417 research outputs found

    Marriage Law and Divorce Based on Adat Law in Bali

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    Bali with the majority of its population embracing Hindu religion with patrilineai and caste system, in Marital law in force a national law Marriage Act No. 1174, which still allows the enforcement of the customary adat law. Those are of course influence the characteristic of the marriage and divorce, especially the type of marriage and the consequences of the status of wife and husband in marriage, right and obligation, authority over the children and properties. Furthermore, the status of wife I women if divorce take place, The women I wife as a widow is not automaticaliy return to her family of origin according to the type of marriage and the caste between husband and wife and many conditions must be fulfilled, if the conditions are not fulfilled, the divorced women will be trapped in uncertain and problematic status position, in which the man /male always get the benefit in all kind of way

    Eksistensi Otonomi Desa Pakraman di Bali dalam Kerangka Otonomi Daerah Khususnya dalam Pengelolaan Obyek Wisata

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    Traditional village (Pakraman) is an indigenous people who have the authority to manage his own household, and the authority was born out of thevillage so it is often referred to as having genuine autonomy. On the other handwith the establishment of the state covering the entire area of the country wherethe indigenous villages were then raised the issue regarding the implementationof autonomy in relation to the traditional village authorities also state that givesautonomy to the region in accordance with the centralized system that wasfollowed. Thats why it is necessary to examine the existence of a traditionalvillage in Bali autonomy within the framework of regional autonomy especially intourist object management. This study were classified in empirical legal research can be seen in thestudy area were selected using purposive sampling method, it can be seen thatinitially the traditional village autonomy is not recognized in the context ofmanaging a tourist object because of the traditional village is not at all involvedin the management of tourist objects. It was only through an uphill battle, evenwith through demonstrations, traditional village involved in the management of atourist attraction. In the original development management involving privateparties as well as third party, then is only managed as a form of cooperationbetween local government and the Desa Pakraman only somewhat proportionaloutcomes assessed, although there are groups of people who do not approve evensueing Bendesa Desa Pakraman. The cooperation in tourism managementproficiency level set forth in a letter of the Collective Agreement between theGovernment and Bendesa Desa Pakraman

    Analisis Pengaruh Panjang Kupasan Dan Perubahan Suhu Terhadap Pancaran Intensitas Pada Serat Ooptik Plastik Multimode Tipe FD-620-10

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai analisis pengaruh pemberiankupasan jacket dan cladding pada serat optik plastik mode jamaktipe FD-620-10 terhadap Perubahan suhu dengan menggunakandetektor silikon dan BF5R-D1-N. Penelitian dilakukan dengantujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kenaikan suhu terhadap losspada serat optik plastik dan mengetahui kemampuan detektorsilikon dan BF5R-D1-N dalam pengukuran tegangan dan intensitaspada variasi panjang kupasan. Variasi panjang kupasan yangdigunakan adalah 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, dan 80 mm. Pengukurandilakukan pada range suhu 30ºC - 75ºC dengan pengambilan datasetiap kenaikan 1ºC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakintinngi suhu di daerah sensing, semakin besar loss yang terjadiakibat adanya pemuaian termal di daerah sensing yangmenyebabkan penurunan indeks bias core. Detektor silikonmampu mendeteksi Perubahan intensitas cahaya dan bekerjaoptimal pada serat optik dengan panjang kupasan 80 mm BF5RD1-N dapat merespon Perubahan intensitas cahaya dan bekerjaoptimal pada serat optik dengan panjang kupasan 30 mm

    Perawatan Ulang Saluran Akar Insisivus Lateralis Kiri Maksila Dengan Medikamen Kalsium Hidroksida-Chlorhexidine

