10 research outputs found

    Indeks Sosio-ekonomi Menggunakan Principal Component Analysis

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    In household survey, we could measure socio-economic status through income, expenditure and ownership of valuable goods. Measuring income and ex- penditure in developing countries has many weaknesses, therefore many researchers prefer to use the ownership of valuable goods as proxy of socio-eco- nomic status. Using ownership of valuable goods as proxy indicator creates another problem of having many variables for the socio-economic proxy. To show how to simplify many variables of ownership of valuable goods into 1 socio-economic index. Using prinicpal component analysis with Stata. Using Indonesia Demographic & Health Survey 2002-2003 data, 7 binomial variables of ownership of valuable goods and 3 ordinal variables of housing condition to construct socio-economic indices using principal component analysis (PCA), tetrachoric and polychoric correlation.We used Stata to construct the socio-economic in- dex. Correlation matrices were derived using tetrachoric command for tetrachoric correlation and polychoric command for polychoric correlation. Two socio- economic indices were constructed, 1 index was based only on 7 binomial variables of ownership of valuable goods and 1 index was based on 7 binomial variables of ownership of valuable goods and 3 ordinal variables of housing conditions. PCA was used to construct those 2 indices. In 7 variables model, the socio-economic index could explain 57% variance and in 10 variables model, the socio-economic index could explain 54% variance. We also showed the use of xtile command to regroup the subjects based on quintile of socio-economic indices. PCA, tetrachoric and polychoric correlation could be used to con- struct socio-economic indices based on information of ownership of valueable goods and housing conditions.Key words: Socio-economic indices, principal component analysis, tetrachoric correlation, polychoric correlation.Pada penelitian survei, kita dapat mengukur tingkat status sosio-ekonomi rumah tangga melalui pemasukan, pengeluaran dan kepemilikan barang-barang berharga. Penggunaan variabel pemasukan dan pengeluaran di negara berkembang memiliki banyak kelemahan, sehingga banyak peneliti lebih suka meng- gunakan variabel kepemilikan barang berharga untuk mengukur status sosio-ekpnomi. Namun, penggunaan variabel kepemilikan barang berharga menim- bulkan masalah lain, yaitu banyaknya variabel untuk mengukur status sosio-ekonomi. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah menyederhanakan banyak variabel kepemi- likan barang berharga menjadi 1 indeks sosio-ekonomi. Data yang digunakan adalah data Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia 2002-2003 yang memili- ki 7 variabel binomial tentang kepemilikan barang berharga dan 3 variabel ordinal tentang keadaan rumah untuk membuat indeks sosio-ekonomi. Indeks diben- tuk dengan menggunakan principal component analysis (PCA), korelasi tetrakorik dan polikorik. Kami memperlihatkan bagaimana membuat indeks sosio- ekonomi dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Stata. Matriks korelasi tetrakorik dibentuk dengan perintah tetrachoric dan matriks korelasi polikorik dibentuk den- gan perintah polychoric. Dua indeks sosio-ekonomi dibentuk, 1 indeks berdasarkan 7 variabel binomial kepemilikan barang berharga dan 1 indeks lagi berdasarkan ke 7 variabel binomial tersebut ditambah 3 variabel ordinal kondisi rumah. Kedua indeks dibentuk dengan prosedur PCA. Pada model 7 vari- abel binomial, indeks yang terbentuk dapat menjelaskan 57% varians kepemilikan barang berharga dan pada model 7 variabel binomial ditambah 3 variabel ordinal, indeks dapat menjelaskan 54% varians kepemilikan barang berharga dan kondisi rumah. Kami juga memperlihatkan penggunaan perintah xtile un- tuk membagi subyek penelitian menurut kuintil indeks sosio-ekonomi. PCA, korrelasi tetrakorik dan polikorik dapat digunakan untuk membentuk indeks so- sio-ekonomi berdasarakan informasi tentang kepemilikan barang berharga dan kondisi rumah

    Penggugusan Provinsi di Indonesia Berdasarkan Kondisi Kesehatan

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    Untuk melaksanakan penelitian di Indonesia yang dapat mewakili 33 provinsi, sampling bertahap banyak dilakukan, dan tahap awalnya adalah memilih provinsi. Pada penelitian bidang kesehatan, agar provinsi terpilih mewakili kondisi kesehatan penduduk Indonesia, seyogyanya provinsi dikelompokkan berdasarkan variabel terkait kesehatan. Untuk itu, secara statistik dapat dilakukan analisis gugus (cluster analysis) memakai data dari berbagai sumber, dengan 27 variabel mencakup prevalensi beberapa penyakit infeksi dan status gizi, akses ke pelayanan kesehatan, status demografi, indeks pembangunan manusia, dan aspek keuangan. Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa ada 4 gugus provinsi di Indonesia, pada masing-masing gugus terdapat sebanyak 4, 8, 7, dan 14 provinsi. Proses penggugusan dengan analisis gugus semacam ini dapat diterapkan dengan memakai data yang diperbaharui dan hasilnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu pertimbangan untuk sampling provinsi di Indonesia.Amultistage sampling procedure is often used in conducting a research that represents all 33 provinces in Indonesia, and the first step for the procedure is the sample selection of provinces. In the area of health research, it is recommended that the province selection is based on the stratification of provinces using health related variables. Cluster analysis is a statistical technique possibly employed utilizing data from many sources. In this particular application, it involves 27 important health variables which reflect important communicable diseases and nutritional status, access to health services, demographic situation, human development index, and financial factor. This cluster analysis produces four clusters of province, with each of them comprising of 4, 8, 7, and 14 provinces. This statistical clustering technique of provinces can be implemented and considered in the sampling process of provinces in Indonesia using the updated data

