23 research outputs found


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    Drainage is a way to dispose of excess water that is not in an area. In other words, this drainage also works in controlling checked areas, puddles, and also flooding. Flooding is an event when excessive water flows overland. North Jakarta is an example of the city area in Indonesia that often experiences such flooding events with a repeated frequency every year. With low topographic conditions and also located in the northern coastal area of Java Island, resulting in a large flow of water through North Jakarta. One of the areas that always experiences flooding is Jalan Gaya Motor, Sungai Bambu Village Tanjung Priok sub-district. Flooding in this area caused major losses in economic mobility in North Jakarta because the road is the main access to an s considerable automotive factory area in the Jakarta area. Drainage systems in the area need to be designed to accommodate water discharge especially when it is raining. Drainage capacity needs to be accounted for to accommodate existing water discharge. From the results of the analysis obtained the amount of channel capacity value of 0.46 m3/s, then bulk discharge flood plan in the period of-2 Years 22.95 m3/s, for 5 Years 34.26 m3/s, for 10 Years 41.75 m3/s. With the flooded value of the plan, it was concluded that the capacity of the existing channel could not accommodate rain at the peak discharge of the plan, so the area always experienced flood events. Also, drainage channels in the area were affected by the high rise in water levels due to the influence of tides with an average increase of 0.6 m with an average elevation of water level of 0.607


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    Penyelesaian suatu masalah suplai air bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan neraca air. Kegiatan ini amat mudah untuk dilakukan selama data yang diperlukan tersedia. Penyediaan data yang handal dan bisa dipercayai bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan model DAS. Sehingga pada publikasi ini didemontrasikan penggunaan model DAS untuk menyediakan data yang cukup panjang untuk analisis neraca air yang produk akhirnya adalah kapasitas reservoir. Model DAS Cidanau digunakan untuk memperkirakan debit sungai pada periode 1996-2005 pada tiga lokasi di dalam DAS Cidanau. Kemudian 5 level debit minimum ditentukan sebagai kondisi untuk penyusunan skenario simulasi neraca air. Kurang lebih ada 15 jenis kondisi dan lokasi yang disimulasikan untuk mendapatkan volume reservoir. Hasilnya adalah bahwa kapasitas reservoir yang diperlukan untuk mengontrol debit minimum Sungai Cidanau pada level 3.0-4.5 m3/detik adalah sekitar 4-21 juta m3. Lokasi ini berada pada sekitar muara dan Peusar

    Flood mitigation considering the perception of stakeholders: case study at Samarinda City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Flood is natural phenomena. For certain rural area, there is a local wisdom that people hadadjusted their live with the flood. On the other side, especially at dense urban area, most of people consider flood as a disaster. Therefore Flood Mitigation Program (FMP) had been conducted to anticipate flood, such as hydraulic structure and flood policy implementation. However in general, FMP was designed without take into account the stake holder perceptions about flood. It caused ineffective and unsustain program due to minimum support from several important stake holder. Since huge samples and interviews are necessary to understand the main perception of the stake holder, Q Method was introduced into this research to understand the stake holder perceptions. And then as well as FMP, flood adaptation will be developed. The advantages of QMethod are subjectivityidentification and small samples. Q Method starts with collecting the flood opinion among the stake holder, and thenarrangesthe statement according to its frequency. The questioners were designed based on frequent statements to quantity the opinion according to relevancy and importance among the statement to the flood. The questioners were distributed again to the stake holder, and then statistical analysis was conducted based on respondents, not based on statements as normal questioner analysis. Samarinda City has long story about FMP. Since flood still occurs, Samarinda City was selected as good case study for these flood new countermeasures. A better effective and sustainable flood programs are expected as outcome of this research

    Water balance approach for assessment of different water supply conditions in Dahuk Dam

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    The authority of Dahuk city decided to give the priority of the Dahuk Dam uses to tourism purpose since it was noticed that Dahuk Dam was not fulfilling the water requirement of its service area. Therefore, water balance calculation at the dam, its catchment and surrounding catchment area were necessary to evaluate and identify the problems. However, water balance needs long and sufficient hydrologic data. Since many data was not available at those regions, generating hydrologic data over a long period and filling the missing data were necessary. Then 24 scenarios with different water supply conditions were simulated. It was found that the dam was unable to support water demand for irrigation together with domestic and tourism due to water level requirement. Then, by supplying water from Khabour River and cancelling the irrigation project, the water level of the reservoir was enhanced, as shown on Scenario - 10. In addition, it was identified that Khabour water contribution should be priority of the program to survive the reservoir’s goals in case of integrated water resource management at the Dam

    Peluang Dan Tantangan Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Mbkm) Di Fakultas Teknik Dan Sains UIKA BOGOR

