320 research outputs found

    Producing High Concentrations of Hydrogen in Palladium via Electrochemical Insertion from Aqueous and Solid Electrolytes

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    Metal hydrides are critical materials in numerous technologies including hydrogen storage, gas separation, and electrocatalysis. Here, using Pd-H as a model metal hydride, we perform electrochemical insertion studies of hydrogen via liquid and solid state electrolytes at 1 atm ambient pressure, and achieve H:Pd ratios near unity, the theoretical solubility limit. We show that the compositions achieved result from a dynamic balance between the rate of hydrogen insertion and evolution from the Pd lattice, the combined kinetics of which are sufficiently rapid that operando experiments are necessary to characterize instantaneous PdHx composition. We use simultaneous electrochemical insertion and X-ray diffraction measurements, combined with a new calibration of lattice parameter versus hydrogen concentration, to enable accurate quantification of the composition of electrochemically synthesized PdHx. Furthermore, we show that the achievable hydrogen concentration is severely limited by electrochemomechanical damage to the palladium and/or substrate. The understanding embodied in these results helps to establish new design rules for achieving high hydrogen concentrations in metal hydrides.Comment: 38 page

    Physical and Cooking Properties of Two Varieties of Bio-Fortified Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris. L) Grown in DR Congo

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    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most widely grown edible legume species in DR Congo but nevertheless, different varieties vary with respect to their physical, chemical aspects and cooking properties which affect the consumer acceptability. This study evaluated the physical properties and cooking time of two varieties of bio-fortified common beans (HM21_7 and Namulenga), destined for both direct consumption and processing. The parameters assessed included the dimensions, the soaking characteristics, the density characteristics, Colour and the Hardness after cooking. The beans were soaked in distilled water and in 0.025N Na2CO3 solution for 16h then subjected to different test as mention above. The data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using Statistix version 8.1 software. Treatment means were separated using LSD at 0.05 probability level.  HM21_7 was larger in size and 100 seeds weight with (36.27±1.33 g) compared to Namulenga (32.77±0.55 g). The sphericity was (54.4% and 58.9%), surface area was (127 mm2 and 118 mm2), aspect ratio was (0.49 and 0.55) and volume was (147 mm2 and 142 mm2) for both HM21_7 and Namulenga respectively. The soaking solutions had a significant effect on the hydration coefficient, swelling coefficient. Soaking the beans in Na2CO3 increased significantly the conductivity and the leached solutes for both the varieties. Namulenga variety had the higher bulk density (0.81 g/ml) compared to HM21_7 (0.77 g/ml). The porosity varied significantly among the two varieties. A significant different (P<0.01) was observed in the colour of the beans after soaking. Beans soaked in distilled water were lighter due to greater pigment leaching. On the other hand, beans soaked in Na2CO3 solution for 16 h showed darker colour. Soaking in sodium carbonate solution prior to cooking significantly reduced the hardness of the beans compared to the unsoaked beans and beans soaked in distilled water. According to the characteristics studied, the Namulenga variety is a good option for both processing and domestic use. Keywords: Physical properties, Hardness, Bio-fortified beans

    Insulin Sensitivity Effects on Peripheral Vascular Responses to FMD in Metabolic Syndrome Women.

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    Sedentary populations with obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) have presented with impaired vascular dysfunction, including vasodilation reduced 40-50%. The mechanisms of vascular endothelial dysfunction has also been associated to the bioavailability of nitric oxide levels and in metabolic compromised individuals the diminished content of endothelial NO are a prime mechanistic target for study. PURPOSE: We hypothesize that decreased reactive hyperemia observed in MetSyn compared to age matched-control patients are primarily due to mechanistic dysfunction of the eNOS pathway and lower Insulin Sensitivity Index (ISI). METHODS: 30 participants (10 MetSyn and 20 Controls) completed brachial FMD testing and vascular changes were recorded using Doppler ultrasound with a linear vascular probe. A blood pressure cuff was placed on the upper forearm and upper calf for analysis of brachial and popliteal arteries sheer rate and reactive hyperemia. Images were analyzed with Brachial Analyzer software and sheer rate calculated by digital recordings of blood velocity with a digital auditory transducer recordings with a BIOPAC 150 system and AcqKnowlege software. Insulin sensitivity index was assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test with fasting and post-prandal glucose measured with a glucometer and insulin measured by a Human Insulin ELISA kit (Cayman Chemical). The resting bioavailability of Nitric Oxide assessed by Nitrate/Nitrite ELISA assay and NO EPR spectroscopy measurements. RESULTS: In the brachial arteries there is significant differences (PCONCLUSION: We predict that the significant deficiencies observed between the control and MetSyn group may be explained by the vascular mechanisms of developing deficits associated with the metabolic deficiencies. A postulated mechanism of this endothelial dysfunction during insulin resistance begins with the decreased sensitivity of the insulin receptor preventing the effect of insulin and the AKT/PKB eNOS pathway. Research reported in this publication was supported by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medicine Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P20GM103451

    Almacenamiento masivo de información mediante clúster en el Laboratorio de Redes de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi Extensión La Maná

