582 research outputs found

    Learning Model to Improve Teenagers' Self-Esteem and Motivation of Having Achievement

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    This article presents the process of developing an effective learning model to improve teenagers' self-esteem and motivation of having achievement. The research used mixed method research. In developing the learning model, the researcher carried out pre-study, development and model validation, and a model testing. The research generated a theoretically and empirically proper learning model to improve teenagers' self-esteem and motivation of having achievement at pesantren (Islamic boarding school). The learning model which was generated is MPPHM (Model Pembelajaran Peningkatan Harga Diri dan Motivasi /The Learning Model to Improve Self-Esteem and Motivation). This model was able to create the interesting, pleasant, and challenging study ambience to be followed by students. The results showed that it generated pedagogic development, provided the efforts to solve a problem in improving teenagers' self-esteem and motivation of having achievement, and served as the input for plan, implementation, and development of pesantren or other education institutions. This study was expected to benefit the teachers, principals and parents to pay attention to their children psychosocial factor that influence their children behaviors

    Penggunaan Media Film Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memahami Unsur Intrinsik Novel Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri I Langke Rembong

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    The title of this research is” The use of Film Media To Increase Ability In Undestanding Intrinsic Elements of Story At Grade XI Students of Senior High School Negeri 1 Langke Rembong Academic Year 2012/2013”. This Action Research Class used Kemmis and Tanggart model, which is consist of, planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The data collection used interview, inquiry, test, documentation study and observation tecnhique. Its success indicator is 85 % of students get 75 as minimal standard. This research have two cycle and each result. The result of first cycle indicated there are 17,5 % students who passed the examination. Observation students value at first cycle indicated that 70 % passed the test. At the second cycle there are 97 % passed the test. The students have positive response in Indonesian subject. students participation during the class is improve of 23,5 % at pre-action to 42 % at first cycle and 76 %at second cycl

    Perbedaan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Indonesia antara Siswa yang Menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dan Siswa yang Menggunakan Bahasa Campuran di dalam Keluarga pada Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri 8 Sumerta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengetahui (1) kemampuan berbicara bahasa Indonesia siswa yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia di dalam keluarga (2) kemampuan berbicara bahasa Indonesia siswa yang menggunakan bahasa campuran di dalam keluarga (3) perbedaan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Indonesia siswa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan rancangan ex-post facto. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 8 Sumerta. Data penelitian ini diperoleh menggunakan metode (1) dokumentasi dan (2) tes. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t-test. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah (1) kemampuan berbicara bahasa Indonesia dari kelompok yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yaitu 16 siswa berkategori baik, memperoleh skor 82,76-72,41 dan 2 siswa berkategori cukup, memperoleh skor 68,97. (2) kemampuan berbicara bahasa Indonesia dari kelompok yang menggunakan Bahasa Campuran yaitu 15 siswa berkategori baik, memperoleh skor 75,86-72,41 dan 8 siswa berkategori cukup, memperoleh skor 68,97-65,52. (3) Terdapat perbedaan yang berarti antara kemampuan berbicara siswa yang menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan Bahasa Campuran di dalam keluarga. Kata kunci: kemampuan berbicara, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa campuran, keluarga Abstrack This research aimed to describe and know (1) the ability to speak Indonesian data from groups that use Indonesian as a language of everyday obtained from measurements of the respondents indicated that achieved the highest score is 82,76, while the lowest score achieved was 68,97. (2) the ability to speak Indonesian data from groups that use English as a language mixture obtained daily measurements of the respondents indicated that achieved the highest score is 75,86, while the lowest score achieved was 65,52. (3) There is a difference between the students' ability to speak the Indonesian language by using the language use in the family mix

    Morfologi kata kerja bahasa Muna

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    Laporan penelitian dengan judul "Morfologi Kata Kerja Bahasa Muna" ini termasuk di antara perwujudan hasil kerja sarna antara Proyek Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Sulawesi Selatan dengan Universitas Hasanuddin pada tahun 1983/1984. Dalam buku laporan ini disajikan berbagai aspek kata kerja bahasa Muna, salah satu bahasa daerah di Sulawesi Tenggara.Tim peneliti yang telah diserahi kepercayaan olch Pemimpin Proyek dalam melaksanakan tugas ini telah berusaha menyusun dan menyajikan laporan ini berdasarkan data dan informasi yang telah diperoleh selama penelitian dilangsungkan. Dalam keterbatasan waktu dan kemampuan tentu saja ada hal-hal yang belum tersentuh dan terjangkau

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Tanaman Obat Asli Terhadap Suhu Normal Mencit

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    In the frame of screening of the medicinal plants efficacy, 19 plants have been tested to see their influence to the normal body temperature of mice. Among the 19 plants there are some medicinal plants which are used as antipyretic by the Indonesian people. Those are Ageratum conyzoides L, Brasica rugosa Prain, Euphatorium triplinerve Vahl, Messua ferrea L and Oroxylum indicum Vent. The administration is intra-peritoneally. Some extract at test dose (1/3 - 1/2) LD 50 decrease the normal body temperature more than 2°C. Most of them happened to be known as antipyretic in traditional medicines

    Peran Gambut Terhadap Nitrogen Total Tanah Di Lahan Rawa [the Role of Peat on Total Nitrogen in the Wetland Soils]

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    Peatland has important role in wetland ecosystem stability. Depletion and disappearance of peat layer lead to loss of potential source of nutrient and disruption of wetland ecosystem stability. The research aimed to study the influence of peat thickness and land hydrological condition on the total nitrogen (N) content in soil, the influence of rapidly or naturally the depletion and disappear of peat layer on total N content in soil, and the influence of hydrological condition on total N content in soil. Total N was observed in June of 2009 and 2010 (transition from wet to dry season), September of 2009 and 2010 (peak of dry season), and January of 2010 and 2011 (peak of wet season). The research was carried out on potential acid sulphate soil (A), peaty acid sulphate soil (B),shallow peat which all of peat layers wereremoved (C), shallow peat which peat layer was partially removed (D), shallow peat (E), moderate peat (F) and deep peat (G). The results showed that total N content increased with increasing of peat thickness, the depletion and disappearance of peat layer reduced total N content in soil, and declining in the groundwater level increased total N content in soil