14 research outputs found

    Silent Simon: A Threshold Implementation under 100 Slices

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    Lightweight Cryptography aims at achieving security comparable to conventional cryptography at a much lower cost. Simon is a lightweight alternative to AES, as it shares same cryptographic parameters, but has been shown to be extremely area-efficient on FPGAs. However, in the embedded setting, protection against side channel analysis is often required. In this work we present a threshold implementation of Simon. The proposed core splits the information between three shares and achieves provable security against first order side-channel attacks. The core can be implemented in less than 100 slices of a low-cost FPGA, making it the world smallest threshold implementation of a block-cipher. Hence, the proposed core perfectly suits highly-constrained embedded systems including sensor nodes and RFIDs. Security of the proposed core is validated by provable arguments as well as practical DPA attacks and tests for leakage quantification

    Locally Decodable and Updatable Non-Malleable Codes in the Bounded Retrieval Model

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    In a recent result, Dachman-Soled et al.(TCC \u2715) proposed a new notion called locally decodable and updatable non-malleable codes, which informally, provides the security guarantees of a non-malleable code while also allowing for efficient random access. They also considered locally decodable and updatable non-malleable codes that are leakage-resilient, allowing for adversaries who continually leak information in addition to tampering. The bounded retrieval model (BRM) (cf. [Alwen et al., CRYPTO \u2709] and [Alwen et al., EUROCRYPT \u2710]) has been studied extensively in the setting of leakage resilience for cryptographic primitives. This threat model assumes that an attacker can learn information about the secret key, subject only to the constraint that the overall amount of leaked information is upper bounded by some value. The goal is then to construct cryptosystems whose secret key length grows with the amount of leakage, but whose runtime (assuming random access to the secret key) is independent of the leakage amount. In this work, we combine the above two notions and construct locally decodable and updatable non-malleable codes in the split-state model, that are secure against bounded retrieval adversaries. Specifically, given leakage parameter l, we show how to construct an efficient, 3-split-state, locally decodable and updatable code (with CRS) that is secure against one-time leakage of any polynomial time, 3-split-state leakage function whose output length is at most l, and one-time tampering via any polynomial-time 3-split-state tampering function. The locality we achieve is polylogarithmic in the security parameter

    Balanced Encoding to Mitigate Power Analysis: A Case Study

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    Most side channel countermeasures for software implementations of cryptography either rely on masking or randomize the execution order of the cryptographic implementation. This work proposes a countermeasure that has constant leakage in common linear leakage models. Constant leakage is achieved not only for internal state values, but also for their transitions. The proposed countermeasure provides perfect protection in the theoretical leakage model. To study the practical relevance of the proposed countermeasure, it is applied to a software implementation of the block cipher Prince. This case study allows us to give realistic values for resulting implementation overheads as well as for the resulting side channel protection levels that can be achieved in realistic implementation scenarios

    Partial Key Exposure in Ring-LWE-Based Cryptosystems: Attacks and Resilience

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    We initiate the study of partial key exposure in ring-LWE-based cryptosystems. Specifically, we - Introduce the search and decision Leaky-RLWE assumptions (Leaky-SRLWE, Leaky-DRLWE), to formalize the hardness of search/decision RLWE under leakage of some fraction of coordinates of the NTT transform of the RLWE secret and/or error. - Present and implement an efficient key exposure attack that, given certain 1/41/4-fraction of the coordinates of the NTT transform of the RLWE secret, along with RLWE instances, recovers the full RLWE secret for standard parameter settings. - Present a search-to-decision reduction for Leaky-RLWE for certain types of key exposure. - Analyze the security of NewHope key exchange under partial key exposure of 1/81/8-fraction of the secrets and error. We show that, assuming that Leaky-DRLWE is hard for these parameters, the shared key vv (which is then hashed using a random oracle) is computationally indistinguishable from a random variable with average min-entropy 238238, conditioned on transcript and leakage, whereas without leakage the min-entropy is 256256

    On the Leakage Resilience of Ring-LWE Based Public Key Encryption

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    We consider the leakage resilience of the Ring-LWE analogue of the Dual-Regev encryption scheme (R-Dual-Regev for short), originally presented by Lyubashevsky et al.~(Eurocrypt \u2713). Specifically, we would like to determine whether the R-Dual-Regev encryption scheme remains IND-CPA secure, even in the case where an attacker leaks information about the secret key. We consider the setting where RR is the ring of integers of the mm-th cyclotomic number field, for mm which is a power-of-two, and the Ring-LWE modulus is set to q1modmq \equiv 1 \mod m. This is the common setting used in practice and is desirable in terms of the efficiency and simplicity of the scheme. Unfortunately, in this setting RqR_q is very far from being a field so standard techniques for proving leakage resilience in the general lattice setting, which rely on the leftover hash lemma, do not apply. Therefore, new techniques must be developed. In this work, we put forth a high-level approach for proving the leakage resilience of the R-Dual-Regev scheme, by generalizing the original proof of Lyubashevsky et al.~(Eurocrypt \u2713). We then give three instantiations of our approach, proving that the R-Dual-Regev remains IND-CPA secure in the presence of three natural, non-adaptive leakage classes