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    Dinamika dan perubahan yang terjadi saat ini begitu dinamis, terlebih di era revolusi industri 4.0 atau disebut sebagai revolusi digital yang diindikasikan oleh perubahan  yang sangat besar di semua bidang berbasis teknologi. Perubahan juga terjadi di bidang Pendidikan yang mana dituntut dapat berjalan beriringan sesuai dengan perubahan yang ada agar dapat menghasilkan sumber daya daya manusia pendidikan tinggi yang memiliki kualitas tinggi yang juga inovatif, kreatif, dan efisien. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghadapi kondisi tersebut Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan membuat kebijakan terkait Pendidikan diantaranya kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Kebijakan MBKM memberikan kebebasan dan otonomi kepada Lembaga Pendidikan, dan merdeka dari birokratisasi, dosen dibebaskan dari birokrasi yang berbelit serta mahasiswa diberikan kebebasan dalam memilih bidang yang mereka minati. Terjadi pergeseran bentuk pembelajaran sehingga menjadi peluang dan tantangan bagi perguruan tinggi dalam memfasilitasi model pembelajaran yang mampu menghadapi tantangan jaman dan menuju kampus yang bermutu dan bereputasi

    Assessment of natural radionuclides at Kinta River, Malaysia: relationship between the turbidity to uranium and thorium concentrations

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between the turbidity to uranium and thorium concentrations. Since the radionuclides analysis is complex and time consuming, turbidity monitoring on river is proposed to be an indirect indicator for uranium and thorium concentration. Eighteen water samples were collected and turbidity measurements were conducted at several locations from Kinta River. The concentration of uranium and thorium were analyzed using inducted coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The concentrations of thorium were varied from 44 ng L?1 to 787 ng L?1 while the concentration of uranium varied from 45 ng L?1 to 371 ng L?1. Statistical analyses were applied to determine the relation between turbidity and concentrations of uranium and thorium at Kinta River. The correlation coefficients (R) show a strongly correlation, with R values of 0.915 and 0.881 for turbidity with concentrations of uranium and thorium, respectively

    Rainfall runoff modeling by multilayer perceptron neural network for LUI river catchment

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    Reliable modeling for the rainfall-runoff processes embedded with high complexity and non-linearity can overcome the problems associated with managing a watershed. Physically based rainfall-runoff models need many realistic physical components and parameters which are sometime missing and hard to be estimated. In last decades the artificial intelligence (AI) has gained much popularity for calibrating the nonlinear relationships of rainfall–runoff processes. The AI models have the ability to provide direct relationship of the input to the desired output without considering any internal processes. This study presents an application of Multilayer Perceptron neural network (MLPNN) for the continuous and event based rainfall-runoff modeling to evaluate its performance for a tropical catchment of Lui River in Malaysia. Five years (1999-2013) daily and hourly rainfall and runoff data was used in this study. Rainfall-runoff processes were also simulated with a traditionally used statistical modeling technique known as auto-regressive moving average with exogenous inputs (ARMAX). The study has found that MLPNN model can be used as reliable rainfall-runoff modeling tool in tropical catchment

    Significance of the easy-to-use water quality checker for participative environmental monitoring and experience based learning

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    Pack Test is a series of products of Kyoritsu Chemical-Check Laboratory Cooperation, Japan. It is easy-to-use, anybody can use at anywhere, low cost, nontoxic, safe, and professional-use, onetime use ion-selective color metric water quality checker. The aim of this research is to assess, then next, discuss the significance of applications of this tool. In this order, NH4-Pack Test was selected as an example for the discussions; although there are more than 60 parameters can be detected by pack test such as, COD, Cl-, NO3-, phosphate, hardness, pH, heavy metals, etc.. As for field survey, Ion chromatography was used to measure ammonium concentration of river water in Jakarta. Then detection range of the NH4-Pack Test was compared to the data, and Indonesian and Malaysian national water quality standard. River water quality of Jakarta was weekly degraded at upstream area, but it was seriously degraded at downstream area (up to 5-10 NH4-N mg/L). As for ammonium concentration, obviously the detection range and step of Pack Test was sufficient to assess the ammonium concentrations of rive water in Jakarta. Of course Pack Test is very simplified tool, environmental water quality standard of ammonia for class I in Indonesia and Class I and II in Malaysia were difficult to evaluate. However, it was obviously applicable to check treated effluent and Class III to V water quality of Malaysian environmental standard. Consequently, it is suggested to adopt a double standard policy of water quality monitoring, such as combination of "easy-to-use simplified" and "conventional-accurate". Because of low cost, and professional-convenient design, implementation of Pack Test will significant to empower on-site water quality monitoring in developing country, participative environmental awareness public programs, experience base environmental learning in schools, and other grass-rooted environmental activities