14 research outputs found


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    The choice of NTB as one of the halal tourism destinations in Indonesialed to the passing of Perda No. 2 of 2016 concerning Halal Tourism in NTB.The implications of this regional regulation have been widely implemented. One of them is withmany emergence of halal tourism villages, especially on the island of Lombok. This researchaims to find out in detail the management of tourism in the Tete halal tourism villageBatu in East Lombok Regency which is one of the halal tourism destinationsNTB. This study uses a qualitative approach where the sample is selected bypurposive sampling. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, anddocumentation. The data obtained were analyzed using three pathways, namely reduction,presentation of data, and drawing conclusions made at the time of data collectiontake place. The validity of the data was tested using the source triangulation technique. ResultThe research shows that the management of the Tete Batu halal tourism village includes:several aspects, namely planning, implementation, and supervision. 1) Deep planningthe process of tourism management in Tete Batu Village seems invisible, even more sofor tourism management which in fact has been implemented by the community alreadysince a long time ago, the concept of halal has been very thick with people's livesLombok. 2) The implementation of management is focused on the efforts made by the partiesmanagers in creating a halal brand image that is already well attached toin terms of supporting facilities for worship, providing halal food, lodging managementwith the concept of halal, and community participation in management is good enoughalthough there are still many deficiencies that must be addressed. 3) Supervisionimplemented in the form of monitoring and evaluation. The focus of supervision lies onimplementation of standardization of halal tourism and further evaluation of achievementsthe purpose of the brand image of halal tourism is to increase the number of visitstourists in NTB and more specifically in Tete Batu Village. Inner obstaclesmanagement of hala tourism in Tete Batu Village, among others, a lack of budget andHuman resources that support the development of halal tourismTerpilihnya NTB sebagai salah satu destinasi pariwisata halal di Indonesiamenyebabkan disahkannya Perda No. 2 Tahun 2016 tentang Pariwisata Halal di NTB.Implikasi dari peraturan daerah inipun sudah banyak dilakukan. Salah satunya denganbanyak munculnya Desa wisata halal khususnya di pulau Lombok. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengetahui secara detail pengelolaan pariwisata Desa wisata halal TeteBatu di Kabupaten Lombok Timur yang merupakan salah satu destinasi pariwisata halalNTB. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dimana sampel dipilih denganpurposive sampling. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dandokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan tiga jalur yakni reduksi,penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan yang dilakukan pada saat pengumpulan databerlangsung. Keabsahan data diuji menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan Desa wisata halal Tete Batu meliputibeberapa aspek yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan. 1) Perencanaan dalamproses pengelolaan pariwisata di Desa Tete Batu seakan-akan tidak tampak, terlebih lagiuntuk pengelolaan pariwisata yang notabene sudah dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat sudahsejak lama dimana konsep halal sudah sangat kental dengan kehidupan masyarakatLombok. 2) Pelaksanaan pengelolaan terfokus pada upaya-upaya yang dilakukan pihakpengelola dalam menciptakan brand image halal yang memang sudah melekat baik darisegi fasilitas penunjang ibadah, menyediakan makanan halal, pengelolaan penginapandengan konsep halal, dan peran serta masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sudah cukup baikwalaupun masih banyak terdapat kekurangan yang harus dibenahi. 3) Pengawasandilaksanakan dalam bentuk monitoring dan evaluasi. Fokus pengawasan terletak padaterlaksananya standarisasi pariwisata halal dan lebih jauh lagi pada evaluasi pencapaiantujuan brand image pariwisata halal adalah untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjunganwisatawan di NTB dan lebih khusus lagi di Desa Tete Batu. Hambatan-hambatan dalampengelolaan pariwisata hala di Desa Tete Batu antara lain kurangnya anggaran danSDM yang menunjang pengembangan pariwisata hala


