for daily information system audit process

    The Principles of the De Pouvoir Detournement on the Action of Soe Officers That Affect State Losses in Regulation Number 17 of 2003 Concerning State Finance

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    To this day loss of state enterprises company ( BUMN ) still a problem absolutely crucial . In 2018 exists 22  State-owned business entities (BUMN) Who has lost up to 5,4 million. While 22 State-owned business entities Has raised its capital participation the state piety (PNM) To be able to run the business as well as possible . In his loss State-owned business entities (BUMN) Often defined as losses to the state . But the state is not a state a loss . In general the definition of losses to the state contain a major illegal actions . illegal actions in perspective contains the things that are causing the cash , securities , or the reduced state credit . In other words the state losses referred to are formil loss in meaning .For what is in soe is their countries to have separated&nbsp

    Data Analytics to Examine Trending Topics for Indonesian Election 2019

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    Understanding public interest and opinion are necessary tasks in high intense political competition. Utilizing big data analytics from social media provide an important source of information that candidates can utilize, manage and even engage them in targeted political campaigning agenda. One of the source in big data is social media's interactions. Social media empowers public to participate proactivelyin the campaigning activities. This paper examines trends gathered from data analytics of two contenders' group for Indonesian Election in 2019. It tracks the recent patterns of people engagement via social media analytic specifically Twitter. The study developed the analysis into the proposed model based on their trends and patterns