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    The general purpose of this project is the implementation of a cluster of information storage in networks of the Technical University of Cotopaxi Extension La Maná that will allow to store information, files, programs, which will facilitate its accessibility, reliability and availability. For its realization will use technological resources is going to work with NAS (networked storage server) will also be used software resources in this case will be working with the operating system synology diskstation manager (DSM) this is an operating system based on Explorer that offers tools to access your synology. This server will be installed in the network laboratory of the Technical University of Cotopaxi Extension La Maná and at the same time will be connected the internal network through a network cable, but also will allow access to the server from anywhere in the world using an ip address. Once the cluster is properly configured, this will allow users to be created and provide the necessary permissions such as reading, writing, deleting among others. It will also allow us to create groups where group files can be stored. This cluster will have the advantage that will allow users to access it and share or download files easily from different operating systems as many free as proprietary such as Windows as Mac or Linux, these can be shared from your intranet or through Internet with one of the applications of synology diskstation manager, file station, that allows the users to manage their files in synology NAS easily through a web interface. It will also allow access to files stored on the synology NAS with a mobile device since it has a multiplatform system. This storage cluster will automatically synchronize data from any device when adding a new file or when saving a change the data will be automatically updated on all other devices.El propósito general de este proyecto es la implementación de un clúster de almacenamiento de información en laboratorio de redes de La Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi Extensión La Maná que permitirá almacenar información, archivos, programas, el mismo que facilitará su accesibilidad, confiabilidad y disponibilidad. Para su realización utilizará recursos tecnológicos se va a trabajar con NAS (servidor de almacenamiento conectado en red) también se utilizará recursos de software en este caso se va a trabajar con el sistema operativo synology diskstation manager (DSM) este es un sistema operativo basado en explorador que ofrece herramientas para acceder a su synology. Este servidor se lo instalará en laboratorio de redes de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi Extensión La Maná y a la vez estará conectado la red interna mediante un cable de red, pero también permitirá acceder al servidor desde cualquier parte del mundo mediante una dirección ip. Una vez configurado correctamente la instalación del clúster este permitirá crear los usuarios y proporcionará los permisos necesarios como lectura, escritura, eliminar entre otros, también nos permitirá crear grupos donde se podrán almacenar archivos compartidos trabajos grupales. Este clúster tendrá la ventaja que permitirá a los usuarios acceder a él y compartir o bajar archivos de manera fácil desde diferentes sistemas operativos tantos de libre como propietario como por ejemplo Windows como de Mac o Linux, estos se podrán compartir desde su intranet o a través de internet con una de las aplicaciones de synology diskstation manager, file station, que permite a los usuarios administrar sus archivos en el synology NAS fácilmente a través de una interfaz web. También permitirá acceder a los archivos almacenados en el synology NAS con un dispositivo móvil dado que cuenta con un sistema multiplataforma. Este clúster de almacenamiento permitirá sincronizar los datos de una manera automática desde cualquier dispositivo al añadir un archivo nuevo o al guardar un cambio los datos se actualizarán automáticamente en el resto de dispositivos.Universidad Técnica de Cotopax

    Nitric Oxide Bioavailability at Peak Dynamic Handgrip Exercise in Young Metabolic Syndrome Women

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    The bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to contribute to vascular function during peak exercise. Young women with Metabolic Syndrome (MetSyn) have presented with a deficit in vascular conductance during exercise hyperemia. PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to measure changes in bioavailable blood NO levels at rest and during peak handgrip exercise to determine the mechanistic role of NO on dynamic vascular conductance in women with MetSyn compared to healthy controls during small muscle exercise. METHODS: In this study, 16 participants (7 MetSyn and 9 Controls) performed graded dynamic handgrip while beat-to-beat blood pressure (CNAP finger plethysmography), brachial artery diameter and blood flow with Doppler ultrasound and B-mode imaging were measured continuously. Exercise workload was increased in a ramp fashion (0.5 kg/min) at 30 contraction/min until task. At rest and immediately upon task failure, a venipuncture was performed to take rest and peak venous NO levels to be later measured by EPR Spectroscopy (Bruker Biospin EleXsys-II E-540 EPR L-band) at the UNM Health Science Center and Colorimetric Nitrate/Nitrite commercial ELISA kit. Whole blood was drawn into a prepared vacutainer in a 1:1 venous blood with deferoxamine (DF) chelator, in diethyldithiocarbamate (DETC) Krebs buffer. Plasma was preserved with EDTA and all samples were immediately flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 degrees Celsius. RESULTS: There was a significant difference in resting NO values (p=0.034) and end NO concentration values (p=0.053) between MetSyn and control groups. However, the MetSyn showed higher resting and peak NO values than control group as measured by ELISA. The change in plasma NO did not show any significant changes from rest to peak exercise in both groups (MetSyn p=0.757, control p=0.562). However, EPR indicated a significance between rest and peak exercise (p\u3c0.05). There was no significant change in NO between the groups (p=0.633). The MetSyn group has a significantly diminished arterial conductance in the brachial artery during handgrip as well as an attenuated response in the femoral artery during dynamic leg kick. CONCLUSION: The colorimetric nitrate/nitrite ELISA did not prove to be a sensitive enough technique to measure the degree of change of NO concentrations at peak exercise. The whole blood EPR technique in our laboratory is a more robust signal for identifying these changes in a wider range of concentrations between rest and peak. Future projects include an expansion of the standard curve for NO EPR to identify the potential differences at rest between the two research groups as well as to identify any health disparate differences between the regional populations of New Mexico and West Texas. Research reported in this publication was supported by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medicine Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P20GM103451

    Vortex Rings in two Component Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We study the structure of the vortex core in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. We demonstrate that the order parameter may not vanish and the symmetry may not be restored in the core of the vortex. In this case such vortices can form vortex rings known as vortons in particle physics literature. In contrast with well-studied superfluid 4He^4He, where similar vortex rings can be stable due to Magnus force only if they move, the vortex rings in two-component BECs can be stable even if they are at rest. This beautiful effect was first discussed by Witten in the cosmic string context, where it was shown that the stabilization occurs due to condensation of the second component of the field in the vortex core. This second condensate trapped in the core may carry a current along the vortex ring counteracting the effect of string tension that causes the loop to shrink. We speculate that such vortons may have been already observed in the laboratory. We also speculate that the experimental study of topological structures in BECs can provide a unique opportunity to study cosmology and astrophysics by doing laboratory experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure
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