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    To reduce the level of CO2 content in air, effort on converting CO2 to useful products is required. One of thealternatives includes CO2 fixation to produce biomass using Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg. Chlorella vulgarisBuitenzorg is applied for production of food supplement. Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg is also easy to handle due to itssuperior adaptation. Currently, Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg has been analyzed by some experts for its cellularcomposition, its ability to produce high quality biomass and the content of essential nutrition. A series of experimentswas conducted by culturing Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg using Beneck medium in bubbling column photobioreactor.The main variation in this experiment was photoperiodicity, where growth of Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg wasexamined during photoperiodicity condition. The difference between CO2 gas concentration of inlet and outlet of thereactor during operational period, was compared to the same experiment under continuous illumination. Underphotoperiodicity of 8 and 9 h/d, the culture cell densities (N) were approximately 40 % higher than under continuousillumination. Final biomass density of Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg at 9 h/d illumination was 1.43 g/dm3, around 46%higher than under continuous illumination. Specific carbon dioxide transfer rate (qCO2) in photoperiodicity was 50-80%higher than under continuous illumination. These experiments showed that photoperiodicity affects the growth ofChlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg The specific growth rate (μ) by photoperiodicity was higher than that by continuousilumination while the growth period was two times longer. Based on the experiments, it can be concluded thatphotoperiodicity might save light energy consumption. The prediction of kinetic model under continuous illuminationas well as under photoperiodicity illumination showed that Haldane model became the fitted kinetic model.Keywords: photoperiodicity, Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg, food supplement, CO2 fixation, Haldane model


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    The purpose of this research is to know the level of refund Loan Save women's groups (SPP) at Sumbawa district and analyzing the strategy of Innovation management of the Fund Save Loan group of women (SPP) at Sumbawa district. The methods used in this research is quantitative methods that use the approach of the Ex post Facto on the five Subdistrict: Subdistricts of West Base, district, sub-district of Labuhan Badas Utan, Lopok sub district, and Sub-district Lape. The collection of data by the method of observation, kuisioner, documentation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that by doing the Innovation Fund management Save Loan group of women that used to be the level of kolektibilitas above 90% to 43% This means about 47% so an increase in refund the loan. So have significant results to increased kolektibilitas. The conclusion from this study that there are several causes of occurrence of nonperforming loans include: the existence of information that is not true that this is a fund that grants provided by the Government which does not need to be restored, failed harvest, the existence of communities that migrate, and used for other purposes that are urgent.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengembalian dana Simpan Pinjam Kelompok Perempuan (SPP) di Kabupaten Sumbawa dan menganalisis strategi Inovasi pengelolaan dana Simpan Pinjam Kelompok Perempuan (SPP) di Kabupaten Sumbawa.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan Ex post Facto di lima Kecamatan yaitu : Kecamatan Alas Barat, Kecamatan Utan, Kecamatan Labuhan Badas, Kecamatan Lopok, dan Kecamatan Lape. Pengumpulan data dengan metode observasi, kuisioner, dokumentasi dan wawancara.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan melakukan Inovasi Pengelolaan Dana Simpan Pinjam Kelompok Perempuan yang semula tingkat kolektibilitas diatas 90% menjadi 43% ini berarti turun sekitar 47% sehingga terjadi peningkatan dalam pengembalian pinjaman. Sehingga mempunyai hasil yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kolektibilitas.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa ada beberapa penyebab terjadinya kredit macet diantaranya: Adanya informasi yang tidak benar yang beranggapan bahwa dana ini adalah dana hibah yang diberikan oleh pemerintah yang tidak perlu dikembalikan, gagal panen, adanya masyarakat yang bermigrasi, dan digunakan untuk keperluan lain yang mendesak


