1,944 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Cumin as Natural Antioxidant to Improve Rumen Ecology of Mastitis Dairy Cow\u27s

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    The research was on the effect of supplementation of natural antioxidant (Cuminum cyminum) to improve rumen ecology of Mastitis Dairy Cow\u27s and improved milk production. This research was in-vitro treatments and using rumen fluids of Holstein dairy cows with mastitis condition. They were fed diets supplemented with various levels of a natural antioxidant ( A; 0 ppm; B: 500 ppm; C: 1000 ppm and D: 1500 ppm). Total of Rumen Bactery, pH, NH3, acetate acid, propionate acid and butirate acid were determined. The design of this experiment was used Randomized Design. The collected data were analyzed by Multiple Analysis of Variance. While the difference between the treatment effects was tested using Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test. The results showed that supplementation of 1 000 ppm of Cuminum cyminum caused increase of population bactery, Acetic acid and Propionic acid and decrease of NH3 concentration (P0.05). Our conclusion, the level 1 000 ppm of Cuminum cyminum improve to good condition of rumen ecology. It showed to increase bactery rumen (66.02%), decrease NH3 concentration (7.58%), increase asetic acid (49.91%) and propionic acid (29.94 %). Condition of pH rumen is showed in normal condition. (Animal Production 11(3): 160-164 (2009

    Pembuatan Kuis pada Multimedia Pembelajaran Interaktirf dengan Fitur Triggerssoftwarepowerpoint

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    At this time the learning media is one aspect that plays a role in learning. One is the role of media in the form of interactive learning, where students become the center of learning and the teacher as a facilitator and motivator. One aspect that needs to appear on an interactive learning media is the quiz feature. Microsoft Powerpoint is one of the bases that can be used for developing interactive learning media. Through this application the presentation of the evaluation of learning can be realized with interesting, fun, and attract students to focus in evaluation of learning. Techniques or features that can be used are triggers and script macros

    Kesehatan Kerja Pemakai Bike Lift Buatan pada Bengkel Sepeda Motor Konvensional di Kotamadia Padang

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    Background: Maintenance of motorcycle is undertaken bymechanics of authorized and conventional garages.Mechanics of authorized garage use standing position(standard working position), mechanics of conventional garageuse squating position. Either standing or squating position arestatic working position that does not meet the requirement ofhealthy work.Objective: The study aimed to improve static position andsitting-standing position (dynamic position) using bike lift ofmotorcycle with device for sitting.Method: The study was experiment that used pretest-posttestEquivalent Group Design. Location of the study wasconventional garage at Jalan Hercules No. 2 Tanggul Hitam ofPadang Municipality. Subject of the experiment consisted of 16mechanics of conventional garage (16 people) and subject ofcontrol consisted of 16 people of Honda Main Dealer (C.V.Hayati) at Jalan Pemuda 35 Padang. The dependent variableswere weight assessed using Digital Camry Scale, strength ofhand muscles assessed using Dynamometer, workload withpulse indicator assessed using Personal ECG Recorder EP-200©, fatigue with indicator of blood lactate acid assessedusing Accutrend® Lactate. Statistical analysis to identify thedifference used covariance analysis and t-paired test to identifythe difference.Result: 1) There was significant difference in weight betweendynamic position and standard position (p<0.05). Decrease ofweight in dynamic position was less than in standard position,2) there was significant difference in strength of hand musclebetween dynamic position and standard position (p<0.05).Decrease of strength of hand muscle in dynamic positive wasless than in standard position, 3) there was significantdifference in pulse between dynamic position and standardposition (p<0.05). Increase of pulse in dynamic position waslower than in standard position, 4) there was significantdifference in muscle fatigue between dynamic position andstandard position (p<0.05). Increase of muscle fatigue indynamic position was less than in standard position.Conclusion: Dynamic position, viewed from changes invariable of weight, strength of hand muscle, workload, andmuscle fatigue, was better than standard position. Thereforeit was suggested to use dynamic position while working. Forthe government recommended: a). Increasing cooperationamong all motorcycle mechanic in improving the health andsafety, help motorcycle mechanic on preventive and promotiveso avoid accidents. b). Promote and integrate safety and healthprogram between formal and informal mechanics that can beof mutual benefit in the form of increased productivity andresearch and further studies and approaches and the beststrategy to improve the health and safety.Keywords: weight, strength of hand muscle, pulse, fatigu

