23 research outputs found

    Kalibrasi Jangka Sorong Nonius (Vernier Calliper) Berdasarkan Standar Jis B 7507 di Laboratorium Pengukuran Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau

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    Vernier calliper is very much used either by measurement laboratories and production. Vernier calliper measurement tools necessary to calibrate each period of 12 months, with a calibration done will determine the value of the correction/error and the value of the measurement uncertainty of measuring instruments vernier calliper. In this study calibration of vernier calliper follow the standard JIS B 7507 - 1993 at which the standard has been described specification requirements vernier calliper. Based on the results of the calibration has been done vernier calliper I have a maximum error of 0.00042 mm and the value of the uncertainty confidence level at 95% with a coverage factor of k = 2 is U95 = ±59.02 μm, vernier callipers II has a maximum error of 0.01994 mm and uncertainties confidence level at 95% with a coverage factor of k = 2 is U95 = ±59.42 μm. Both vernier callipers meets the requirements based on JIS B 7507-1993

    Kalibrasi Mikrometer Sekrup Eksternal dengan Mengacu pada Standar JIS B 7502 - 1994 di Laboratorium Pengukuran Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau

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    Activities to determine the truth value of the appointment of a conventional measuring instruments and measuring ingredients by comparing against a standard measure that traceable to a national standard for the unit of measure and Internationally is the purpose of the calibration so that the existing external micrometer screw in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Measurements can be seen Riau University how much difference deviation between the right price with the price indicated by an external micrometer screw. In the external calibration process micrometer screws there are six components , namelymeasurement uncertainty: Uncertainty measuring gauge block, standard uncertainty micrometer resolution , standard uncertainty able to re- reading of the micrometer , standarduncertainty the effect of temperature , standard uncertainty geometric correction , wringing standard uncertainty. As a result of analysis obtained values Value uncertainty of measuringdevices external I micrometer screw at a rate of 95% coverage factor of k = 2 is U95 = ± 5,8092 mm with a gauge factor correction tool = 0,00025 mm. The uncertainty of the value ofan external measuring instrument micrometer screw II at a rate of 95% coverage factor of k = 2 is U95 = ± 5,8092 mm by measuring factor correction tool = 0,00025 mm. The uncertaintyof the value of an external measuring instrument micrometer screw III equal to 95% coverage factor of k = 2 is U95 = ± 5,8092 mm and measuring instrument correction factor = 0,00975 mm

    Desain dan Manufaktur Hopper Penyalur Pupuk Menggunakan Valve Metering Mechanism pada Cultivator untuk Pemupukan Kelapa Sawit

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    Fertilization plays an important role in increasing the production of palm oil. Fertilization by manually deployed using the hand is considered less effective because the dose of fertilizer is not uniform and improper fertilization methods. The purpose of thisresearch is to design and make the hopper (tank fertilizer distributor) for precise fit required dose and volume of uniform fertilizer for each tree. The case study method is used to getinformation about fertilization technique and dose of fertilizer. The information obtained is used to design and acquire the dimensions, the shape of the hopper is made. Design methodusing descriptive design french. Once the image is finished then print out the pictures do the work that will be done the manufacturing process. From the calculation and testing obtained capacity ofthe reservoir tank is 7.5 liters, volumemetering 1 0:09 L, metering 2 0.17 L, metering 30.26 L with dimensions of 200 mm × 150 mm × 283 mm. From the simulation results obtained structural analysis of the maximum value of the safety factor 15 minimum safety factor of 3.49, while the maximum displacement and displacement 0.04568 minimum 0 results shows that the hopper is safe to use. Hopper performance results have been obtained through the testing process with an average dose of the valve 1 0.07 kg (urea), 0.08 kg (TSP), valve 2 0.12 kg (urea), 0.14 kg (TSP fertilizer), and valve 3 0.17 kg (urea), 0.19 kg (TSP)