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    Physical exposure to biological samples has an enormous influence on the results of forensic DNA analysis. The lack of molecular research on the effect of physical exposure on dental samples is the reason for the need for further research. This study aims to determine the effect of physical exposure on dental samples on the results of forensic DNA quantification. The parameter used is the concentration value of isolated DNA obtained from real time PCR analysis. The use of real time PCR allows the detection and quantification of specific sequences of DNA samples at the same time to be analyzed. The dental samples used were obtained from different individuals. Teeth are used as identification media because teeth are the hardest part of the body and are chemically the most stable and most resistant to degradation and decomposition. The method in this study is to give three types of treatment to the tested samples in the form of sea water immersion, river water immersion and exposure to free air at room temperature with each treatment consisting of three test samples. All samples were extracted using a Commercial DNA purification KIT with a reagent in the form of a Qiagen KIT (QIAamp® DNA Investigator) then a quantification process was carried out to see the value of the DNA concentration of each sample using real time PCR. The results of DNA quantification of dental samples from each treatment showed that the highest sample concentration value was based on the average of each treatment, namely samples with treatments exposed to free air at room temperature with a concentration value of 1.34 ng/µl, followed by samples soaked using river water with a concentration value of 0.15 ng/µl, while the sample with the lowest concentration is shown by a sample treated with seawater immersion with a concentration value of 0.10 ng/µl. Physical exposure in the form of exposure to free air, exposure to river water and exposure to sea water on dental samples, gave a not too significant effect on the results of DNA quantification produced.Paparan fisik pada sampel biologis memberikan pengaruh yang sangat besar terhadap hasil analisis DNA forensik. Masih sedikitnya penelitian molekuler tentang pengaruh paparan fisik pada sampel gigi menjadi alasan perlu dilakukannya penelitian lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh paparan fisik pada sampel gigi terhadap hasil kuantifikasi DNA forensik. Parameter yang digunakan adalah nilai konsentrasi DNA hasil isolasi yang diperoleh dari analisis real time PCR. Penggunaan real time PCR memungkinkan dilakukannya deteksi dan kuantifikasi sekaligus terhadap sekuens spesifik dari sampel DNA yang dianalisa. Sampel gigi yang digunakan diperoleh dari individu yang berbeda. Gigi digunakan sebagai media identifikasi karena gigi merupakan bagian tubuh yang paling keras dan secara kimiawi merupakan jaringan paling stabil dan paling tahan terhadap degradasi dan dekomposisi. Metode dalam penelitian ini yaitu memberikan tiga jenis perlakuan pada sampel yang diuji berupa perlakuan perendaman air laut, perendaman air sungai dan paparan udara bebas pada suhu ruang dengan masing-masing perlakuan terdiri atas tiga sampel uji. Semua sampel diekstraksi menggunakan KIT purifikasi DNA Komersial dengan reagen berupa KIT Qiagen (QIAamp® DNA Investigator) selanjutnya dilakukan proses kuantifikasi untuk melihat nilai konsentrasi DNA dari masing-masing sampel menggunakan real time PCR. Hasil kuantifikasi DNA sampel gigi dari masing-masing perlakuan menunjukkan bahwa nilai konsentrasi sampel tertinggi berdasarkan rata-rata setiap perlakuan yaitu sampel dengan perlakuan terpapar dengan udara bebas pada suhu ruang dengan nilai konsentrasi sebesar 1,34 ng/µl, diikuti dengan sampel yang direndam menggunakan air sungai dengan nilai konsentrasi sebesar 0,15 ng/µl, sementara sampel dengan konsentrasi terendah ditunjukan oleh sampel yang diberi perlakuan perendaman air laut dengan nilai konsentrasi sebesar 0,10 ng/µl. Paparan fisik berupa paparan udara bebas, paparan air sungai dan paparan air laut pada sampel gigi, memberikan pengaruh yang tidak terlalu signifikan terhadap hasil kuantifikasi DNA yang dihasilkan


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    The precursors, Na2HPO4.2H2O and CaCl2.2H2O are used for synthesizing pure hydroxyapatite which less of carbonate content. The high temperature of sintering, about 700oC of temperature, is treated to minimize the carbonate group on hydroxyapatite surface. Carbonate content of hydroxyapatite which is sintered in 700oC is less than 110oC. It indicates an increasing temperature of sintering will increase crystallinity and decrease carbonate content of hydroxapatite. This method gave better way to resulting hydroxyapatite crystal. The patterns of band of SDS PAGE in resulting of Protein Purification by DEAE matrix is also appear in using hydroxyapatite matrix. The other band also appear in purification by hydroxyapatite matrix, it showed that hydroxyapatite not only has DEAE matrix characteristic as anion exchange but also has kation exchange characteristic. These patterns proof that hydroxyapatite could be used in protein purification as matrix as cation an anion exchange. Additionally, apatite matrix is abiding and can be used repeatedly more than one hundred times without contamination. Keywords: hydroxyapatite, protein purification, wet metho

