4 research outputs found

    Dog demography and population estimates for rabies control in Bali, Indonesia

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    2014 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Rabies is a fatal zoonotic disease with global significance. At the end of 2008, rabies emerged in the Island of Bali, Indonesia, drawing international attention. As the disease became wide-spread, the government focused on island-wide mass vaccination of dogs and improving public awareness, however the local dog population is not well documented. The Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS), a local non-government organization in Indonesia, and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) initiated a project to explore the link between the dog population and local communities in Bali with focus on the impact of this relationship in the spread of rabies. As part of that project, the objective of the study is to (1) characterize the demographics and rabies vaccination of owned and free-roaming dogs and (2) estimate the abundance and identify factors associated with the distribution of the dogs in Bali. The study was conducted on two dog subpopulations, owned and free-roaming dogs, in 310 banjars in Denpasar city, Gianyar district, and Karangasem district in Bali. Banjar is a subvillage structure in Bali. The sampling design was a two-stage sampling with villages as the primary sampling unit and banjars as the secondary sampling unit. Data were collected between March 2011 and March 2012. Survey of owned dogs was carried out through door to door interview of owners and photographic mark recapture was used to collect data on free-roaming dogs. Dogs were predominantly owned and the effect of unowned dogs towards the total population was minimal. Demographically, the sex ratio was male-biased and juveniles make up 15-20% of the population. Free-roaming dogs were dominated by adults and a higher proportion of males. There were differences in the demographics of dogs in urban and non-urban areas which should be considered when planning and implementing control programs. Overall vaccination coverage was high (>70%), however juveniles and females have a higher likelihood of not being vaccinated. The endurance of vaccination collars should be improved to better represent the true vaccination coverage in free-roaming dogs as there is high confidence that most free-roaming dogs were actually owned dogs. Recent culling was associated with increased proportions of juveniles and a 40% higher risk of dogs not being vaccinated. The observation of free-roaming dogs should always account for detection probability as only 20% of dogs in this study were seen at any given time. Failure to account for detection probability will result in severe underestimation of the population abundance. The human population, presence of a forest and recent culling accounted for 28% of variation in the number of owned dogs in banjars. Accordingly, the number of owned dogs and presence of rice paddies accounted for 61% of variation in the number of free-roaming dogs in banjars. Finally, the overall and median human to dog ratios were the least biased ratios available for estimating the overall dog population, however it is a crude tool with poor precision. The overall ratio on average slightly underestimates the total population, while the median ratio slightly overestimates the total population. For rabies control purposes, overestimation is preferred over underestimation and the median human to dog ratio is recommended

    The Association of Antimicrobials Use with Resistance Incidence in Independent Broiler Poultry Farms in Bogor District

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    The use of antimicrobials in livestock selects for antimicrobials resistance in the livestock sector what is a potential threat for human health. This study aims to determine the association between antimicrobials use and the incidence of resistance in commensal Escherichia coli in Indonesian broiler farms. Data was collected on the use of antimicrobials for 4-6 production periods on 19 independent broiler farms in Bogor Regency from 2019 to 2022 (97 cycles). At the end of one of the last cycles, a boot swab sample of the bedding/litter was taken and 25 E. coli strains were isolated per farm. A total of 475 isolates of E. coli were tested with Susceptibility using the microdilution (Sensititre®) method for determining phenotypic resistance. The association between the antimicrobials used (Treatment Frequency Used Daily Dose/TFUDD) in the long term (97 cycles) and the short term (in the end cycle in which the sample was taken, 19 cycles) with the proportion of resistance was analyzed using linear regression. Farms most frequently used antimicrobials which were categorized as Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials/HPCIA for human medicine (WHO, 2019). From 475 isolates of E. coli that were isolated, it was seen that the population of E. coli shows a high percentage of non-wildtype isolates (here called ‘resistant’). The highest resistance was seen to antimicrobials ciprofloxacin (93%), ampicillin (88%), tetracycline (83%), sulfamethoxazole (75%), and trimethoprim (71%). Of the 5 classes of antimicrobials analyzed, a significant association was found between the frequency of antimicrobials treatment and the proportion of resistance to quinolones and tetracyclines (