    Studi Kecermatan Alat Ukur Roundness Tester Machine Produksi Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau dengan Metode Helix

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    Measuring clock or Dial indicators is a comperator device. typically used in industrial activities in particular at product deviation, because it has good accuracy. Precision and accuracy is the closeness to the true value, can be defined as the closeness (cloness) between the values read from the measuring instrument to the true value. The use of measuring devices which have high accuracy and good will generate accurate measurement data and vice versa use measuring devices that are not good or accurate, then the results obtained are not accurate. This study aims to determine the accuracy of measuring instruments by varying the motor speed to the drive dial indicator with helix methods, and large roundness deviation (Roundness Tester Machine). The result showed that the roundness deviation for each speed roundness of the lowest value and the highest at speed 0,040 m / s is: MCC = 0.008 mm to 0.124 mm, MZC = 0.008 mm to 0.122 mm, MIC = 0.006 mm to 0.029 mm, and LSC = 0.005 to 0.085 mm. Then to the speed of 0.046 m / s roundness deviation obtained MCC = 0.007 mm to 0,186 mm, MZC = 0.005 mm to 127 mm, MIC = 0.005 mm to 0.121 mm, LSC = 0.005 mm to 0,113 mm, while the speed of 0.071 m / s roundness deviation obtained for MCC = 0.094 mm to 0.611 mm, MZC = 0.047 mm to 0,153 mm, MIC = 0,050 mm to 0.107 mm, LSC = 0.042 mm to 0.111 mm, the speed of 0,040 m / s is closer to the data than the speed of other mandrel, the effect of instrument error is evident from the table 4:20 on four very large positions are not accurate Measure tool is e (mm) = 0.0830 or e (%) = 42.17, and the roundness deviation at speed of 0,040 m/s by the largest outer circle the minimum is 0.124 mm, the inner circle is 0.122 mm maximum, the minimum of a circle area is 0.122, and for the least squares circle is 0.042 mm. The fourth circle of reference is used, then the circle of least squares best used to determine the roundness deviation results in accordance recommended ISO

    Studi Kecermatan Alat Ukur Kebulatan (Roundness Tester Mechine) Produksi Laboratorium Pengukuran Universitas Riau

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    Accuracy is the closeness or the accuracy of the measurement results with the actual value. Accuracy can also mean a measure of the closeness results of the analysis of the actual invitation analyte levels. Accuracy is vital that must be fulfilled and owned by any measurement tool, use the measuring instrument that has high accuracy and good will produce accurate measurement data and other wise use measuring devices are not accurate, do not meet the standards of the results obtained will not be accurate. This study aims to determine the value of the mandrel roundness deviation, roundness accuracy Measuring Equipment (Roundness Tester Machine) and large deviations in the roundness measuring instrument (Roundness TesterMachine) (instrument error) and the operator or gauges (human error). From the results, the large stroundness deviation value for minimum circumscribed circle is 0,474 mm, maximum inscribed circle 0,417 mm, minimum zone circle 0,495 mm, least squares circle 0,207 mm, for the value of sphericity (roundness) for the smallest outer for minimum circumscribed circleis 0,003 mm, maximum inscribed circle 0,003 mm, minimum zone circle is 0,003 mm, least squares is 0,001 mm. Value accuracy roundness measuring instrument (Roundness TesterMachine) in position 1 = 0,006 mm, position 2 = 0,006 mm, position 3 = 0,011 mm, position 4 = 0,018 mm, position 5 = 0,003 mm, position 6 = 0,018 mm, position 7 = 0,021 mm, position 8 = 0,031 mm, position 9 = 0,002 mm, position 10 = 0,001 mm and error measuring instrument (instrument error) is the largest 0,02944 mm or 18,871% and the smallest deviation is 0,00029 mm or 0,225%. Operator error or measuring (Human Error) for first test (human) 22%, second test 5,33%, third test 182%, fourth test 187%, fifth test 58%