    Normal Histological Appearances of the Duodenum Jejunum and Terminal Ileum in Indonesian People

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    Background: There is no literature specifically on the normal appearance of small bowel mucosa amongst Indonesians. Diseases of the small bowel can cause chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea is common in Indonesia. Methods: Thirty seven patients with normal stomach and small bowel on endoscopic and histopathologic examination were included in this study. Biopsies were taken from the duodenal bulb, descending part of duodenum, jejunum and terminal ileum. The scoring Method for the inflammatory cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophil cells) was carried out using the symbols 0 (negative), +, ++, and +++. Results: The mean height of the villi of the duodenal bulb was 265.00 ± 81.89 mm, the mean height of the crypts of the duodenal bulb was 196.67 ± 56.01 mm, the mean width of the villi were 59.14 ± 74.14 mm. The mean height of the villi of the duodenum pars descendens was 317.27 ± 99.66 mm and the mean height of the crypts was 218.79 ± 84.66 mm. The mean height of the villi of the jejunum was 341.76 ± 76.06 mm and the mean height of the crypts was 189.41 ± 58.15 mm. The mean height of the villi of the terminal ileum was 235.41 ± 73.32 mm, and the mean height of the crypts was 186.22 ± 64.09 mm. Conclusion: Histologically, the mean height of the villi of the normal small bowel was between 235.41 ± 73.32 to 341.76 ± 76.06 mm and the mean height of the crypts of the normal small bowel was between 186.22 ± 64.09 to 218.79 ± 84.66 mm

    Diseases in Chronic Non-infective Diarrhea

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    Background: Chronic diarrhea is common in Indonesia. The chronic non-infective diarrhea cases seem to be increasing recently. The aim of this study is to reveal the pattern of diseases that can cause chronic non-infective diarrhea. Methods: We examined all patients suffering from chronic non-infective diarrhea over a six years period. The patients underwent physical examination and performed laboratory tests, colon enema X-ray, colonoscopy, ileoscopy, upper gastrointestnal endoscopy and small bowel X-ray. Result: Chronic non-infective diarrhea was observed in 107 (51.7%) cases from 207 chronic diarrhea cases respectively. The frequently found abnormalities that had caused chronic non-infective diarrhea were carbohydrate maldigestion (62.61%), colorectal cancer (14.01%), Crohn's disease (11.21%), ulcerative colitis (9.34%), irritable bowel syndrome (8.41%), colorectal polyp (8.41%) etc. Conclusion: The most frequent abnormality found in chronic non-infective diarrhea was maldigestion

    Abnormalities of the Small Bowel in Chronic Non-Infective Diarrhea: a Histopathological Study

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    Background: The incidence of chronic non-infectious diarrhea cases is increasing in line with the developments of medical technology and science. The objective of this study was to uncover the histopathologic abnormalities of the small bowel in cases of chronic non-infectious diarrhea. Methods: All chronic non-infectious diarrhea patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from 1996 until 2000 were included in this study. For the control group, we used 37 endoscopically-normal patients with functional dyspepia with the same characteristics (sex and age). All of the patients underwent gastroduodeno-jejunoscopic and ileocolonoscopic examinations. Patients with infection were excluded from this study. Biopsies were taken from the duodenal bulb, descending duodenum, jejunum near the Treitz ligament, terminal ileum, and colon. Histopathological tests were performed on all of the biopsies. Result: Histopathological examination was carried out on 31 patients and 37 control patients. In the duodenal bulb, the width of villi, lymphocyte infiltration, eosinophil infiltration, stage of inflammation, and polymorphonuclear cells infiltration were all lower in the chronic non-infectious diarrhea group than in the control group (p < 0.01). In the descending part of duodenum and jejunum, lymphocyte infiltration, the stage of inflammation, and polymorphonuclear cell infiltration were found to be higher in the chronic non-infectious diarrhea group than in the control group (p< 0.01). Within the terminal ileum, lymphocyte infiltration, the stage of inflammation and lymphoid follicle hyperplasia were found to be higher in the chronic non-infectious diarrhea group than in the control group (p< 0.01). Conclusion: Histopathologically, increased lymphocyte infiltration, inflammation and lymphoid follicle hyperplasia were discovered in specified areas of small intestine in chronic non-infectious diarrhea patients