    Pengaruh Keberadaan Bendung dan Terjunan pada Konsentrasi Oksigen dalam Air

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    Keberadaan bangunan air khususnya bendung dan terjunan yang berfungsi mengatur dan mengendalikan aliran air, sering dianggap sebagai salah satu penyebab kerusakan lingkungan. Kenyataannya dengan adanya olakan dibelakang bangunan tersebut menyebabkan meningkatnya intensitas kontak air dengan udara (proses aerasi), sehingga akan meningkatkan kandungan oksigen dalam air (Dissolved Oxygen – DO), sehingga adanya bendung dan terjunan akan membantu proses memperbaiki diri secara alami pada kualitas air (Self Purification). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan hal tersebut dengan menggunakan parameter utama Bilangan Froude sebagai fungsi kecepatan aliran dan tinggi muka air sekaligus sebagai parameter penentu besarnya olakan akibat aliran air, dan Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sebagai parameter besarnya kandungan oksigen dalam air. Parameter lain yang ditinjau adalah Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) dan Temperatur (oC), dan berfungsi sebagai parameter pendukung. Data hidrolik diukur langsung di lapangan dan sampel air yang diambil di lapangan dianalisa di laboratorium. Analisis hidrolik menghasilkan Bilangan Froude, dan analisis di laboratorium menghasilkan nilai DO dan COD. Analisis regresi dan korelasi digunakan untuk mendapatkan model hubungan antara Bilangan Froude dengan kenaikan kandungan oksigen (Δ-DO), sedang untuk kalibrasi digunakan software QUAL2K. Hasil Penelitian yang didapatkan adalah terbukti adanya peningkatan kandungan oksigen terlarut sejalan dengan pengingkatan besarnya bilangan Froude, dan model fungsi regresi yang terbaik adalah kuadratik regresi. Fungsi-fungsi tersebut adalah : Bendung DO = 0.0165.Fr2 - 0.2832.Fr + 1.4828 R = 0.9990Terjunan DO = 0.0444.Fr2 - 0.4797.Fr + 1.4177 , R = 0.9895 3. Gabungan DO = 0.0023.Fr2 + 0.0060.Fr + 0.0217 R = 0.9976 Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa , nilai COD terbukti tidak mempengaruhi proses peningkatan kandungan oksigen terlarut. Hasil analisis menggunakan software QUAL2K membuktikan bahwa hasil analisis tersebut di atas mempunyai kesamaan

    Evaluasi Kesuksesan E-government: Studi di Kabupaten Sleman dan Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    Artikel ini adalah hasil penelitian yang mengevaluasi kesuksesan implementasi sistem egovernment oleh pemerintah daerah di Indonesia. Bertempat di Kabupaten Sleman dan Kabupaten Tulungagung, penelitian dengan metode kualitatif berbasis studi lapangan ini bertujuan mengetahui pengalaman, respon, umpan Balik dan impresi dari masyarakat para pengguna sistem e-government, khususnya perijinan online. Wawancara semi-terstruktur dilakukan terhadap 12 orang informan yang mewakili beberapa karakteristik demografik, seperti wilayah, jenis kelamin, tempat tinggal, dan kelompok umur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem sukses karena para pengguna merasa puas dan merasakan manfaat dari sistem yang mereka gunakan. Namun demikian hasil penelitian ini juga menggambarkan bahwa sistem ini masih perlu perbaikan untuk peningkatan kualitas dan tingkat kesuksesannya di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini penting bagi akademisi untuk memahami perkembangan egovernment di negara berkembang dan sebagai rerangka teoritis untuk melakukan evaluasi kesuksesan implementasi sistem e-government. Bagi pemerintah daerah, penelitian ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai refleksi untuk peningkatan kualitas sistem e-government

    Kemungkinan Money Laundering dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah

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    One of the prominent activities oforganized crime is to obtain profit that is obtained from Ulicit trafficking indnjgs, convption (foiinstance), orother proceds thatderived or obtained, directly or inderectly, through the commission ofan offence are entered into global financial system, so as if they become the proceed of the crime obtained from legal bussiness.Therefore, the effort to fight against money laundering is a dynamic process, and the organized criminals always seek thenewmethod toembody their illegal aim. One of them hands over their financial contribution to local government head election (Pilkada). The practice of money laundering in the Pilkada election very possibly occurs, because of the conditions which gives opportunity to organized crimes group to laundry their money inPilkada
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