40 research outputs found

    Gaya Bahasa Iklan Produk Kesehatan Dan Kosmetik Pada Harian Pagi Posmetro Padang

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    This study focused on the use of language style health products and cosmetics advertisements in Harian Pagi Posmetro Padang. This research is descriptive qualitative research method that aims to describe the style of the language of advertising in print media. The results of this research are health and cosmetic product advertising on Harian Pagi Posmetro Padang. Data obtained from Harian Pagi Posmetro Padang, published during September to November in 2011 which consisted of two ads beauty and health advertising eight. Based on the research results, we can conclude two things, namely (1) the language style of the language contained in the advertisement Harian Pagi Posmetro Padang is personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, paradox, inuendo, cynicism, sarcasm, and metonymy. (2) from eight style that is found in Harian Pagi Posmetro Padang, the dominant style of language used is style personified

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berdiskusi Dengan Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Head Together Siswa Kelas VIII F SMPN 1 Padangpanjang

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    The research is to describe the increasing of the learning discuss the use of cooperative learning methods Numbered Heads Together type of student in the class VIII F SMPN 1 Padang Panjang wich is from indicators of pronunciation, grammar, liveliness ask class in questions, connection and topic, and the conversation. This research was classroom action research that descriptive methods. The data obtained through observation sheets, field notes, questionnaires, and performance tests. This study was conducted in three cycles, each cycle conducted in two meetings. Based on the results of this research obtained conclude that the use of cooperative learning methods of the type Numbered Heads Together to improve the learning ability of students to discuss class VIII F SMPN 1 Padang Panjang. The increase is seen in the acquisition value of the average room in the count is significant, prasiklus 53.90%, 63.62% first cycle and the second cycle of 76.62%

    Erotisme Dalam Novel Nayla Karya Djenar Maesa Ayu

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    This article aim to the describe a form of eroticism in the novel Nayla by Djenar Maesa Ayu.The theory used is the is the structural theory with the techniques of content analysis, the inventory data from the text that indicates the attitude of eroticism. Based on data analysis, it is concluded that the different meanings with erotic pornography.But both said it departed from the human libido, eroticism is a reflection of the behavior, circumstances, or the atmosphere, causing the human libido is based on lust.The result of this research indicate a form of eroticism is revealed through discovery and discussion. In the analysis of the researceh findings are novel structures, by describing the intrinsic element contained in the content of the novel Nayla by Djenar Maesa Ayu.The conclusion is a form of eroticism expressed as founding, intercourse, kiss, play on bed, in the form of sentences of text

    Kemampuan Membedakan Kalimat Fakta Dan Opini Melalui Kegiatan Membaca Intensif Siswa Kelas X SMK-SMAK Padang

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    The purpose of this study were to (1) describe the ability of students to determine the sentence facts through intensive reading class X-SMAK SMK Padang, (2) describe the ability of students to determine the sentence opinions through intensive reading class X-SMAK SMK Padang, (3) describes the differences of students' ability to distinguish between fact and opinion sentences through intensive reading class X-SMAK SMK Padang. The data of this research is a test answer sheet that was held on December 6, 2012. Tests to be objective about the amount of about 30 grains of matter, which consists of 15 questions and 15 questions facts opinions. The data sources of this study are writing as a source of primary sources of the student-SMAK SMK Padang. Data collected view of providing intensive reading test paragraphs of the matter abjektif given researchers. The findings of the study showed that there is a difference in determining the sentence facts and opinions. The ability to determine the facts sentences (69.80%) and subjective (63.88%)

    Citra Perempuan Dalam Novel Kekuatan Cinta Karya Sastri Bakry

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the reflection of the woman characteristic in the novel Kekuatan Cinta by Sastri Bakri. Some theory that use in this research are: (1) the meaning of novel, (2) parts of novel, (3) the approach when understand literature, (4) the meaning of woman's reflection, (5) the woman's reflection as herself, (6) the reflectionof woman as a civil. This research is kind of qualitative research by using the core analysis approach. The aim of analyzing woman characteristic in the novel is to know the reflectionby main character. The result of this research shows that the reflection of the woman, Sas, as a strong woman through life

    Ungkapan Makian Dalam Bahasa Minangkabau Di Nagari Kurai Taji Kecamatan Pariaman Selatan

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    The purposes of this article were to: 1) describe the form of invective in Minangkabau language, 2) describe the context of using invective expressions, and 3) describe the function of using invective expressions in Nagari Kurai Taji South of Pariaman. The data of this study is the expressions used invective language of Minangkabau society in Nagari Kurai Taji South of Pariaman district. The data source of this research is the speech of informants in Nagari Kurai Taji South Pariaman district. The finding of the study is eksplained three things, namely 1) the form of invective, 2) the context of using invevtive expression, and 3) the functions of using invective expressions.The the form of invective consists of words and phrases. The form of invective can be categorized: nouns, verbs, adjectives. Cussthe contextof four, namely: (1)higher position speakers and familiar relationship, (2)a higher position speakers and donot close, (3)inferior speakers and familiar relationship, (4)inferior speakers and do notyet familiar. Function invective expression consists of:(1)express their resentment,(2)strong angerand extreme, (3)as ajo keor comedy purposes, (4)a means of expressing in timacy in relationships, (5)contempt, (6)expressed frustration and annoyance, and (7)as a means of disclosure as tonishment

    Ragam Bahasa Presenter Infotainment “KISS” Di Stasiun Televisi Indosiar

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    The article aims to describe the use of different languages​​ by presenter infotainment Indosiar terms of accuracy and suitability choice of words. The research datais an extract speech language diversity in the television presenter infotainment KISS Indosiar, while that will be thesource ofthe data is KISS on television infotainment Indosiar. Data collected by recording technique andrecord engineering. The findings ofthe studyare, (1) variety of languageused by the presenter infotainment KISS in Indosiar are various casual, (2) appropriate selection of words seen by the useof synonyms, words of his own creation, and foreign words, (3) the suitability of the choice of words seen by the use of popular words, words of jargon and slang words

    Aspek Moral Tokoh Dalam Dwilogi Novel Padang Bulan Dan Novel Cinta Dalam Gelas Karya Andrea Hirata

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    This article aimed to describe and explain the moral aspects of the characters in the novel Dwilogi Padang Bulan and the novel Cinta di Dalam Gelas by Andrea Hirata. The data of this study is novel text contained in the novel, taken in accordance with the research objectives. The data source of this research is novel Dwilogi Padang Bulan and the novel Cinta di Dalam Gelas by Andrea Hirata. Data collected by reading the novel Dwilogi first to get a clear picture of the content of the novel, and then described the data as advanced techniques. Research findings, namely that most of the characters in the novel Dwilogi already have good morale as reflected in the attitudes and behavior related to (1) conscience, (2) freedom and responsibility, (3) the rights and obligations, and (4) values ​​and norms

    Aspek Religius Islam Dalam Syair-syair Lagu Album Semesta Bertasbih Ciptaan Opick

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    The purpose of this research is to describe (1) islam religious aspect about aqidah in rhymes of song in Semesta Bertasbih album by Opick, (2) islam religious aspect about syariah in rhymes of song in Semesta Bertasbih album by Opick, and (3) islam religious aspect about morals in rhymes of song in Semesta bertasbih album by Opick. This data research is about the rhymes of song in semesta bertasbih album by Opick. The finding of research is Islam religious aspect in rhymes of song in semesta bertasbih album by opick, among of them are aqidah, syariah, and morals