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    Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan terapi endodontik antara lain pembersihan dan membentuk saluran akar yang tidak sempurna dan obturasi tidak hermetis sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya kemampuan untuk menghilangkan mikroorganisme yang ada. Saluran akar yang terinfeksi membutuhkan suatu medikamen untuk menunjang keberhasilan dalam perawatan saluran akar.Kalsium hidroksida merupakan salah satu bahan medikamen yang efektif karena memiliki sifat antibakteri dengan spektrum luas, pH tinggi, biokompatibilitas baik, mampu menetralkan endotoksin bakteri, memiliki sifat toksik yang paling rendah, serta menstimulasi pembentukan jaringan keras. Tujuan laporan kasus untuk menunjukan keberhasilan perawatan ulang saluran akar gigi insisivus lateralis kiri maksila dengan lesi periapikal menggunakan medikamen kalsium hidroksida- chlorhexidine. Pasien wanita umur 53 tahun, gigi insisivus lateralis kiri maksila dengan lesi periapikal.Radiografi tampak obturasi kurang hermetis dan radiolusen daerah periapikal. Perawatan ulang saluran akar,diikuti pemasangan pasak fiber frefabricated dan restorasi porselin fuse metal.Keseimpulan setelah evaluasi setelah enam bulan pasca perawatan ulang saluran akar, radiografi menunjukan radiolusen mengecil dan gigi dapat berfungsi dengan normal.Re-Treatment of Root Canal of Maxillary Left Lateral Incisor with Calcium Hydroxide-Chlorhexidine Medicament. There are many factors that cause failure of endodontic therapy. For instances, incomplete cleaning and shaping of root canal and inadequate obturation that results in difficulty to remove the microorganisms. Infected root canal requires a medicament for the success of the root canal treatment. Calcium hydroxide is one of the effective ingredients as medicament because it has broad spectrum antibacterial properties, high pH, good biocompatibility, and it is able to neutralize bacterial endotoxins, decrease tissue toxicity, and stimulate the formation of hard tissue. The purpose of this case report is to show the success of root canal treatment of the left maxillary lateral incisor with periapical lesions using calcium hydroxide-chlorhexidine medicaments. The patient was a woman aged 53, complaining about her left maxillary lateral incisor with periapical lesion. Based on the radiographic evaluation, there was less hermetic obturation and a radiolucent in the periapical. Root canal re-treatment was continued with fiber prefabricated post and porcelain fused to metal crown. After six months of evaluation and endodontic retreatment, it is found that there is a decrease of radiolucency periapical lesion, and her teeth are able to function normally

    Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L) Dengan Pemberian Abu Janjang Kelapa Sawit Dan Pupuk Npk Pada Medium Gambut

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of interaction award palm bunch ash and fertilizers NPK, as well as getting the best treatment dose to the growth of cocoa seedlings in peat medium. The study conducted an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with two factors and three replications. The first factor dose palm bunch ash (0, 28,125, 56,25, 112,5 g/polybeg), while the second factor is the dose of fertilizer NPK (3,75, 7,5 g/polybeg). The result showed that the oil palm bunch ash and fertilizer NPK significantly effect the number of leaves, leaf area, the ratio of the canopy and root dry weight of cacao seeds, but the effect was not significant on seedling height and stem diameter. Award bunch ash palm and NPK can enhance the growth of cocoa seedlings. Oil palm bunch ash 112,5 g/polybag with fertilizer NPK 7,5 g/polybag is the best dose

    Dasar Hukum Notaris dalam Pembuatan Surat Keterangan Waris

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    There is no provision that explicitly regulate the notaries in making of a declaration of inheritance for the European, Chinese or Tionghoa, Foreign Easterners (except for Arabs Moeslems), although there has been the Regulation of the Minister of State for Agrarian Affairs / Head of National Land Agency Number 3 Year 1997 on the Implementation of the Provisions of the Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Registration, that stipulates about the Certificate of Inheritance made ??by the public notary. However, this Regulation of the Minister of State is not classified as any type of legislation. In addition to being included in the category Regulation of the Minister of State for Agrarian Affairs / Head of National Land Agency Number 3 Year 1997 on the Implementation of the Provisions of the Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Registration made ??by the Minister of state for agrarian affairs applies only internally, in the sense that the decision is not binding general. Therefore, the researcher will answer and analyze the legal basis for the making of a notary certificate of inheritance, and identify the legal nature of the certificate of inheritance

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan Berbagai Dosis Pupuk Urea terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guien Eensis Jacq.) di Main Nursery

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    This study aims to determine the effect of chiken manure and various doses of urea fertilizer on Palm Oil seedling growth (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) in the Main Nursery, as well as to obtain the best combination of treatments. This research lasted from August 2013 to November 2013 at Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau. Research arranged experimentally using Completely Randomized Design (CRD), 2 factors with 3 replications. First factor: Chiken Manure K0 (Without treatment) K1 (25 g/polybag) and K2 (50 g / polybagy), and second factor: Urea Fertilizer U0 (without treatment), U1 (0.45 g/polybag) U2 (0.91g/polybag) and U3 (1.82 g/polybag). Parameters measured were additional seeds height, additonal stump diameter, additional number of leaves, root volume, shoot root ratio and dry weight. Data were analyzed using the F test and test of Duncan New's Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) 5%. The results shows the use of chicken manure reveal significant value on increasing the stump diameter, shoot root ratio and dry weight of plants and the use of urea fertilizer effect on all parameters, increasing the plant height, diameter of the stump, number of leaves, root volume, shoot root ratio and dry weight of plants, while the combination of chiken manure and urea fertilizer reveal no effect on all parameters
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