    BKW Meets Fourier: New Algorithms for LPN with Sparse Parities

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    We consider the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem with sparse secret, where the secret vector s\textbf{s} of dimension nn has Hamming weight at most kk. We are interested in algorithms with asymptotic improvement in the exponent\textit{exponent} beyond the state of the art. Prior work in this setting presented algorithms with runtime nckn^{c \cdot k} for constant c<1c < 1, obtaining a constant factor improvement over brute force search, which runs in time (nk){n \choose k}. We obtain the following results: - We first consider the constant\textit{constant} error rate setting, and in this case present a new algorithm that leverages a subroutine from the acclaimed BKW algorithm [Blum, Kalai, Wasserman, J.~ACM \u2703] as well as techniques from Fourier analysis for pp-biased distributions. Our algorithm achieves asymptotic improvement in the exponent compared to prior work, when the sparsity k=k(n)=nlog1+1/c(n)k = k(n) = \frac{n}{\log^{1+ 1/c}(n)}, where co(loglog(n))c \in o(\log \log(n)) and cω(1)c \in \omega(1). The runtime and sample complexity of this algorithm are approximately the same. - We next consider the low noise\textit{low noise} setting, where the error is subconstant. We present a new algorithm in this setting that requires only a polynomial\textit{polynomial} number of samples and achieves asymptotic improvement in the exponent compared to prior work, when the sparsity k=1ηlog(n)log(f(n))k = \frac{1}{\eta} \cdot \frac{\log(n)}{\log(f(n))} and noise rate of η1/2\eta \neq 1/2 and η2=(log(n)nf(n))\eta^2 = \left(\frac{\log(n)}{n} \cdot f(n)\right), for f(n)ω(1)no(1)f(n) \in \omega(1) \cap n^{o(1)}. To obtain the improvement in sample complexity, we create subsets of samples using the design\textit{design} of Nisan and Wigderson [J.~Comput.~Syst.~Sci. \u2794], so that any two subsets have a small intersection, while the number of subsets is large. Each of these subsets is used to generate a single pp-biased sample for the Fourier analysis step. We then show that this allows us to bound the covariance of pairs of samples, which is sufficient for the Fourier analysis. - Finally, we show that our first algorithm extends to the setting where the noise rate is very high 1/2o(1)1/2 - o(1), and in this case can be used as a subroutine to obtain new algorithms for learning DNFs and Juntas. Our algorithms achieve asymptotic improvement in the exponent for certain regimes. For DNFs of size ss with approximation factor ϵ\epsilon this regime is when logsϵω(clognloglogc)\log \frac{s}{\epsilon} \in \omega \left( \frac{c}{\log n \log \log c}\right), and logsϵn1o(1)\log \frac{s}{\epsilon} \in n^{1 - o(1)}, for cn1o(1)c \in n^{1 - o(1)}. For Juntas of kk the regime is when kω(clognloglogc)k \in \omega \left( \frac{c}{\log n \log \log c}\right), and kn1o(1)k \in n^{1 - o(1)}, for cn1o(1)c \in n^{1 - o(1)}

    A finite element model for the thermo-elastic analysis of functionally graded porous nanobeams

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    In this study, for the first time, a nonlocal finite element model is proposed to analyse thermo-elastic behaviour of imperfect functionally graded porous nanobeams (P-FG) on the basis of nonlocal elasticity theory and employing a double-parameter elastic foundation. Temperature-dependent material properties are considered for the P-FG nanobeam, which are assumed to change continuously through the thickness based on the power-law form. The size effects are incorporated in the framework of the nonlocal elasticity theory of Eringen. The equations of motion are achieved based on first-order shear deformation beam theory through Hamilton's principle. Based on the obtained numerical results, it is observed that the proposed beam element can provide accurate buckling and frequency results for the P-FG nanobeams as compared with some benchmark results in the literature. The detailed variational and finite element procedure are presented and numerical examinations are performed. A parametric study is performed to investigate the influence of several parameters such as porosity volume fraction, porosity distribution, thermal loading, material graduation, nonlocal parameter, slenderness ratio and elastic foundation stiffness on the critical buckling temperature and the nondimensional fundamental frequencies of the P-FG nanobeams. Based on the results of this study, a porous FG nanobeam has a higher thermal buckling resistance and natural frequency compared to a perfect FG nanobeam. Also, uniform distributions of porosity result in greater critical buckling temperatures and vibration frequencies, in comparison with functional distributions of porosities

    Algorithms for Reconstructing Databases and Cryptographic Secret Keys in Entropic Settings

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    A small amount of information leakage can undermine the security of a design that is otherwise considered secure. Many studies demonstrate how common leakages such as power consumption, electromagnetic emission, and the time required to perform certain operations can reveal information, such as the secret key of a cryptosystem. As a first contribution, in this work, we explore the possibility of cache attacks, a type of timing side-channel attack, in a new setting, namely, data processing. Later we show an improved attack on Learning Parity with Noise problems with a sparse secret. We propose two algorithms that are asymptotically faster than state-of-the-art. Finally, we show that the structure presented in RLWE constructions, in contrast to LWE constructions, opens up new attacks. Constructions based on LWE can be proven secure as long as the secret retains enough entropy. We show, however, that constructions based on RLWE can be completely broken even if the secret key retains 3/4 of its entropy