    Comparison of Ovalbumin Sensitized Mice Model for Allergy: A Preliminary Study

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    Allergy diseases tend to increase with variety of clinical manifestations. To date, pharmacotherapy do not treat the underlying disease. Many researches concerned to study new approach of allergy therapy which need allergy mouse model for evaluation. This study was aimed to compare the effectiveness of two treatment methods by using ovalbumin for allergy sensitization. This study was conducted in PT.Bimana Indomedical animal facility Bogor on June until September 2016. Six mice were divided into 2 groups. First group was sensitized by ovalbumin 100ug subcutaneous (sc) day-0, 50 ug intra peritoneal (ip) day-14 and 100 ug intranasal (in) day-21. Second group was sensitized by ovalbumin 10 ug ip day-0 and day-7, 10 ug in day-21, 22, and 23. Body weight, hematology parameters (red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit) and total IgE concentration of day-0 (pre-treatment) and day 24 (post-treatment) were measured. The results showed that there was an increase of mice body weight of both treatment group, while hematology changes of pre and post treatment were not significantly different (paired t-test). Whereas the increase in total IgE pre and post treatment was significantly different between the two groups (paired t-test). In conclusion, the second allergy sensitization method is better than the first allergy sensitization method.&nbsp

    Employment of 1-Methoxy-5-Ethyl Phenazinium Ethyl Sulfate as a Stable Electron Mediator in Flavin Oxidoreductases-Based Sensors

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    In this paper, a novel electron mediator, 1-methoxy-5-ethyl phenazinium ethyl sulfate (mPES), was introduced as a versatile mediator for disposable enzyme sensor strips, employing representative flavin oxidoreductases, lactate oxidase (LOx), glucose dehydrogenase (GDH), and fructosyl peptide oxidase (FPOx). A disposable lactate enzyme sensor with oxygen insensitive Aerococcus viridans-derived engineered LOx (AvLOx), with A96L mutant as the enzyme, was constructed. The constructed lactate sensor exhibited a high sensitivity (0.73 ± 0.12 μA/mM) and wide linear range (0–50 mM lactate), showings that mPES functions as an effective mediator for AvLOx. Employing mPES as mediator allowed this amperometric lactate sensor to be operated at a relatively low potential of +0.2 V to 0 V vs. Ag/AgCl, thus avoiding interference from uric acid and acetaminophen. The lactate sensors were adequately stable for at least 48 days of storage at 25 °C. These results indicated that mPES can be replaced with 1-methoxy-5-methyl phenazinium methyl sulfate (mPMS), which we previously reported as the best mediator for AvLOx-based lactate sensors. Furthermore, this study revealed that mPES can be used as an effective electron mediator for the enzyme sensors employing representative flavin oxidoreductases, GDH-based glucose sensors, and FPOx-based hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) sensors

    Preparation, characterization, and evaluation of chitosan-based nanoparticles as CpG ODN carriers

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    Chitosan-based particles are desirable materials for drug delivery because of their muco-adhesiveness in tissues, biocompatibility, low toxicity and effectiveness in antigen transport. It is still a challenge to prepare chitosan-based particles with high stability and by an effective method. Here we developed chitosan-based nanoparticles for the delivery of toll-like receptor 9 ligands, cytosine-phosphate-guanine oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG ODNs), which can induce the change from Th-2 type to Th-1 type immune response. Because of the low tolerance to DNase and less uptake into the cells of the free CpG ODNs, the development of positively charged carriers is necessary for the effective delivery of CpG ODNs into immune cells. Chitosan nanoparticles were prepared by ionic gelation, and the nanoparticles size and surface charge were measured by dynamic light spectroscopy and zeta potential analyzer, respectively. The synthesized chitosan nanoparticles showed two dispersion peaks, at 196 ± 29 nm and 1.33 ± 0.36 μm, with a zeta potential of +3.3 ± 0.4 mV. The toxicity of the chitosan nanoparticles to murine RAW264 macrophages was measured by formazan dye assay utilizing the water-soluble tetrazolium salt WST-8. Our chitosan nanoparticles exhibited no cytotoxicity to RAW264 cells. Finally, we evaluated the immunostimulatory activity of CpG ODNs loaded on chitosan nanoparticles using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. CpG ODNs significantly enhanced the secretion level of interleukin-6 and interferon-γ by cells compared to the free CpG ODNs. These results indicated that chitosan nanoparticles could be a good candidate for the delivery of CpG ODNs