    Hubungan Penggunaan Antimikroba terhadap Resistansi pada Peternakan Unggas Broiler Mandiri di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Penggunaan antimikroba di peternakan mengakselerasi proses resistansi antimikroba pada sektor peternakan dan berpotensi mengancam kesehatan manusia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penggunaan antimikroba dengan kejadian resistansi pada bakteri komensal Escherichia coli di peternakan unggas broiler. Data penggunaan antimikroba dikumpulkan selama 4-6 periode produksi (97 siklus) dan periode siklus akhir diambil 1 sampel litter dengan boot swab dari 19 peternakan broiler mandiri di Kabupaten Bogor selama 2019-2022, dan 25 strain E. coli diisolasi dari tiap peternakan. Sebanyak 475 isolat bakteri E. coli diuji Susceptibility dengan metode microdilution (Sensititre®) untuk resistansi fenotipik. Hubungan frekuensi pemberian antimikroba (Treatment Frequency Used Daily Dose/TFUDD) jangka panjang (97 siklus) dan jangka pendek (siklus akhir dimana diambil sampel, 19 siklus) dengan proporsi isolat resistan dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear. Peternakan paling sering menggunakan antimikroba yang termasuk dalam kategori Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials/HPCIA for human medicine (WHO, 2019). Dari 475 isolat E. coli yang diisolasi, terlihat bahwa tingginya persentase populasi E. coli non-wild type (‘resistan’). Resistansi tertinggi terhadap antimikroba ciprofloksasin (93%), ampisilin (88%), tetrasiklin (83%), sulfametoksazol (75%), dan trimethoprim (71%). Dari 5 kelas antimikroba yang dianalisa, didapatkan hubungan signifikan antara frekuensi pemberian antimikroba dan proporsi isolat resistan pada penggunaan jangka panjang terhadap kuinolon dan tetrasiklin (p<0.05), serta pada penggunaan jangka pendek terhadap makrolida (p<0.05) dan tetrasiklin (p<0.01).The use of antimicrobials in livestock selects for antimicrobials resistance in the livestock sector what is a potential threat for human health. This study aims to determine the association between antimicrobials use and the incidence of resistance in commensal Escherichia coli in Indonesian broiler farms. Data was collected on the use of antimicrobials for 4-6 production periods on 19 independent broiler farms in Bogor Regency from 2019 to 2022 (97 cycles). At the end of one of the last cycles, a boot swab sample of the bedding/litter was taken and 25 E. coli strains were isolated per farm. A total of 475 isolates of E. coli were tested with Susceptibility using the microdilution (Sensititre®) method for determining phenotypic resistance. The association between the antimicrobials used (Treatment Frequency Used Daily Dose/TFUDD) in the long term (97 cycles) and the short term (in the end cycle in which the sample was taken, 19 cycles) with the proportion of resistance was analyzed using linear regression. Farms most frequently used antimicrobials which were categorized as Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials/HPCIA for human medicine (WHO, 2019). From 475 isolates of E. coli that were isolated, it was seen that the population of E. coli shows a high percentage of non-wildtype isolates (here called ‘resistant’). The highest resistance was seen to antimicrobials ciprofloxacin (93%), ampicillin (88%), tetracycline (83%), sulfamethoxazole (75%), and trimethoprim (71%). Of the 5 classes of antimicrobials analyzed, a significant association was found between the frequency of antimicrobials treatment and the proportion of resistance to quinolones and tetracyclines (p<0.05) in long-term use, and macrolides (p<0.05) and tetracyclines (p<0.01) in short-term use

    Pola Penggunaan Anti Mikrob pada Peternakan Mandiri Ayam Broiler di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Penggunaan anti mikrob dapat menyebabkan terjadinya resistansi anti mikrob baik di sektor peternakan maupun dalam hal kesehatan manusia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan mengukur frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob di peternakan ayam broiler dan melihat hubungan penggunaan anti mikrob dengan tingkat kematian. Studi dilakukan tahun 2019-2022, di 19 peternakan ayam broiler mandiri di Kabupaten Bogor dengan total pengamatan 89 periode produksi. Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu jenis anti mikrob dan frekuensi pemberian kemudian dianalisis menggunakan perhitungan used daily dose (UDD) dan treatment frequency (TF). Hubungan penggunaan anti mikrob dengan tingkat kematian dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear. Pemberian antibotik di peternakan berdasarkan saran dari pemilik (15,8%), technical service/TS (36,8%) dan petugas penyuluh lapang/PPL (47,4%). Diantaranya hanya 1 orang yang merupakan dokter hewan (5,3%). Rata-rata frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob dalam sehari (TFUDD) di peternakan adalah 10,5 kali. Dari semua anti mikrob yang digunakan 60,5% termasuk dalam kategori prioritas paling tinggi untuk anti mikrob yang sangat penting bagi manusia (HPCIA). Tujuan pemberian anti mikrob mayoritas untuk pencegahan (82,7%) dan frekuensi pemberian paling banyak pada minggu pertama untuk menekan tingkat kematian. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob dan tingkat kematian pada minggu pertama periode produksi (p>0,05). Penggunaan anti mikrob sebagian besar dilakukan tanpa konsultasi dengan dokter hewan. Frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob sebagian besar dari kategori HPCIA dan tujuan penggunaannya untuk pencegahan. Tinggi atau rendahnya frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob pada minggu pertama tidak berhubungan dengan penurunan tingkat kematian.Penggunaan anti mikrob dapat menyebabkan terjadinya resistansi anti mikrob baik di sektor peternakan maupun dalam hal kesehatan manusia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan mengukur frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob di peternakan ayam broiler dan melihat hubungan penggunaan anti mikrob dengan tingkat kematian. Studi dilakukan tahun 2019-2022, di 19 peternakan ayam broiler mandiri di Kabupaten Bogor dengan total pengamatan 89 periode produksi. Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu jenis anti mikrob dan frekuensi pemberian kemudian dianalisis menggunakan perhitungan used daily dose (UDD) dan treatment frequency (TF). Hubungan penggunaan anti mikrob dengan tingkat kematian dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear. Pemberian antibotik di peternakan berdasarkan saran dari pemilik (15,8%), technical service/TS (36,8%) dan petugas penyuluh lapang/PPL (47,4%). Diantaranya hanya 1 orang yang merupakan dokter hewan (5,3%). Rata-rata frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob dalam sehari (TFUDD) di peternakan adalah 10,5 kali. Dari semua anti mikrob yang digunakan 60,5% termasuk dalam kategori prioritas paling tinggi untuk anti mikrob yang sangat penting bagi manusia (HPCIA). Tujuan pemberian anti mikrob mayoritas untuk pencegahan (82,7%) dan frekuensi pemberian paling banyak pada minggu pertama untuk menekan tingkat kematian. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob dan tingkat kematian pada minggu pertama periode produksi (p>0,05). Penggunaan anti mikrob sebagian besar dilakukan tanpa konsultasi dengan dokter hewan. Frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob sebagian besar dari kategori HPCIA dan tujuan penggunaannya untuk pencegahan. Tinggi atau rendahnya frekuensi pemberian anti mikrob pada minggu pertama tidak berhubungan dengan penurunan tingkat kematian